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Supplier of new media solutions

Supplier of new media solutions publishing, social networking, CRM software and mobile applications to student organisations in the UK Students are validated by .ac.uk e-mail address and by humans 'on campus'

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Supplier of new media solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Supplier of new media solutions • publishing, social networking, CRM software and mobile applications to student organisations in the UK • Students are validated by .ac.uk e-mail address and by humans 'on campus' • Both official (websites, newspapers) and UGC content (a network of locally moderated, contextually relevant 'Facebooks')

  2. Founded 2001

  3. VC's and investors everywhere

  4. got their

  5. and trying to raise finance or sell online advertising

  6. Was greeted with

  7. Hundreds of web companies

  8. went out of business

  9. THE END OF WEB 1.0

  10. What is Web 2.U? Web 1.0: Consumecontent via directories & websites Web 2.0: UGEN (User Generated Content) Interactwith andcreate content- publish, share, review, recommend, discuss, vote, contribute Web 2.U:Interact with andvaluepeople and content according to user context -just like in “Real Life”

  11. 2005

  12. Newscorp bought Myspace for $580m

  13. [pics of the new big cheeses Murdoch, guardian, times, Sky etc.]

  14. Which 'kick started' the industry

  15. began flowing into new web companies

  16. at an astonishing rate

  17. Slide.com - $30m Ning.com - $44m Netvibes.com - $15m Facebook - $25m

  18. Features of web 2.0 Content easy to find, highly dynamic All users have ADD Minutes of use in a day is metric of value The widest range of content, keeps the users attention The conversations of coffee shop and bars now take place on the web

  19. Losers, Weepers? Site and content production cheap and easy If you build it, they may come, but will they stay?? Try and Fail is core element of Web 2.0 Anyone can become an “authority” Being noticed and discussed gets you “15 minutes of fame”------good or bad

  20. Users and more specifically

  21. Have migrated en masse to

  22. And aren't interested in “static” websites

  23. The media landscape has changed

  24. and

  25. Is no longer the only information source

  26. for

  27. Who have

  28. Your members are

  29. generation

  30. and demand interaction

  31. And want content

  32. On their own terms

  33. In their own environment

  34. Why use online to communicate?

  35. Advantages of Online • All media formats available • Full Measurement • Real Time tracking & response • Extends to mobile • 24/7 • Update at will • Students are online every day • Students are early adopters

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