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Presentation Transcript

  1. Production of music magazine front cover Katie Lewis

  2. First I started by using a blank template on Photoshop. I changed the colour of my background by using the paint bucket tool. I decided to change it to the colour grey because I felt like it wasn’t too dark because I still wanted my text and image to be seen clearly.

  3. Next I added in my title which I came up with the name of Rock Aside. I decided to use the colour black because I felt like it stands out well against the grey.

  4. Once I had added in my title, I added in the image of my front cover artist. To just get the image of my artist without the background I used the magic wand tool. It took my a while to crop it all out but I took it slow to make it precise and real.

  5. Once I had sorted out my image, I then added in my positioning statement. I decided to locate this just below my title so people look at my title and image first.

  6. Next, I added in my cover lines. To do this I just added text but I made the artists name featured in the cover line bigger so it stands out more than the text beneath it. I decide to use black and white because I wanted them to stand out but not as much as my image and title.

  7. In addition, I then added in my main title which is the name of the artist featured on my front cover. I decided to use the colour yellow because when I looked up rock magazines on the internet yellow was a popular colour that was used so I decided to try it out and I really liked the way it made it stand out.

  8. Then I added in my main cover line. I decided to put this in white because I didn't want to take all the focus away from my main title. I decided to locate it below the title so people will look at the title first then carry on looking down to the cover line.

  9. Next I added in my barcode. I decided to put it in the very right hand corner because generally that’s the main place where they are located. I decided to put it landscape so there is more room for something to go along the bottom.

  10. Next, I added in a white box in the bottom left hand corner. I decided to put a white box there so it makes the word ‘PLUS!’ stand out more. I didn't want to put in any other colours to it because I didn't want it to stand out very much.

  11. Additionally, then I added a black strap line box ready for my strap line text to go on top. I decided to add a box because otherwise it would be really hard to read therefore it will make the text clearer and easier to read.

  12. Then I added the strap line text. I added this in white so it contrasts with the black. In between each artists name I added in a white dot which separates each artists name.

  13. Furthermore, at the bottom of the front cover just above the barcode I added in the price of my magazine, the issue number and the month it was made.

  14. Lastly, I added a puff which is located on the right hand side near the top. I decided to add this because it is a feature many magazines have and when customers see the word ‘free’ they generally tend to have a further look.

  15. From my questionnaire, even though people thought my image was strong I didn't think it fitted my magazine as well as it could therefore I re-took the image. I feel like this image has a bit more life and connection with my magazine. I also added gradient overlay to my title because I thought it look a bit plain.

  16. Final Changes I decided to make a few changes from looking at my front cover for the final time. I firstly decided to change the layout of my cover lines as I swopped the James Bay one and Alex Turner over because I felt like they didn’t look right were they were positioned. Nextly I decided to make my model more dominant. Previously, she was smaller and looked more hidden so I decided to make her bigger so she covers more of the magazine and looks like she is much more dominant. This way she also stands out more which is important because she is the thing that is going to be selling my magazine. I also decided to alternate my main sub line. This is because it enables my main cover line which is the artists name to stand out more therefore I changed the text which I feel is now more suitable to my magazine.

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