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Lecture 26: The Last Deglaciation

Lecture 26: The Last Deglaciation. Ch. 13. (21-6k yrs ago). The Last Deglaciation. Ch. 13, p. 229-239. What factors controlled the climate during 21-6k yrs ago?. When did the ice sheets melt?. How did sea level respond?. What happened to deglacial meltwater and landscapes?.

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Lecture 26: The Last Deglaciation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 26: The Last Deglaciation Ch. 13

  2. (21-6k yrs ago) The Last Deglaciation Ch. 13, p. 229-239 • What factors controlled the climate during 21-6k yrs ago? • When did the ice sheets melt? • How did sea level respond? • What happened to deglacial meltwater and landscapes? • Mid-deglacial cooling: The Younger Dryas

  3. Causes of Climate Change During Deglaciation Climate controls: 21k yrs ago Larger ice sheets Lower CO2 (190 ppm) 21-6k yrs ago Higher summer insolation Higher CO2 (280 ppm)

  4. When Did the Ice Sheets Melt? The North American ice sheets began to retreat 15k 14C years ago, disappeared completely by 6k 14C years ago. The retreat of the ice sheet margins can be determined by radiocarbon dating. The retreat timing agrees with the Milankovitch theory (Chapter 9).

  5. Isotopes of Carbon: C Stable C: p = 6 12C: p = 6; n = 6 Abundant isotope 13C: p = 6; n = 7 Rare isotope 13C/12C ≈ 1/90. Radioactive C: p = 6. Radioactive isotope = parent isotope 14C: p = 6; n = 8 Very rare isotope!

  6. •Properties of radioactive decay: • Decay is an energy-releasing process.. • Decay is a statistical process.

  7. Half-life Graph • See an animation of this relationship, courtesy of MSU

  8. •Properties of radioactive decay: • Decay is an energy-releasing process. • Decay is a statistical process. • Each radioactive isotope decays at a specific rate. Half-life: the length of time required for one-half of a beginning number of radioactive atoms to decay. Half-life: t1/2. For 14C, t1/2 = 5730 years.

  9. The 14C Method • Create 14C in the upper atmosphere by cosmic-ray bombardment. Convert to atmospheric 14CO2 gas. (Within months to a year or two. . .) • Mix the 14C into rapidly exchanging reservoirs. Examples: vegetation, animal tissue. Result: a steady-state concentration of ”live” 14C in the reservoir.

  10. The steady-state concentration of 14C in the “live” reservoir is about one atom per trillion atoms of stable 12C and 13C. It is equivalent to 1/20 of a drop of water relative to the capacity of this Olympic swimming pool. Jeff Wilcox

  11. The 14C Method • Create 14C in the upper atmosphere by cosmic-ray bombardment. Convert to 14CO2 gas. (Within months to a year or two. . .) • Mix the 14C into rapidly exchanging reservoirs. Examples: vegetation, animal tissue. Result: a steady-state concentration of ”live” carbon 14C in the reservoir. • Isolate a local reservoir from the “live” reservoir. Example: a tree ring dies at the end of the growing season. (After years, centuries, as much as 10s of thousands of years. . .) • Analyze how much 14C remains; calculate an age.

  12. Half-life Graph – Parent Only Parent 1 7/8 3/4 Fraction of total atoms 1/2 1/4 1/8 1 2 3 4 Time, in half-lives

  13. Can the 14C method give wrong answers?

  14. When Did the Ice Sheets Melt?

  15. What is the best worldwide record of ice sheet melting? Tropical coral reefs far from the polar ice sheets Coral reefs grow in warm tropical ocean and just below sea level. As sea level rises and falls, coral reefs migrate upslope and downslope. Why? Coral reef terraces in New Guinea (above sea level). Where are old coral reefs? Barbados in the Caribbean (submerged corals) Therefore, ancient coral reefs function as a dipsticks measuring sea level and indicating ice volume on land.

  16. Deglacial Rise in Sea Level: Fast-Slow-Fast Rose quickly after 12k yrs ago Rose quickly before 14k yrs ago

  17. Glitches in the Deglaciation: Deglacial Two-step Data from corals off Barbados in the Caribbean

  18. Local Meltwater Pulses Data from corals off Barbados in the Caribbean Data from CaCO3 shells of ocean plankton from the Gulf of Mexico and from the Norwegian Sea

  19. Mid-Deglacial Cooling: The Younger Dryas Data from corals off Barbados in the Caribbean The mid-deglacial pause in ice melting was accompanied by a brief cold reversal. During this episode, Dryas (an Arctic plant) appeared in Europe – the Younger Dryas event.

  20. Dryas octopetalas Michael Haferkamp

  21. The Younger Dryas Cold Reversal Data from corals off Barbados in the Caribbean Deglacial ice accumulation in Greenland

  22. Proglacial Lakes Moving North

  23. Glacial Lakes

  24. Routes of Meltwater Flow

  25. Deglacial Flooding of Coastlines

  26. The Earth’s Climate History • Over the last century, the earth’s surface temperature has increased by about 0.75°C (about 1.35°F). • Little Ice Age = 1350 A.D. – 1850 A.D. (N.H. temperature was lower by 0.5°C, alpine glaciers increased; few sunspots, low solar output) • Medieval Warm Period = 950 A.D. – 1,250 A.D. (N.H. warm and dry, Vikings colonized Iceland & Greenland) • Holocene Maximum = 5,000-6,000 ybp (1°C warmer than now, warmest of the current interglacial period) • Younger-Dryas Event = 12,000 ybp (sudden drop in temperature and portions of N.H. reverted back to glacial conditions) • Last Glacial Maximum = 21,000 ybp (maximum North American continental glaciers, lower sea level exposed Bering land bridge allowing human migration from Asia to North America) • We are presently living in a long-term Icehouse climate period, which is comprised of shorter-term glacial (e.g., 21,000 ybp) and interglacial (e.g., today) periods. There were four periods of Icehouse prior to the current one. • For most of the earth’s history, the climate was much warmer than today.

  27. Thank You!

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