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NPOESS Program Overview. HDF Workshop IX, December 2005 Alan M. Goldberg agoldber@mitre.org. Outline. Program overview Mission data processing and external interfaces Recent changes Status This presentation is drawn from published materials by the program and others.
NPOESS Program Overview HDF Workshop IX, December 2005 Alan M. Goldberg agoldber@mitre.org
Outline • Program overview • Mission data processing and external interfaces • Recent changes • Status This presentation is drawn from published materials by the program and others.
EOS-Aqua MODIS Image-250 m First Image from TIROS-1 Saharan Dust off the Canary Islands 18 February 2004 We’re going a long way …The Historical Context
METOP NPOESS NPOESS 1730 1330 2130 Specialized Satellites Local Equatorial Crossing Time NPOESS NPOESS Mission • Provide a national, operational, polar-orbiting remote-sensing capability • Achieve National Performance Review (NPR) savings by converging DoD and NOAA satellite programs • Incorporate new technologies from NASA • Encourage international cooperation Tri-agency Effort to Leverage and Combine Environmental Satellite Activities
The Evolution to NPOESS 1960 - 2010 2000 - 2010 2010 – 2020+ NPP(NPOESS Preparatory Project) NPOESS (National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System) DMSP(Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) POES(Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites) EOS (Earth Observing System) Sensor data rate: 1.5 Mbps Data latency: 100-150 min. 1.7 Gigabytes per day (DMSP) 6.3Gigabytes per day (POES) 15 Mbps sensor data rate Data latency: 100-180 min. Data availability: 98% Ground revisit time: 12 hrs. 2.6 Terabytes per day (EOS) 2.4 Terabytes per day (NPP) 20 Mbps sensor data rate Data latency: 28 min. Data availability: 99.95% Autonomy capability: 60 days Ground revisit time: 4-6 hrs 8.1 Terabytes per day NPOESS satisfies evolutionary program needs with enhanced capabilities
NPOESS Management and Requirements Structures Deputy Administrator Under Secretary for Oceans & Atmosphere • Joint Agency Requirements • Council (JARC) • Vice Chairman JCS • NOAA DUS Commerce For • Oceans and Atmosphere • NASA Associate Administrator • for Earth Science Under Secretary of the Air Force Executive Committee • Senior Users Advisory • Group (SUAG) • Chair Rotated Every 2 Years • Reps: DoD, NOAA, & NASA System Program Director Associate Director for Acquisition Associate Director for Technology Transition Associate Director for Operations Joint Agency Requirements Group (JARG) Integrated Program Office Under Secretary of the Air Force replaced Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics • User Community and Stakeholders • Define Requirements
NPOESS Architecture TDRSS GPS TDRSS SpaceSegment A-DCS SARSAT NPP 2230 NPOESSSatellites Residuals 2130 1330 1730 Svalbard Primary T&C NPP SMD C3Segment White Sands Complex LEO&A Backup T&C HRD Field Terminal LRD FieldTerminal FieldTerminal Segment LTA SDS Offline Support NAVO FNMOC AFWA NESDIS Data Del Data Del Data Del Data Del 15 Globally DistributedReceptor Sites Interconnectedby Commercial Fiber DQM Process Process Process Process Infra Infra Infra Infra TM Data Mgt Data Mgt Data Mgt Data Mgt Ingest Ingest Ingest Ingest Launch SupportSegment Interface Data Processing Segment Schriever MMC Contingency Operations Team MMC at Suitland Flight Operations Team • Enterprise Management • Mission Management • Satellite Operations • Data Monitoring & Recovery One full set resides in each of the 4 Centrals NPOESS Stored Mission Data Data Handling Nodes reside at each Central Command and Telemetry NPP Stored Mission Data
1. SensePhenomena 2. Downlink Raw Data 3. Transport Data to Centrals for Processing X and L bands Ka-band TSKY TOBS Field Terminals SafetyNetTM Receptors Global fiber network connects 15 receptors to Centrals TATM LCL LATM 4. Process Raw data into EDRs and Deliver to Centrals Monitor and Control Satellites and Ground Elements LRN FOG eij MMC (Suitland) Schriever MMC Full IDP Capability at each Central NESDIS, AFWA, FNMOC, NAVO NPOESS Concept of Operations
