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Reclaiming the American Dream . Student Success:. Richard M. Rhodes, Ph.D. President/CEO Austin Community College District. The Student’s Dilemma.
Reclaiming the American Dream Student Success: Richard M. Rhodes, Ph.D. President/CEO Austin Community College District
Redesignstudents’ educational experiences. Reinventinstitutional roles. Resetthe system to create incentives for student and institutional success. Recommendations for Reimaginingthe Community College: The Three Rs
Increase completion rates of students earning community college credentials (certificates and associate degrees) by 50% by 2020, while preserving access, enhancing quality, and eradicating attainment gaps associated with income, race, ethnicity, and gender. Recommendation 1
Recommendation 2 Dramatically improve college readiness: By 2020, reduce by half the numbers of students entering college unprepared for rigorous college-level work, and double the number of students who complete developmental education programs and progress to successful completion of related freshman-level courses.
Recommendation 3 Close the American skills gaps by sharply focusing career and technical education on preparing students with the knowledge and skills required for existing and future jobs in regional and global economies.
Recommendation 4 Refocus the community college mission and redefine institutional roles to meet 21st-century education and employment needs.
Recommendation 5 Invest in support structures to serve multiple community colleges through collaboration among institutions and with partners in philanthropy, government, and the private sector.
Recommendation 6 Target public and private investments strategically to create new incentives for all institutions of education and their students and to support community college efforts to reclaim the American Dream.
Recommendation 7 Implement policies and practices that promote rigor, transparency, and accountability for results in community colleges.
What can we do? • Early Assessment • College Connections • Gateway to College • Dual Credit • Early College High Schools
How Can We Give Students the Tools They Need to Succeed in College
What Can We Do? • Mandatory Orientation • College Success Course • Intrusive Advising • Continuous communication …Their way
How can we accelerate student’s progress into and through college-level courses?
What can we do? • Limit number of courses in DE sequence • Integrated Courses • Supplemental Instruction • Math Emporiums
How Can We Ensure that Students Stay on the Pathway to Completion?
What can we do? • Early decision on program of study • Early alert systems • Degree audits • Mapping • Mentors • Faculty advising • Faculty/Student engagement……… Relationships
How can we provide incentives for completion before transfer?
What can we do? • The Florida model • The WGU/ACC partnership • Articulation agreements • State policy • Provide pathways to completion and beyond
Outcomes-based Funding Proposal • Funding equal to 10% of the base enrollment formula funds be allocated under the outcomes-based methodology in each year of the biennium. • Momentum Points Metric • Developmental Education (math, reading, and writing) • Gateway Courses (first college level math and English course) • College Credit Hour Attainment (15, 30, and core completion) • Credentials Awarded (certificate, degree, apprenticeship) • Transfer to Four Year Institution (after completing 15 hours at CC)
The Reimagined Community College • Genuinely welcomes student upon entry • Prepares student for individualized assessments • Provides just-in-time information, including orientation • Provides correct level of advisement • Provides instruction in skills needed to be successful • Promotes early selection of program-of-study • Promotes active learning • Promotes student-student and faculty-student interaction • Provides stacked programs leading to meaningful certificates/degrees • Guides and supports students through pathway(s) to completion • Promotes culture of evidence-based inquiry