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America Claims an Empire

America Claims an Empire. European Imperialism, circa 1850. Which countries had holdings in Africa What were European motives for imperialism?. Motives for Imperialism. What is the policy of Imperialism?. Motives for Imperialism. Global Competition Military Strength

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America Claims an Empire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. America Claims an Empire

  2. European Imperialism, circa 1850 • Which countries had holdings in Africa • What were European motives for imperialism?

  3. Motives for Imperialism • What is the policy of Imperialism?

  4. Motives for Imperialism • Global Competition • Military Strength • Thirst for New Markets • Cultural Superiority

  5. The U.S. Acquires Alaska • “Seward’s Folly” • What makes this a significant purchase?

  6. The U.S. Acquires Hawaii • Acquire the Midway Islands in 1867 • Hawaii is economically important to the United States

  7. Hawaii • Economic groups take interest in Hawaii • Bringing Hawaii under the control of the U.S. • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4.

  8. The Spanish American War: 1898

  9. Beginnings of American interest in Cuba • Why go to war with Spain over Cuba? • 90 miles off the coast of Fl • American interest and investments in the sugar plantations

  10. Maine Explosion • The U.S.S. Maine explodes, Feb 15, 1898 • US sent the Maine to take home citizens in danger from the fighting • Ship explodes in the harbor

  11. Leading to War • Yellow Journalism • Began with Hearst and Pulitzer • Fanning the flames • “you furnish the pictures, you furnish the war”

  12. Yellow Journalism Activity • Research a Primary Source from Spanish-American War • Use this article to serve as an example to create your own newspaper headline on one of the following topics: • Cuban Revolution (Cuba Libre) • De Lome Letter • USS Maine • Rough Riders • Battle of San Juan • Newspaper must include the following: • Headline • Picture • 1 article • All Must be in “yellow journalistic” fashion

  13. 2-Front War Fighting in Cuba Fighting in Philippines

  14. War Timeline - 1898 • April 20 • April 30 • June • July 1 • July 3 • July 25 • August 12

  15. Ending “The Splendid Little War” • Treat of Paris, 1898 • Terms: • 1. • 2. • 3.

  16. The United States and Puerto Rico and Cuba

  17. Cuba & US • American Soldiers keep presence & help improve conditions • Teller Amendment • Cubans reluctantly sign Platt amendment • Result: US becomes Protectorate of Cuba for 31 years • US Promises • Cuban Limitations • Wh • American Business Interests • Is it necessary? • What is is protecting and how does it relate to Imperialism?

  18. Puerto Rico & US • Puerto Rico important to US because • Keep presence in Caribbean • Protecting future canal (ultimately Panama Canal) • Foraker Act ended military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico • US appoints governor & Upper house • Puerto Ricans elect lower house • Insular Cases ruled Constitution did not apply to people in acquired territories • US citizenship could still be extended

  19. Philippine-American War • Emilio Aguinaldo led rebellion in Philippines upon hearing of US annexation plans • Americans impose authority • Force Filipinos to live is designated areas • Aftermath • Treaty of Paris, 1898 • Set-up similar gov’t to that of Puerto Rico • War cost $400 million  20 times what US paid for island • Why were the Philippines so important?

  20. China & US • China “sick man of Asia” • John Hay’s Open Door Notes • Nations should share the trading rights with US, creating and “open door” • What does this eliminate?

  21. Boxer Rebellion in China • Chinese secret societies formed in protest of foreign influence • Boxers were such group • The Boxers killed hundreds of missionaries & Chinese converts • GB, France, Germany & US sent troops to end the rebellion

  22. Protecting American Rights • Hay issued 2nd series of Open Door Notes • US economy depended on exports • US had right in intervene abroad to keep foreign markets open • Closing of an area to American products, citizens, or ideas threatened US survival • What does this become?

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