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Learning. Chapter Review. In Classical Conditioning, the best results occur when the conditioned stimulus is presented a. After the unconditioned stimulus b. At the same time as the unconditioned stimulus c. Alone d. Before the unconditioned stimulus.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning Chapter Review

  2. In Classical Conditioning, the best results occur when the conditioned stimulus is presenteda. After the unconditioned stimulusb. At the same time as the unconditioned stimulusc. Aloned. Before the unconditioned stimulus

  3. Answer: DBefore the unconditioned stimulus

  4. Who pioneered research in classical conditioning? • Sigmund Freud • Ivan Pavlov • Albert Bandura • B.F. Skinner

  5. Answer: BIvan Pavlov

  6. An unpleasant consequence that decreases the frequency of the response that produced it is called • Negative reinforcement • Punishment • Classical conditioning • Avoidance learning

  7. Answer: BPunishment

  8. In classical conditioning, the responses that are conditioned are • Voluntary • Involuntary • Operant • imitative

  9. Answer: BInvoluntary

  10. A subject responding to a second stimulus similar to the original CS is an example of • Discrimination • Preconditioning • Generalization • taste

  11. Answer: CGeneralization

  12. A child saying “Daddy” only to his father is an example of • Extinction • Discrimination • Generalization • An unconditioned response

  13. Answer: BDiscrimination

  14. Things that meet people’s needs, such as food, are examples of • Extinction • Secondary reinforcers • Primary reinforcers • shaping

  15. Answer: CPrimary Reinforcers

  16. Spontaneous recovery can occur • When the unconditioned stimulus is extinguished • When the conditioned stimulus starts again. • After systematic desensitization • As a result of latent learning

  17. Answer: BWhen the conditioned stimulus starts again.

  18. Which of the following types of learning involves cognitive factors? • Classical conditioning • Latent learning • Operant conditioning • Programming learning.

  19. Answer: BLatent Learning

  20. Something that produces a response.

  21. Answer: Stimulus

  22. Form of classical conditioning in which food comes to be avoided.

  23. Answer: Taste Aversion

  24. Method of teaching complex behaviors by breaking them down into manageable parts.

  25. Answer: Shaping

  26. Type of schedule in which reinforcement occurs every time the behavior occurs.

  27. Answer: Continuous Reinforcement

  28. Type of learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates others.

  29. Answer: Observational Learning.

  30. What psychologist pioneered research on observational learning?

  31. Answer: Albert Bandura

  32. Through operant conditioning, people learn to control • Voluntary responses • Involuntary biological behaviors • Unconditioned responses • Unconditioned stimuli

  33. Answer: Avoluntary responses

  34. Learned reactions that follow one another in sequence.

  35. Answer: Response Chains.

  36. Training an organism to remove or terminate an unpleasant stimulus.

  37. Answer: Escape Conditioning.

  38. Most psychologists suggest that punishment is not the best way to deal with a problem because it • May cause children to learn to hit. • May cause children to run away. • Does not teach the correct way to act. • Does all of the above

  39. Answer: DAll of the above.

  40. Classical or Operant? Because taking exams in the past has always led to failure and humiliation, Sam gets nervous and nauseous whenever the teacher announces that they’re about to take a quiz.

  41. Answer: Classical!

  42. True or False? Smiles and approval are secondary reinforcers.

  43. Answer: False.

  44. True or False? Cognitive psychologists view learning as mechanical.

  45. Answer: False

  46. True or False? The psychologist most closely associated with operant conditioning is Sigmund Freud.

  47. Answer: False

  48. Schedule of reinforcement in which a behavior is reinforced after a set number of responses. Like when a video store promises a free rental with every 5 paid rentals.

  49. What is a Fixed-Ratio?

  50. Actions taken which result in something positive being taken away and the behavior is less likely to occur again .

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