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The Social Connection: Empowering Restaurants in the Digital Age

Learn how to enhance your restaurant's social media presence and connect with the evolving consumer base in today's digital landscape. Discover insights, best practices, and strategies for leveraging social platforms effectively.

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The Social Connection: Empowering Restaurants in the Digital Age

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  1. @WeRRestaurants /RestaurantDotOrg Restaurant.org /NationalRestaurantAssociation

  2. Improving Social ConnectionsPaul BarronCEO – Founder DigitalCoCo.comOctober 10, 2012

  3. The Social Connection Over 40,000 Members Strong Over 46 Million Consumers and 4,000 Restaurant Brands

  4. How to start • Restaurant Social Media Index • The New Restaurant Consumer • Study of Social Consumers • Best Practices • Get your business in the RSMI Premier digital and social media partnership

  5. Developed in 2010 to index social consumers use of the restaurant and hospitality industries. • More than 4,000 U.S Restaurant Brands • 37.2 Million U.S. Restaurant Consumers • 1.2 Billion restaurant occasions per year • Sentiment (Food, Service and Brand) • Digital and Social Engagement • Brand Influence • 16 Social Platforms

  6. Social ROI Explained 16 Platforms Tracking in-venue mentions and actions (LBA)

  7. Methodology - How Social Works Social Influence Crowd-sourcing social influence connection Hyper speed WOM Viral nature How social and influence review affects decision process - Critical Mass - Refer & Return (asking others , recommendations) - Relevant actions (restaurant visits, mentions, checkins) - Traceable (Frequency, competitors, cross segment) - Influencing others (Controlled outcome by consumer)

  8. The new restaurant Consumer • Social-Savvy • Connected • Engaged • Influential

  9. Shifting a 30 year consumer Millennial Those born from 1982 through 1998 becoming voting age in 2016 or earlier 95M Generation X Someone born 1965 through no later than 1982 41M Baby Boomers Someone born during the demographic birth boom between 1946 and 1964 79M

  10. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 500 Fast Casual Concepts 2012 Midyear 31,220 Restaurant & Culinary Terms 16 Social Platforms 31.8 Million Unique Social Consumers Based on 500 Restaurant Concepts

  11. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 1.2 Billion / Yr 31.8 Million Unique Social Consumers connected to the 500 restaurant concepts 101.7 Million p/mo Fast Casual Restaurant Occasions in 2012 3.2 Occasions P/mo

  12. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 12.72 Million Occasions p/mo 31.8 Million Unique Social Consumers connected to the 500 restaurant concepts QSR Cross-Over .04 Occasions P/mo

  13. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 38.16 Million Occasions p/mo 31.8 Million Unique Social Consumers connected to the 500 restaurant concepts CasualCross-Over 1.2 Occasions P/mo

  14. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 What’s the pulse of a Digital Consumer in a Overall Restaurant Environment? Full data of 37.2 million social restaurant consumers that also connect with over 4,000 brands in social.

  15. Segment Study Mid Year 2012 What’s the pulse of a Fast Casual Consumer Top Menu Segments by Mentions and Interactions Subset data of top Fast Casual Social Consumers that interact with specific Fast Casual menu segments.

  16. Why Social and Digital

  17. Overall Venue Data is rising

  18. Overall Venue Data is rising Facebook Comments 31.9% 7.1% Comments Twitter Comments 42.3% 11.9% What’s Driving Location Based Actions with restaurant consumers?

  19. Check in data is slowing Location Base Actions Increased 39.5% Last 12 Months Mentions cross platform 31.8 Million Unique Social Consumers connected to the 500 restaurant concepts Foursquare Check-ins - 21.2% Last 12 Months

  20. How to interact Social restaurant consumers react and respond to what content? 32.1.% On Twitter Content 29.8% On Facebook Interactives 38.4 % On Link Content 58.1 % On Video and Photo Content

  21. Next Steps for restaurant operators • Understanding the new age and digital consumer • Staffing new teams for digital and social interactions • Competitive data analysis • Test and measure social and digital platforms and programs • Get your brand in the RSMI • Get your Social Media Scorecard Premier digital and social media partnership

  22. Get your brand into the RSMI Important URL • http://www.digitalcoco.com/nra-members

  23. Start engaging these new opportunities Important URL • http://www.digitalcoco.com/nra-members

  24. Thank You Paul Barron www.digitalcoco.com paul@digitalcoco @paulbarron 954.232.9628 Visit www.rsmindex.com Premier digital and social media partnership

  25. @WeRRestaurants /RestaurantDotOrg Restaurant.org /NationalRestaurantAssociation

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