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Financial Aid Guide for Nursing Students 2012-2013

Learn about different financial aid options including scholarships, grants, and loans for nursing students at the School of Nursing. Discover eligibility requirements and how to apply for financial aid. Get insights on the financial aid disbursement process and estimated cost of attendance.

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Financial Aid Guide for Nursing Students 2012-2013

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  1. Financial Aid Information for 2012-2013 Welcome School of Nursing Students

  2. How Do I Pay For My Nursing Education Outside Scholarship: Students may apply for scholarships awarded “outside” of the TTUHSC school. *http://www.finaid.com/scholarships *http://fastweb.com *http://collegenet.com School of Nursing Scholarships: Students may apply for scholarships awarded by the School of Nursing as funds become available. Please note FAFSA is required to apply for SON Scholarships. *http://www.ttuhsc.edu/son/Scholarships/Scholarshipinfo.aspx Personal Savings: Live frugally now and while in school. Family: Use cash gifts from family and friends for school costs. Financial Aid: Apply every year. The TTUHSC Award Year begins with each Summer semester and ends with each Spring semester.

  3. What is Financial Aid • Financial Aid is defined as assistance to pay for your educational expenses. These expenses include tuition, fees, books, supplies, instruments and living expenses while in school. Any assistance is considered “financial aid” regardless of the source. • These sources include: • Grants: Funds from Federal and State sources that DO NOT require repayment • Scholarships: State, Institutional, & Organizational funds that DO NOT require repayment • Loan Programs: Federal & Private funds that MUST be paid back

  4. Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements • To be eligible to receive financial aid you must be: • admitted and matriculated in a degree granting program. Students admitted as “special” or “provisional” may be eligible to receive financial aid for up to twelve hours, while progressing toward a regular student status. Contact our office for details; • enrolled at least half-time • Undergraduate half-time status: 6 credit hours • Graduate half-time status: 5 credit hours, 3 credit hours for Summer semesters; • a U.S. Citizen or a Permanent Resident. Some types of financial aid also require Texas Residency; • in compliance with the TTUHSC Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. • The TTUHSC Financial Aid Office reserves the right to request any additional information required by regulation to validate your financial status.

  5. How do I apply for Financial Aid Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)-www.fafsa.ed.gov A FAFSA PIN number will be required to complete and sign your application. The FAFSA PIN may be retrieved from the PIN website, www.pin.ed.gov. (Please note, Dependent students will require their parents to also sign the FAFSA application with their own, separate PIN. Dependency is determined by the FAFSA application.) The school code for Texas Tech Health Sciences Center is: 016024 We are NOT Texas Tech University. The school code for TTUHSC must be listed on your FAFSA in order for our office to receive your data.

  6. What to Expect When Applying for Financial Aid Once our office receives FAFSA data, you will be contacted by our office via email with information on your financial aid awards/eligibility/missing documentation. You will receive your financial aid award notification via your TTUHSC email account once you have a completed file with our office. The email you will receive will direct you to the Web Raider portal site, http://webraider.ttuhsc.edu, where you will be able to view and accept your financial aid offer online. Any grant or scholarship awarded to you do not require you to take action to accept the award online. Our office assumes you want the “free money” so these awards are automatically accepted for you. There is no deadline to accept any student loan offer made to you. There are additional requirements necessary if you decide to accept a loan offer. The Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) requirements must be completed online at www.studentloans.gov. Information on these requirements are found when you access your financial aid information online.

  7. What to Expect Cont. Once all requirements have been completed for your financial aid, your awards will be disbursed 10 days prior to the first day of class (according to the school calendar) to cover your tuition and fee costs for you. All students will receive a bill from Student Business Services requesting payment by dates set by their office once students have registered for classes. This date is normally before the scheduled disbursement date of financial aid. Those on financial aid do not have to pay by this date, as your financial aid awards will be disbursed 10 days prior to the first day of class to cover these expenses for you (assuming you have completed all requirements necessary for your financial aid). Refunds for any financial aid left over after your tuition and fee bill has been paid in full are processed by Student Business Services 2-3 business days after your financial aid has disbursed either by direct deposit or by paper check (mail).

  8. Estimated Cost of Attendance (Financial Aid Budget) The estimated cost of attendance includes the following: Tuition/Fees Transportation Books/Supplies Personal/Miscellaneous Housing/Food Loan Fees Example: Undergrad Nursing (12 month)Graduate Nursing (12 month) Estimated total budget $32,362 Estimated total budget $36,890 The cost of attendance figures are estimated based on the program you will enter for 2012-2013. Financial aid must be able to provide assistance for any educated related expense you may incur by attending our institution. This does not mean you will be offered financial aid up to the figures listed in your financial aid budget. However, it does mean our office can not exceed the financial aid budget in producing a financial aid package for you.

  9. Federal Financial Aid Loan Programs Federal Perkins Loan: This loan is awarded based on financial need and availability of funds. For information on interest rate, loan limits, etc., please visit http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/campusaid.jsp#03 Direct Subsidized Loan: This loan is awarded based on financial need. For information on this loan, please visit: http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/studentloans.jsp. Direct Unsubsidized Loan: Non-need based loan. For information on this loan, please visit: http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/studentloans.jsp Direct Parent PLUS Loan: This loan is available to Parents of Dependent students. For information on this loan, please visit: http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/parentloans.jsp. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan: This loan is available to Graduate and Professional Degree students. For more information on this loan, please visit: http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/PlusLoansGradProfstudents.jsp.