NPOESS Performance System Requirement Categories Performance vs. Specification Data Quality (EDR Attributes) 206 attributes above, 799 at, 49 below spec SMD/HRD 36 attributes above, 557 at, 20 below spec LRD Data Latency Spec TRD Threshold TRD Objective 28 min SMD, 95% 95%@90 min 100%@15 77% 21.2 min SMD, 15 min 87.9% HRD/LRD 15 min 15 min 10 min 99.99% 99.95% Data Availability 99% 100% 94.3% Operational Availability 93% 95% 95.6% Data Access (and Autonomy) Comply Interoperability SARSAT and A-DCS Comply Endurance/Survivability Exceed 10 years life Non-EDR System Requirements 760 requirements at or above, 10 below spec
Overall • Greater than 7-year life • Robust propulsion system accommodates end of life controlled de-orbit • Leverages EOS heritage and experience Multi-orbit configurable solar array • Adjustable cant angle for multiple nodal crossings • Array capability: 7.3kW Spacecraft designed for earth observation missions Plug and play avionics architecture • Advanced 32-bit architecture • Accommodates 1553, 1394, and unique sensor interfaces • Accommodates CCSDS • On-board payload data encryption • Autonomous capability satisfies NPOESS mission requirements • Large nadir platform for maximum payload accommodation in EELV • Supports AM and PM missions (all LTAN capability) • Optical bench stability • Thermally optimized for science payloads • Highly modular design facilitates rapid launch call-up objective NPOESS Spacecraft 1330 satellite shown
NPOESS 1330 Configuration NPOESS Payload Manifest 1330 vehicle 1730 vehicle 2130 vehicle VIIRS VIIRS VIIRS CrIS CrIS ATMS ATMS CMIS CMIS CMIS OMPS SESS/ AURORA SESS/ AURORA SESS/ AURORA ALT OLI (not on contract) A-DCS A-DCS SARR/SARP SARR/SARP SARR/SARP TSIS APS(not on contract) CERES/ ERBS Surv Sensor Surv Sensor Surv Sensor Single satellite design with common sensor locations
Coincident Advanced Sensors Provide Synergy Multispectral Imagery From VIRRS… …combined with ATMS/CMIS Microwave EDRs… …and Altimeter-Derived Ocean Heat Content… NPOESS … Supports Improved Tropical Cyclone Forecast Accuracy&Reduced Impact on Maritime Resources
Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) & Field Terminal Segment (FTS) HRD, LRD Ancillary Data • Interface Data Processing Segment • Ingest pre-processed SMD • Process RDRs, SDRs, EDRs • Perform data quality monitoring • Provide data to Centrals • Provide data records to LTA SS LSS C3S FTS Data Processing Software • Field Terminal Segment • Ingest LRD/HRD data streams • Process RDRs, SDRs, EDRs • NPOESS-provided software Mission Data, Ancillary Data, Products IDPS • Key Architecture Features: • Distributed IDP deployment at centrals • Symmetric processor architecture • Granule size optimization • Load balancing fault management • Complete ancillary data via HRD link • DoD 8500 compliant central interface • Meets interoperability standards (JTA, DII-COE)
Processing Subsystem Central Systems Command,Control, andCommunicationsSegment SDR/TDR Generation EDR Generation FormattedDataProducts RawDataRecords Sensor/Temp DataRecords EnvironmentalDataRecords Long Term Archive StoredMissionData On-Line Data Storage Ingest Subsystem Data Management Subsystem Data Delivery Subsystem Science Data Segment Sensor Data Ancillary Data Auxiliary Data DataFormatting RawDataRecords DataRecords FormattedData Products Data Quality MonitoringSubsystem Infrastructure Subsystem Production Schedulingand Control IDPOperator Data Quality Engineer GIS Based Visualization and Analysis Toolkit IDPS Architecture
Legend Satellite Down Link Field Terminal Data Flow Optional FT Data Flow NPOESS Developed NPOESS Defined Optional FT Interfaces FT Interfaces Satellite - SPEInterface External Mission Support Data Server * • Ancillary Data • TLE • Other support data* Note: User-defined data source FT-MSDS Interface (Optional) Field Terminal Segment Signal Processing Element Data Processor Element Mission Application Element • Antenna / RF Processing • GPS and Timing • Satellite Scheduler • CCSDS Processing • - Mission Data • - Mission Support Data • - Satellite Pass Storage • - TLE Extraction • Decryption • User-defined HDF Product Display • Provides user requests for desired products • DPE Software (provided by NPOESS) • - ING, PRO, INF, DMS, DDS SPE-DPE Interface • DPE Hardware (provided by vendor) • - Processing • - Storage • > Mission Data • > Mission Support Data • > Static Data FT Operator FT Operator or User FT Operator Streaming APs FTS Architecture NPOESS / NPP Satellites Mission and Ancillary Data (HRD/LRD Downlink) Satellite-SPE Interface DPE-MAE Interface Product requests & HDF files
