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Commercial Collection Attorney: Kavulich & Associates, P.C.

Kavulich & Associates, P.C. has performed all types of legal services for the primary and secondary enforcement although our services are not limited to them. To recover your money today, contact our commercial collection attorney. (914) 355-2074

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Commercial Collection Attorney: Kavulich & Associates, P.C.

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  1. Commercial Collections Lawyer With combined experience of more than 50 years in the collection arena, the firm is well-positioned to collect your receivables.

  2. About Us: We are more than just collection agents, we are a group of attorneys who are ready and willing to use the full extent of the law to help you collect on the commercial debt that is owed to you. Many of our collection efforts are very successful without having to resort to litigation. We handle a wide variety of collections including: • consumer/retail • commercial • medical • landlord/management • debt portfolio

  3. Our Approach : We will listen to you and you decide how we should proceed. Choose how assertive the approach should be. You can retain valued customers with a diplomatic approach or choose a more intensive message. Once an account is turned over to us, the following takes place in this order: • A demand letter is sent to debtor in compliance with state and federal statues • Telephone contact commences immediately • Investigative reports for lawsuit determination if there is no response • Client-approved legal claims proceed as well as reporting to appropriate agencies.

  4. Debt Commercial Collection Attorney For Commercial Collection Agency Recovering your money is our primary goal. kavulichandassociates.com (914) 355-2074

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