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Scope of Homoeopathy in

Scope of Homoeopathy in. HIV/AIDS. Dr.R.Sarath Chandran Dr.Shyburaj Dr.Shameena Salim Dr.B.Harikumar. Receptor. Nucleus. DNA. HIV & AIDS ARE DIFFERENT ENTITIES. Scope in 3 Areas. Management of Opportunistic Infections Management of Symptoms of AIDS & ARC

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Scope of Homoeopathy in

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scope of Homoeopathy in HIV/AIDS

  2. Dr.R.Sarath Chandran Dr.ShyburajDr.Shameena SalimDr.B.Harikumar


  4. Scope in 3 Areas • Management of Opportunistic Infections • Management of Symptoms of AIDS & ARC • Constitutional Treatment for the maintenance and improvement of CD 4/CD8 Count

  5. A Pilot Study on Homoeopathic Management of HIV/AIDS

  6. Total Number of Cases – 120 • Age Group – 60 Children below 14 Years & 60 Adults (30 – 50) • Sex – Both Sexes • Period of Study -11th November • 2006 to 30th January 2008

  7. All children Included in this Study Has Contracted HIV From Mother through Umbilical Cord.

  8. Frequently Observed Symptoms/ Disease in cases with CD4 below 400 • Emaciation–88 cases - 72% • Frequent Respiratory Infections – 80 cases 68% • Skin Eruptions – 96 cases 80% • Poor Appetite –72 cases 60% • Apthae – 100 cases 82% • Sleeplessness – 26 cases- 86% • Lymphadenopathy – 104 cases 80% • Herpes Genitalis – 48 cases 40% • Chronic Diarrhoea –92 cases - 76% • Weakness - 92 cases - 76% • Relapsing Fever – 24 cases - 20%

  9. Effective Remedies for AIDS and Other Allied complaints (ARC)

  10. Emaciation – 88 cases 72% Graphical Analysis

  11. Frequent Respiratory Infections 80 Cases – 68%

  12. Skin Eruptions - 96 cases 80%

  13. 4. Poor Appetite – 72 Cases - 60%

  14. 5. Apthae – 100 cases 82 %

  15. Sleeplessness – 104 cases - 86%

  16. Lymphadenopathy – 96cases 80%

  17. Herpes Genitalis – 48 cases 40%

  18. Chronic Diarrhoea –92 cases - 76%

  19. Weakness - 92 cases - 78%

  20. Relapsing Fever – 24 cases - 20%

  21. Total Symptomatic Improvement

  22. CD 4 Improvement

  23. Improvement Results

  24. Kum.G 3 Years CD4 769

  25. After Few Doses ofPULSATILLA 1MAffectionate to her son and kisses him all the time. She offered more HIV patients to our centre if her CD4 improved after Hom. Treatment • CD 4 • 1341

  26. Mrs. A. N. • CD4 • 254 • On • 5/06/07

  27. Mrs. A.N After Merc Sol 200 • Horrible suicidal and homicidal Impulse • Just after • 2 Weeks • CD 4 295

  28. Master T.A (3 yrs)CD 4 790 • CD4 - 790

  29. Master T.A – After Few Doses of PULSATILLA 200CD 4 906Timidity, Changeable mood, Need for attention, antics plays to get attention with forsaken feeling

  30. Master T. A. – 3 Yrs after 1 Month under SL CD4 1160

  31. Mrs.G31 CD 4 46! – Critically ill

  32. OPIUM was given in 0/3 Potency as patient’s Immune Level was very low. Doses were repeated as patient is critical

  33. Patient bounced back to Life with in few Days with CD4 - 409

  34. video

  35. Mrs. R 34 yrs CD 4 344

  36. After Few Doses of Verat Alb 1M CD4 1007

  37. Mrs.R – 35 CD4 – 280

  38. After PHOS 1000(dependant of physician and delusion as if she is accused in a guilt not done be her)CD4404 Mrs.R 35

  39. Baby AsCD4 739

  40. Baby AsCD4 1714After 1 dose Veratrum Alb 1MArtificial behavior to impress people & Hyper Active

  41. Master AbCD4 333

  42. Master AbCD4 698After few Doses of Mag Mur 200(Orphan)

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