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THE NEW SEND FRAMEWORK. From this…..?. Statements. IEP’s. School Action. School Action Plus. Health and Social Care second exit on the right. Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Maze. To this…. KEY THEMES.
From this…..? Statements IEP’s School Action School Action Plus Health and Social Care second exit on the right Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Maze
Involvement of children, young people and parents in decision making
Improved identification of children and young people’s needs
High quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with SEN
Greater choice and control for young people and their parents over their support
Collaboration between education, health and social care to provide support
Successful preparation for adulthood, including independent living and employment www.preparingforadulthood.org.uk
Replacing Statements of SEN with Education, Health and Care Plans(More personalised; focused on outcomes wanted by parents/young person; joint assessments; more streamlined process; continue after leaving school; 139A assessment replaced) Birth to 25 (legal rights transfer to the young person at 16)(the new system will extend the system to support YP into further education, employment and independent living) Personal Budgets(An option for parents/YP with an EHCP. Clear information about the resources allocated with costs; greater say on how the money is spent; scope for parents/YP to receive direct payments for purchasing some of the provision themselves) Services Working Together(Children/YP need coherent, co-ordinated support across education, health and social care. Under the Act, Local Authorities and other key agencies will be required to link up and jointly plan services) Local Offer(A detailed directory making it easier for parents/YP to find out what is available and to choose and access services. Should include what young people and parents can expect schools and colleges to provide. Parents must be consulted to find out what they think of services)
Impartial information, advice and support (LAs must make arrangements to provide impartial information, advice and support to children and YP with SEN or disabilities, and their parents, through a dedicated and easily identifiable service in relation to SEN or disabilities, health and social care). Engaging Parents, Children and Young People (Across the system, from planning and commissioning services to writing EHCPs). Parent Carer Forum (Government funded, representative groups of parents and carers of children/YP with SEN and disability who work alongside agencies to ensure local services meet need) Resolving Disputes (LAs must have clear arrangements for handling complaints and resolving disputes)
News from Bedford Borough Education, Health & Care Plans SEND Team working with Parent Carer Forum to draft the Plan template Parents and young people will have access to a portal through which they can communicate with professionals, contribute to the plans, view reports Parents, children and young people involved from the start Focus will be on the outcomes identified by parents, children & YP Process will reduce from 26 to 20 weeks
Local Offer: The Local Offer design has been co-produced with parents Service providers have been contacted and asked for their details The offer should be ‘live’ by 1st September 2014 Personal Budgets: Bedford is working with Hertfordshire to work out what can and cannot be included in a personal budget All families with an EHCP will be offered the choice of a personal budget Key Working: Key Workers will support parents/YP through the EHCP process ensuring their voice is heard Parents/YP can nominate someone or will be helped to identify someone They will have undertaken key worker training
Where can I find out more? www.SENDpathfinder.co.uk for: Latest information packs from the pathfinders, including case studies, video clips and links to useful materials e.g. Nottingham EHC animation: www.councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/sendreforminfosheet For regular updates, sign up to receive CDC’s e-bulletin by e-mailingcdc@ncb.org.uk Access the Preparing for Adulthood support materials: http://www.preparingforadulthood.org.uk/ Independent Supporters: http://www.councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk