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Distance L earning O ver Large A reas

Distance L earning O ver Large A reas. By: Jude Bader and Anum Hussain. HOSPITALS. Surgeries assisted by robots Instruments used minute cameras, robot arms, and lasers. What is robotic surgery? . Tele-surgery Supervisory controlled Shared controlled system.

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Distance L earning O ver Large A reas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Distance Learning Over Large Areas By: Jude Bader and AnumHussain


  3. Surgeries assisted by robots • Instruments used minute cameras, robot arms, and lasers What is robotic surgery?

  4. Tele-surgery • Supervisory controlled • Shared controlled system Three types of robotic surgery

  5. This is when the surgeon performs the surgery from a distance, sitting at the computer console and performing tasks using robotic arms. Tele-surgery

  6. This is an automated surgery. The robot performs surgery by itself but is pre-set before by surgeons on the tasks. Supervisory-controlled surgery

  7. This is the surgery where robots help the surgeon monitor during surgery, while surgeon performs it. Shared controlled system

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m8FEuwiChw

  9. Less people required • More efficient and precise • Less time consuming • Can perform tasks that cannot be done by humans Advantages

  10. Expensive • Proper training • Could be fatal if not used properly • A lot of preparation before surgery Disadvantages


  12. Truesentry is a system to help monitor systems. RFID tags are used to track prisoners, so it can be seen where they are at all times.


  14. This is a radio based system for visually and audibly alerting nursing staff to calls from patients or other members of staff. Wireless Nurse Call Systems

  15. Staff identification facility • A variety of fixed triggers • Multiple levels of call • Reminder function Different Features

  16. User friendly • Installed with minimal disruption to residents and staff • Wireless system Advantages

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kuq3uov8aw


  19. http://www.capita-sims.co.uk/our-products/sims-discover-secondary-schoolshttp://www.capita-sims.co.uk/our-products/sims-discover-secondary-schools http://www.powtoon.com/p/dSKQqKtPvAx/

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