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Chapter 12 -1. Genitourinary Reproductive & Urinary System. ROOT. Cervico- cervix (cervicitis) Mamma. Mammo, Masto- mammary gland (mastectomy) Phallo- penis (phallopexy) Balano- glans penis or glans clitoridis (balanitis) Colpo- vagina (colpospasm) Episio- vulva (episiotomy)
Chapter 12 -1 Genitourinary Reproductive & Urinary System
ROOT • Cervico- cervix (cervicitis) • Mamma. Mammo, Masto- mammary gland (mastectomy) • Phallo- penis (phallopexy) • Balano- glans penis or glans clitoridis (balanitis) • Colpo- vagina (colpospasm) • Episio- vulva (episiotomy) • Hystero, Metra, Metro- uterus (metrocele)
ROOT • Cysto- Bladder (cystocentesis) • Nephro, Reni, Reno- kidney (nephralgia) • Oophoro, Ovario- ovary (ovariorrhexis) • Orchio, Orchido- testes (orchidectomy) • Pyelo- renal pelvis (pyelopathy) • Uretero- ureter (ureterolith) • Urethro- uretra (urethrorrhea)
URINARY SYSTEM • ______ and _________waste • 2 kidneys: filters blood: -> urine • 2 ureters • Bladder • Urethra
KIDNEY • KIDNEYS (roots= nephr, ren, pyel) • Paired and bean shaped • Located on both sides of the vertebral column, beneath/behind the parietal peritoneum=_______________________ • Fixed by renal fasciae and fat
KIDNEY • Dark reddish/brown • (cat = yellowish red)
KIDNEY - FUNCTION • Synthesize ___________ and control rate of secretion • Maintain pH of blood (Neutralizes) • Filter blood, waste products from metabolism, which is then excreted in the urine • ________________ from the breakdown of proteins, toxic substances, mineral salts, excess glucose and water
KIDNEY - STRUCTURE • Concave medial surface is called the __________ (entrance for blood vessels, nerves, and ureter) • Surrounded by a capsule • The outer portion is called the_________,inner portion is the_____________
The MEDULLA is made of MEDULLARY PYRAMIDS. The PAPILLA of the pyramids lead into the calyces. • RENAL PELVIS is a funnel-shaped reservoir made up of CALYCES which are sacs • that collect urine that lead to the ureter • NOT IN _____________________ (Calyces -> ureter) Between the medullary pyramids are extensions of the cortex called RENAL COLUMNS
KIDNEY - NEPHRON • Functional unit of the kidney is the NEPHRON • (there are 1 million in each kidney) • The 2 main structures of the nephron are the • _________________ and the__________________ • The corpuscle contains BOWMAN’S CAPSULE -> • surrounds a round channel of capillaries collectively called the__________________ • The capillaries are fed by arterioles.
KIDNEY • As blood passes into the glomerular capillaries, waste products pass through the capillaries into the tubules. The tubules can secrete substances back into the blood that are needed by the body. • Blood pressure affects the speed at which blood filters through the kidney • Shock -> decrease BP -> _______________ blood filtration (stop kidney function) • High systemic pressure -> ________________ damage
URETER • Each kidney has one that extends from the renal pelvis to the bladder (2 ureters total). • The place where the ureters enter the bladder is the________________ . The enter at an angle, or obliquely, and open and close as urine pulsates in, keeping the urine flowing in one direction toward the bladder. • Urine enters the bladder every 10 to 30 seconds in spurts that begin as __________________ waves in the renal pelvis.
URETER • The walls of the ureters are made up of an outer fibrous tissue layer, two central layers of smooth muscle and a mucous membrane lining.
BLADDER • FUNCTION: ____________ for urine, excretes urine into urethra • STRUCTURE: elastic, musculomembranous sac that lies in the pelvis – 3 layers of smooth m. • Size changes with the amount of urine that it contains • Opens into the urethra at the_________. The neck contains a sphincter muscle that controls urine flow. • __________________= voiding of urine
URETHRA • Tubular canal that carries urine from the bladder to exit the body. In males, it also carries reproductive organ secretions. ____________________________ : opening btw vagina and clitoris in female and also present in males
Canine Urolithiasis • Narrower in males, making • them more prone to • blockages from UROLITHIASIS. • 3 sections in males • Prostactic • Membranous • Cavernous
URINE • Usually pale amber in color. • Horses, hamsters, rabbits have cloudy urine that has a basic pH. • ____________ water, the rest is waste products • Urinary output amount varies with species, temperature, water intake, work of the animal • Carnivores: acidic urine;
MALE REPRODUCTIVE • Male gonads:__________________________ • Accessory structures • Ducts • Glands • Supporting structures • Ducts: epididymides,____________________; ejaculatory ducts & urethra • Accessory sex glands:___________________, prostate, bulbourethral (Cowper’s)
MALE REPRODUCTIVE GLAND • GONADS – TESTES (testicles) • Egg-shaped glands normally located in the sac-like SCROTUM • FUNCTION: _____________________and secrete TESTOSTERONE
TUNICA ALBUGINEA – capsule (fibrous) that surrounds each testicle • SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES tube-like structures coiled in the TESTICLE that produce sperm • Interstitial cells: cells of LEYDIG ___________________________
MALE REPRODUCTIVE • TESTOSTERONE – • hormone that induces and maintains ________________ characteristics • Influences ____________________________growth (massive head and shoulders, crest of withers, tusks on boars and horns on rams) • fluid and electrolyte metabolism as well • Excitatory effect on the kidney tubule and suppresses anterior pituitary secretions • CASTRATION – surgical removal of the testicles. Doing so in meat-producing animals after sexual maturity allows the fat content of the meat to increase
Female Male
SPERMATIC CORD • encases the__________________ • Contains blood vessels, vas deferens, nerves and lymph vessels
EPIDIDYMIS- tightly coiled, tube-like structure that borders the testicle and acts as a place for sperm to mature, a place for sperm storage, and secretes a small portion of semen. VAS DEFERENS- tubes that continue from the tail of the epididymis up through the inguinal canal to the ejaculatory duct, where it meets up with the seminal vesicles
ACCESSORY ORGANS • ACCESSORY SEX GLANDS: • SEMINAL VESICLES • PROSTATE • BULBOURTHRAL GLANDS • EJACULATORY DUCTS- • Tubes that join the vas deferens with the seminal vesicles. • Passes through the _______________ gland.
ACCESSORY GLANDS • SEMINAL VESICLES– 2 twisted pouches lying on the dorsal and caudal surfaces of the bladder. Secrete the mucoid, liquid portion of the semen. • PROSTATE GLAND – secretes viscous substance (alkaline) that is the majority of seminal fluid. Surrounds the pelvic urethra. • BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS/COWPER’S GLANDS – located caudal to seminal vesicles, and lie on each side of the pelvic urethra. Produce seminal fluid. • Large in boars • ________________ don’t have this
SCROTUM • Pendulous, sac-like structure that houses the testicles in the inguinal region, however located more ventral to the anus • Less pendulous in the ________, _____________, ________________. • Separated into 2 sacs via the scrotal septum. • Maintains testicles at their proper temperature.
PENIS • Erectile tissue encased in a ________________ capsule. • GLANS PENIS – terminal end of the penis. Provides stimulation. • Variations among species: cranial end of stallion’s has a bulge • Ram has a protrusion of the urethra past the glans • Bull and ram have a helmet shaped glans • Boar lacks a glans and ends in a corkscrew shaped • Dog has a bulbus structure that surrounds a bone in the penis called the_______________________.
PENIS • ERECTION – dog and stallion have penises that contain mostly erectile tissue with little connective tissue. This allows an erection to be achieved via blood engorgement. • The bull, ram, and boar have very little erectile tissue, with mainly connective tissue. An erection is achieved when the _____________________ is straightened due to high pressure within the urethra when it fills with seminal fluid. • URETHRA runs through the penis and carries both reproductive secretions and urine out of the body.