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America Enters WW1 Powerpoint

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America Enters WW1 Powerpoint

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Presentation Transcript

  1. America's Entry into World War IThis activity is designed to help you understand, through analysis of conflict situations, the factors leading to America's entry into World War I. The class will work in groups. After reading, each group should decide what action they would have the United States take to best manage the conflict. Remember to consider all the consequences of your decision carefully. War is not pretty! Each group will have to justify its position to the class.

  2. Situation 1War breaks out in Europe between two great alliance systems, called Alliance A and Alliance B. The issues under dispute have nothing to do with the United States. Both A and B want to buy American goods. What should the United States do?1.Sell to both sides. 2.Sell to only one side. 3.Not sell to either side. 4.Other (specify).

  3. Situation 2 Alliance A attacks and quickly defeats a small neutral nation. Gruesome stories appear in American newspapers about the atrocities committed by Alliance A against the people of the defeated country. What should the United States do?1.Do nothing, since it doesn't concern the United States. 2.Stop selling products to Alliance A. 3.Issue a statement condemning Alliance A's actions. 4.Declare war on Alliance A. 5.Other (specify).

  4. Situation 3 Alliance B stops United States ships and confiscates goods purchased by Alliance A. Formal complaints by the United States to Alliance B are ignored. What should the United States do?

  5. Situation 4 Alliance B blockades the ports of Alliance A, which in desperation uses submarines to attack all ships sailing to and from the ports of Alliance B. Neutral U.S. ships, which are protected by international laws, are sunk by the submarines. What should the United States do?

  6. Situation 5 A submarine of Alliance A sinks a luxury liner belonging to Alliance B. Over one thousand people drown, including one hundred vacationing Americans. Alliance A boasts about its actions. What should the United States do?

  7. Situation 6 Alliance A promises to stop sinking liners without first warning them and providing for the passenger's safety. Alliance A soon disregards the promise and resumes unrestricted submarine warfare on neutral American ships. What should the United States do?

  8. Situation 7 America learns that Alliance A has asked Mexico, in the event America enters the war, to aid in an attack against the United States. In return, Mexico will be given back the parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona that were originally hers. What should the United States do?

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