  10. Other Financial Aid Programs VA Benefits: The Veterans (VA) coordinator for TTUHSC is located in the Registrar's Officeand may be contacted at 806.743.2300. Hazelwood Act: For Texas veterans, who have exhausted their eligibility for federal benefits (including VA, PELL Grants, S.E.O.G., and others), this Act will waive tuition charges. See the schools veterans (VA) counselor for further details. Indian Health Service (IHS) Loan Repayment Program: http://www.ihs.gov/JobsCareerDevelop/DHPS/LRP/. Students may receive up to $20,000 per year toward the repayment of your qualified student loans in exchange for an initial two-year service obligation to practice full time at an Indian Health program site. U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy Financial Assistance Programs: http://www.finaid.org/military/recruiting.phtml.

  11. Other Financial Aid Programs Outstanding Rural Scholar Recognition Program (ORSRP): ORSRP is a competitive forgiveness loan program that assists rural communities in “growing their own” health care professionals. The program matches the funds of a rural sponsoring organization with State Office of Rural Health funds to support a health professional student (or nominee).  Upon licensure, the health care professional returns to the rural sponsor to practice as a clinician for the amount of time they received funding through the program.  A candidate for this program may be a graduating high school student or a college student (see eligibility below for GPA requirements).  Nominees must be a Texas resident, nominated by an organization in a rural county of Texas and attend a college or university in Texas.http://www.tdra.state.tx.us/TxDRA/programs/sorh/Grants/ORSProgram.aspx TTUHSC Rural and Community Health Student Programs: The F. Marie Hall Institute for Rural and Community Health offers several opportunities to assist students, who are interested in a career in rural Texas, with their health care education. http://www.ttuhsc.edu/ruralhealth/studentprograms.aspx

  12. Private Student Loan Programs Private student loans are credit based loans students may apply for through a lender of their choice, either on their own or with a credit worthy co-signer. As a general rule, students should only consider obtaining a private education loan if they have maxed out the Federal Stafford Loan. They should also file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which may qualify them for grants or other forms of student aid. Undergraduate students should also compare costs with the Federal PLUS Loan, as the PLUS loan is usually much less expensive and has better repayment terms. http://www.finaid.org/loans/privatestudentloans.phtml Lenders that offer Private Student Loans: Wells Fargo: www.wellsfargo.com Citibank: https://online.citibank.com/US/JRS/pands/detail.do?ID=StudentLoansAAG Sallie Mae: www.salliemae.com Discover: www.discoverstudentloans.com Chase:http://www.chasecollegeloan.com/psearch.asp?loan=cslchaseselect&ref=ECPDGOOG080001&lpt=q1

  13. Emergency (Short Term) Loan Program Short Term Emergency Loans for Tuition and/or Books and Supplies are available through the financial aid office. Emergency Loans do not require students to have a FAFSA on file and repayment terms are available in 30 day increments with 90 days being the maximum. For more information and the application, please visit our website at: www.ttuhsc.edu/financialaid

  14. Web Resources US Department of Education: www.studentaid.ed.gov FAFSA Application: www.fafsa.ed.gov FAFSA PIN Site: www.pin.ed.gov Direct Loan Information: www.studentloans.gov(Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Notes are also completed on this site) Student Guide to Financial Aid: www.finaid.org National Student Loan Data System: www.nslds.ed.gov(keeps track of all your Federal/Direct student loan information) TTU Red to Black Program (Free Financial Services): http://www.orgs.ttu.edu/r2b/ Loan Consolidation: http://www.loanconsolidation.ed.gov/ Repayment Information: http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/repaying.jsp Federal Student Aid Ombudsman: http://www.ombudsman.ed.gov/

  15. Contact Information/Other Offices • Student Business Services: For information on billing, student account, refunds, exemptions and waivers. • 806.743.7867 Email: sbs@ttuhsc.edu • http://www.fiscal.ttuhsc.edu/busserv/bursar/ • SON Registrar: For information on registration, grades, address changes, transcripts, etc. • 806.743.2300 or email Yolanda Camunes at Yolanda.Camunes@ttuhsc.edu • http://www.ttuhsc.edu/registrar/ • Student Services: Assistance with graduation, notary, student government, and other areas of student support. • 806.743.2300 Assistant Vice President of Student Services is Margret • Duran • Margret.Duran@ttuhsc.edu • http://www.ttuhsc.edu/studentServices/ • TTUHSC School of Nursing: • http://www.ttuhsc.edu/son/

  16. Financial Aid Office Contact Information TTUHSC Office of Financial Aid 3601 4th Street Rm 2C400 Lubbock, TX 79430-8310 806.743.3025 voice 806.743.3027 fax Email: financial.aid@ttuhsc.edu www.ttuhsc.edu/financialaid Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm No appointment needed to see advisor

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