S 3 C Comm Comm Comm Data Xmitter Receiver Processing Store SPACE SEGMENT Delivered Raw CCSDS (mux, code, frame) & Encrypt IDPS Packetization RDR Production SENSORS Compression RDR Level Filtration Aux. SUBSYSTEMS OTHER Sensor A/D Conversion Data TDR Level Detection SDR Production Flux Cal. Manipulation Source SDR Level ENVIRONMENTAL EDR Production SOURCE EDR Level COMPONENTS NPOESS Products Delivered at Multiple Levels Source: Goldberg, AGU Fall Meeting 2005
File File Metadata Granule Metadata Granule Metadata Granule Metadata Arrays Arrays Arrays Granule Granule Granule Resulting design • Advantages • Flexible; Extensible; Allows compression • Accessed by API, not format • Arrays can be addressed either by granule or by file • Potentially self-documenting • Handles abstract data types and large files • BLOBs (e.g., raw data, external files) can be wrapped • Disadvantages • Inconsistent with heritage operational formats (GRIB, BUFR) • Limited tools Source: Goldberg, AGU Fall Meeting 2005
NPOESS HANDBOOK (electronic edition) Metadata Object Allocation to Product Documentation XML Component HDF Component File Metadata File unique metadata File common metadata pointers copy File Metadata reference Granule Metadata Granule Metadata Granule Details Data copy Any xDR Product Source: Goldberg, HDF Workshop 2003
Other Descriptions Ancillary Data Descriptions Auxiliary Data Descriptions Environmental Model Descriptions Sensor Descriptions Algorithm Description EDR Processing Parameters Algorithm Description Platform Descriptions NPOESS HANDBOOK (electronic edition) T/SDR Processing Parameters Comm Description RDR Processing Parameters NPOESS e-Handbook Referenced Components Source: Goldberg, HDF Workshop 2003
2Q2006 3Q2006 4Q2006 1Q2004 2Q2004 3Q2004 4Q2004 1Q2005 2Q2005 3Q2005 4Q2005 1Q2006 IDPS Development Timeline Time Now End of SWIC/ Seg Int Tests 6/13/05 1.3 Start BAR Prep 2/19/04 1.3 FIRST CDW 8/25/04 End of WFM CUT 3/22/05 Qual RFR Done 9/1/05 1.3 Last CDW 12/15/04 End of CUT 2/25/05 SWIC/Seg Int Design Qual CUT WFM NESDISSAT Done 9/29/06 AFWA SAT Done 11/15/06 Integ-ration Done 3/17/06 FAT Done 7/26/06 Qual Done 5/12/06 End of CUT 1/11/06 BAR 6/22/05 CDW 9/14/05 1.4 SWIC 1.4 Qual N- SAT 1.4 CUT A- SAT 1.4 Design FAT NESDIS HW Install 06/20/06 – 08/02/06 AFWA HW Install 07/03/06 – 10/03/06 4/15/05 NPOESS PDA
NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) • Joint NPOESS/NASA Risk Reduction and Data Continuity Mission • VIIRS - Vis/IR Imager Radiometer Suite • CrIS - Cross-track IR Sounder • ATMS - Advanced Technology MW Sounder • OMPS - Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite • Provides lessons learned • Ground system risk reduction – uses the NPOESS ground system Source: IPO ADTT NPOESS Program Overview, 13 April 2005
NPP Continues Data Time Series Year Measurement System Conventional OperationsEOS Technology JumpResearch Quality Operations Source: IPO ADTT NPOESS Program Overview, 13 April 2005
Transition of Systematic Measurements(EOS NPP NPOESS) EOS Era NPOESS Era NPP Era Measurements: Instruments: Algorithms: Processing: Archive & Distribution: Standards: 14/24 EOS Measurements VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS, OMPS, CERES EDRs IPO funded; Instrument/SSPR contractor teams with OAT oversight Level 1, selected CDRs NASA funded (via AO process) EDRsCDRs IDPS (IPO) SDS (NASA) Mid Term: NOAA Long Term: NOAA IPO/NASA/NOAA led 24/24 EOS Measurements MODIS , AIRS, AMSU , HSB, CERES, TOMS, OMI, ACRIM, TSIM, SOLSTICE , HIRDLS, MLS, AMSR, EOSP, SeaWiFS, ASTER, ETM+ NASA funded, PI led teams EOSDIS / PI Processing (NASA) Mid Term: EOSIDS Long Term: NOAA (TBR) NASA led 14+ EOS Measurements VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS, OMPS, ERBS, TSIM, CMIS, GPSOS, SESS, Radar Altimeter, DCS, SARSAT, APS EDRs IPO funded; Instrument/SSPR contractor teams with OAT oversight Level 1, selected CDRs TBD EDRsCDRs IDPS (IPO) TBD Mid Term: NOAA Long Term: NOAA IPO/NOAA led Source: IPO ADTT NPOESS Program Overview, 13 April 2005
