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Achieving Excellence in Facilities Management at Dalhousie University

Explore the strategic planning journey of the Facilities Management department at Dalhousie University, focusing on mission, vision, goals, and progress updates to provide top-notch services. Learn about key areas such as stewardship, client satisfaction, process improvement, communication strategies, and employee engagement.

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Achieving Excellence in Facilities Management at Dalhousie University

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Presentation Transcript

  1. B O R N T O L E A D

  2. Department of Facilities ManagementStrategic Planning UpdateDecember 6, 2005

  3. Strategic Planning Agenda • CMMS Requirements Definition Summer 04 • Mission, Vision & Goals Definition Fall 04 • FAMIS Purchase Dec 04 • Reorganization Apr 05 • FAMIS ‘Go Live” Dec 5, 05 • Banner/FAMIS Integration Apr 06

  4. MISSION Our Mission is to provide the Dalhousie community with an inviting, safe and sustainable environment which supports and enhances an inspiring experience in learning, living and research. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  5. Vision Our Vision is to be an innovative team of motivated professionals recognized for excellence in Facilities Management. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  6. G1. Stewardship - To be recognized as the stewards of the university facilities. • Objectives: • To provide and maintain an inviting environment • To Develop a FM Business Plan • To develop and maintain a university Master Plan • To manage accurate and useful facilities information • To be accountable for stewardship functions • To define an acceptable FCI rating per building • To achieve the FCI ratings • To establish a Facility Needs index • To provide a comprehensive Maintenance Management program • * FCI – Facility Condition Index Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  7. G 2. Clients - To understand, anticipate and respond effectively to our client needs. • Objectives: • To identify and understand client requirements • eg. - Department plans and programs • - space and functional needs • To foster trust • To define Service Levels – standards and expectations • To educate our clients • To achieve and maintain 100% client satisfaction Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  8. G 3. Process Improvement - To achieve efficient and effective results, through optimal and standardized processes. • Objectives: • To identify and justify processes required • To have standardized processes • To have documented processes • To verify our organizational structure • To establish Benchmarks and Benchmark research • To develop an improvement process • To be totally integrated • To successfully implement a CMMS • * CMMS – Computerized Maintenance Management System Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  9. G 4. Communication - To share accurate information with the right people at the right time. • Objectives: • To define what information is needed, when and by whom • To define communication types/methods • To define communication tools • To develop and implement a communication strategy and program • To develop a branding and marketing strategy and program Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  10. G 5.Employees - To foster innovative and motivated employees. • Objectives: • To provide a safe work environment • To identify and confirm roles and responsibilities • To establish and implement a training program • To develop and implement an orientation program • To establish and implement a team building and recognition program • To establish a development program • To provide and support empowerment Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  11. Dalhousie UniversityFacilities Management Functions Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  12. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  13. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  14. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  15. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  16. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  17. Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  18. Re-Organization Status • Key positions involved in FAMIS so not available for primary duties since January • 4 retirements/resignations • 6 external hires • 14 internal staffing actions • Consolidation/barcoding of warehouse • SOPs to confirm processes and responsibilities • Client Reception = Single initial point of contact for service requests, event booking and trucking

  19. FAMIS Status • Most internal Facilities Management modules have been Implemented, allowing better scheduling and resource management, as well as elimination of duplicate manual entries in multiple systems • Payroll, external payables and internal billing are now linked to Banner • Self-Service module will go live in April - administrators will be able to submit and track WOs - accounts will be encumbered when a project is approved Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

  20. Comments/Questions Providing Excellence in Facilities Management

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