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FC.146A. ISRAEL & THE ARABS (c.1880-1973 )

FC.146A. ISRAEL & THE ARABS (c.1880-1973 ). Influx of relig. Jews to reclaim Bibl. homeland  displace Palest’s on W. Bank of Jordan R. Many Palest’s flee to other Arab states. Growing conflict b/w Jews & native Palestinians. Br. can’t control violence  Sends Jews back to Eur.

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FC.146A. ISRAEL & THE ARABS (c.1880-1973 )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FC.146A. ISRAEL & THE ARABS (c.1880-1973) Influx of relig. Jews to reclaim Bibl. homeland displace Palest’s on W. Bank of Jordan R. Many Palest’s flee to other Arab states Growing conflict b/w Jews & native Palestinians Br. can’t control violenceSends Jews back to Eur. Old concentr. camps often the only shelters available UN partitions Palestine b/w Jewish Israel & Arab Jordan (1948) Israel wins series of wars vs. Arabs (1948, 1956, 1967) Isr. takes rest of Biblical Holy Land in 1967 More & more Jews move to Palestine, esp. after Holocaust in WWII Host nations, esp. Lebanon & Jordan, can’t absorb so many refugees Palest’s once under diff. gov’s now united under Isr. Occup. Revives drive for Palest. state Israel rules large Palestinian population Dilemma: More Jewish settlements displacing Palestinians Isr. govt. indecisive about W. Bank settlements If Isr. keeps all Palest. as its Biblical heritage It gives up being a predominantly Jewish and democr. state If Isr. gives up these lands to stay Jewish and democr  Growing # of relig. Jews think it betrayed their faith Growing violence b/w Isr.& Arabs Palestine’s relig. & historic imp. to Jews (FC.14) Palestine’s relig. & historic imp. to Islam (FC.46) Rising anti-Semitism in Eur Zionist movement by mostly secular Jews to resettle in Palest. (FC.121) WWI  Br. Promises Jews Palest. & Arabs indep. (FC.127) WWII  Holocaust Jews deter. to found own state (FC.135) Growing turmoil & violence after 1967 Yom Kippur War in 1973 (FC.146B)

  2. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel Terrorism increasingly aimed vs. US: US embassies in Africa (1998) World Trade Center (9/11/2001) USS Cole (2000) Apparent US indifference to Mid-East peace Apparent US insensitivity to Islamic world US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing anger in Muslim world vs. US, Israel, & the West in general PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  3. Israeli territory after the 1967 War

  4. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A

  5. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A)

  6. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A)

  7. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  8. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  9. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  10. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  11. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  12. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  13. Because of the oil embargo in 1973, the average price of a gallon of gas jumped 16.6 cents to 55.1 cents in 1974, leading to long gas lines, gas shortages, and a temporary effort to create more fuel efficient cars. However, when some members of OPEC broke ranks in the 1980s, the price of oil came down and our beloved gas hogs were back

  14. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  15. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel  Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace efforts Extremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  16. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace efforts Extremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  17. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A)

  18. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls  Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr.  Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  19. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls  Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  20. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  21. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr  Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq  PLO loses rich Arabs’ support PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  22. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr  Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  23. On January 17, 1991, the US and its allies launched a massive air assault on Iraqi forces that lasted 39 days. B52s carpet bombed Iraqi positions, in particular those of Saddam Hussein’s elite Republican Guards, softening them up for the ground assault that was to follow,

  24. The ground assault began on February 24 and lasted a mere 100 hours. Iraqi soldiers, shaken by 39 days of constant air assaults against which they could do nothing, quickly surrendered by the thousands. Some 100,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed as opposed to 340 Coalition forces. Once Iraqi forces were cleared from Kuwait, there arose the issue of whether or not to continue into Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein . Below: Remains of an Iraqi convoy during the Gulf War

  25. The limited UN mandate and lukewarm Arab support for continuing to Baghdad convinced President George H.W. Bush to stop at the Iraqi border, a decision his son, would reverse when he became President. Despite an astounding lack of evidence linking Saddam Hussein to 9/11 or al-Qaeda and world public opinion against the move, Bush sent US forces along with British and a few other countries’ lukewarm support into Iraq in 2003. He deposed Saddam Hussein, but failed to find the weapons of mass destruction that he had used as the pretext for the war. He also sent in a stripped down force that was easily able to rout the Iraqi army, but was not nearly large enough to peacefully occupy and pacify the country. With the removal of Saddam Hussein’s admittedly cruel, but firm, rule and the lack of anything to effectively replace it, the country deteriorated into intense factional fighting along religious and ethnic lines.

  26. Gulf War Syndrome Since the war, thousands US veterans have developed mysterious symptoms that became known as Gulf War Syndrome. The government denies being liable for these symptoms, saying they are not consistent with the symptoms associated with mild exposure to the chemical weapons Saddam Hussein had but didn’t use. Another theory links them to the use of degraded uranium to harden the tips of American anti-tank shells, saying soldiers were exposed to the scattered remnants of these while cleaning up American tanks hit by friendly fire, but without being issued chemical suits.

  27. Before leaving Kuwait, the Iraqis spilled 10 million barrels of oil into the Persian Gulf and set fire to Kuwait’s oil fields.

  28. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  29. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  30. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  31. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  32. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  33. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  34. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  35. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  36. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  37. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  38. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  39. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  40. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel Apparent US indifference to Mid-East peace US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

  41. FC.146B ISRAEL & THE ARABS (1973-2001)) A PLO support for Iraq PLO loses rich Arabs’ support Isr. encourages growth of rad. Islamic group, Hamas, to weaken PLO Growing attacks vs. Isr’s, inside Israel Apparent US indifference to Mid-East peace Apparent US insensitivity to Islamic world US gets Isr. & PLO to talk (1992) Isr. makes concessions Isr. leader, Rabin, assass. by Isr’s afraid of his peace plan More Israeli settlements on W. Bank displace Palestinians Palestinian uprising (Intifada) Harsh, but ineffective Isr. reprisals 1st Gulf War (1991)  Iraqi missiles hit Isr Shows Isr’s vulnerability PLO’s ally, USSR, falls Lose milit. & UN support Growing dependence on Mid-east oil US supports Isr. to protect its oil supplies 600k Eur. Jews go to Isr. Isr. needs US econ. aid Growing Arab reaction vs. Israel & its supporter, US: Palestinians use “terrorist” tactics vs. more powerful Isr. Arabs form oil cartel (OPEC), cut oil prod., & raise prices US more sensitive to Arab position Camp David Accord b/w Egypt & Isr. (1978) More violence inside Israel Both sides suffer Isr’s milit. strength Other Arab states less willing to fight on behalf of Palest’s Isr’s milit. strength is less effective vs. terrorist attacks by its Palest. subjects Peace effortsExtremists on both sides fear betrayal Isr. Decisively defeats its Arab neighbors in Yom Kippur War (FC.146A) Rising Palestinian anger vs Isr. over new W. Bank settlements (FC.146A) End of Cold War (FC. 149)

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