OLI/NPOESS Mission Advantages • Transition of Landsat into a truly operational measurement • Extension of the Landsat data record past 2020 • Leverage of proposed NPOESS infrastructure • Benefits derived from combining data from OLI with Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and the Aerosol Polarimeter Sensor (APS): • Large scale processes of change detected by VIIRS can be more closely analyzed by OLI • OLI data can be used to better calibrate VIIRS and validate Environmental Data Records (EDRs) derived from VIIRS data conversely VIIRS spectral bands can be used to atmospherically correct OLI data • Aerosol measurements and corrections can be applied to both sensors • Terra (MODIS sensor) and Landsat 7 results have already demonstrated the potential of combining data
Operational Land Imaging Plan • Responsibilities • NASA -- Procure two OLI sensors, science team • NOAA -- Integration, operations, data relay • USGS -- Image planning, data processing, archive and distribution • Operations concept • USGS provides daily target collection plan • NPOESS • Builds collection into daily mission plan • Receives playback data at SafetyNetTM sites • Data returned to US and forwarded to USGS • USGS • Processes, archives, distributes data
Environmental Satellite ProgramOver Budget, Behind Schedule The U.S. National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) will exceed its $6.9 billion cost estimate by at least 15 percent, and its planners are now considering cutting instruments and satellites in addition to long delays. “[NPOESS] is so badly broken … we could lose a lot of the climate [components], we could lose instruments,” NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) project scientist Jim Gleason told a committee of the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academies at a 25 October meeting. The first NPOESS satellite had been scheduled to launch in 2009, but the launch date has been moved tentatively to 2012 and is likely to slip even further, according to Gleason. However, NPP has suffered its own setbacks, with its launch being moved from October 2006 to April 2008 and now possibly to April 2009. The main problem affecting NPP has been the difficulty in the engineering and construction of [VIIRS]... Because of the engineering problems that still have to be solved, [VIIRS] currently has no scheduled date for completion, according to Gleason. NPOESS chief scientist Stephen A. Mango told the NRC committee, “other snags ... are going to lead to significant delays.” ... One cost-cutting option is to … not include every instrument on every satellite, he said…[O]ne of the three orbits … could be filled by the [MetOp] satellites, although this may cause problems with data continuity, according to Jack Kaye, director of the research and analysis program at NASA. At the NRC committee meeting, Kaye called this option “a giant step backwards.” Canceling the first NPOESS satellite and using NPP to fill that slot—while it still serves as the transition satellite—has also been discussed, according to Gleason. However, NPP carries only four of the 10 instruments planned for NPOESS satellites. No decisions about any of these options have been made at this point, and Mango hopes to have a better understanding about the future of the project after an NPOESS project planning meeting in December. Kaye noted, though, “I think, in the end, we are all going to be forced to make decisions we don’t want to make because of the budget issues.” Excerpts from News article by Sarah Zielinski, Staff Writer, Eos, Vol. 86, No. 45, 8 November 2005
Program Schedule Changes Source: GAO-06-249T Source: GAO-06-249T, 16 Nov 2005
Program Life Cycle Cost Changes “Over the past several years, the NPOESS program has experienced continued schedule delays, cost increases, and technical challenges. The schedule for the launch of the first satellite has been delayed by at least 17 months (until September 2010 at the earliest), and this delay could result in a gap in satellite coverage of at least 3 years if the last satellite in the prior satellite fails to launch. Program life cycle cost estimates have grown from $6.5 billion in 2002 to $8.1 billion in 2004 and are still growing. … bringing the life cycle cost estimate to about $9.7 billion. Technical risks in developing key sensors continue, and could lead to further cost increases and schedule delays.” Source: GAO-06-249T, 16 Nov 2005