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DETEC and WSMR Sign Memorandum of Agreement for the HEL ATIM Test-Bed

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DETEC and WSMR Sign Memorandum of Agreement for the HEL ATIM Test-Bed

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Presentation Transcript

    1. DETEC and WSMR Sign Memorandum of Agreement for the HEL ATIM Test-Bed The Directed Energy Test and Evaluation Capability (DETEC) and White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) signed a memorandum of agreement for the High Energy Laser (HEL) Airborne Target Irradiance Measurement (ATIM) Test-Bed. Under this agreement, DETEC will oversee the effort while WSMR Survivability, Vulnerability and Assessment Directorate manages the program with several support contractors providing specific services. This effort will upgrade the WSMR Advanced Pointer Tracker (APT) to improve its capability to support airborne target irradiance and imagery measurements, characterize its performance, and add a test-bed for evaluating the performance of techniques and sensors that are produced through the Directed Energy Test Science and Technology (DET S&T) Program. This will be the interim HEL ATIM Capability. DET S&T techniques and sensors that perform well, further enhance APT capabilities, and are cost-effective will be recommended for integration into APT.

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