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This overview provides information on the 4 POLR customer classes, eligibility for serving as a POLR, types of POLR providers, assignment of ESI IDs during mass transitions, and pricing for each customer class.
POLR Rule Overview The Basics • There are 4 POLR customer classes: Residential, Small Non-Res. (<50 kW), Medium Non Res.(50 kW <1000 kW) and Large Non Res. (≥1000 kW) • There are 24 POLR areas, 6 TDUs (CNP, TXU, AEP TCC, AEP TNC, Sharyland-McAllen and TNMP) x 4 POLR customer classes. • A REP is eligible to serve as a POLR if the REP has been in business in Texas more than 18 months, is in good standing with the Commission, serves the POLR customer class in the TDSP, and surpasses the minimum threshold for load and ESI ID count established by the commission. (This calculation roughly results in REPs with ~1% market share in a given POLR area being eligible to provide POLR service.) • There are two types of POLR providers: Volunteer REPs and Large Service Providers (aka Non-Volunteer POLR) • The number of LSPs per area is capped at the 15 largest eligible REPs by annual MWh sales by area/class. • Each Mass Transition Event is treated as a separate event.
POLR Rule Overview During a mass transition • ERCOT segments and assigns ESI IDs to the VREP before assigning ESI IDs to the LSP POLRs. • A VREP will not be assigned more ESI IDs than it has indicated it is willing to serve. (Currently no REPs are VREPs) • If the number of ESI IDs is less than the total that the VREPs indicated that they are willing to serve, each VREP shall be assigned a proportionate number of ESI IDs. • After VREPs have reached their ESI ID threshold all remaining ESI IDs are distributed to the LSP in a weighted manner based on the market share calculation made at the time of LSP designation. • If a REP is both a VREP and LSP POLR in the same area/class bucket the REP is obligated to serve all the ESI IDs assigned to it. • ERCOT assigns ESI IDs in a class/area bucket randomly. • The POLR provider is financially responsible for all costs of providing electricity to customers for as long as REP of Record.
POLR Rule Overview Pricing • VREPs serve customers exclusively at month to month “market based rates.” • LSP REPs may serve mass transition customers at either a market based rate or the POLR rate based upon Real-Time prices. • LSP Residential POLR rate (in $ per KWh) = (Non-bypassable charges + POLR customer charges + POLR energy charge)/ kWh used • Pass through of utility non-bypassable charges, which includes: TDU charges, ERCOT administrative fees, nodal fees, replacement reserve charges attributable to POLR load, and applicable taxes • Residential Customer Charge is $0.06 per kWh • Energy charge is 120% of the actual hourly real-time price of energy with a price floor based on a simple average previous year’s real time settlement prices. • kWh used is based either on interval data or an allocation of the customer’s total actual usage to the hour based on a ratio of the customer’s ERCOT backcasted load profile.
POLR Rule Overview • LSP Small Non Residential and Medium Non Residential rate (in $ per KWh) = (Non-bypassable charges + POLR customer charges + POLR demand charge + POLR energy charge)/ kWh used • Pass through of utility non-bypassable charges • SNR/MNR Customer Charge is $0.025 per kWh • SNR/MNR Demand Charge is $2.00 per kW per month with a demand meter and $50 per month for customers without a demand meter. • Energy charge is 125% of the actual hourly real-time price with an associated price floor, same as described above. • kWh used is based either on interval data or an allocation of the customer’s total actual usage to the hour based on a ratio of the customer’s ERCOT backcasted load profile • LSP Large non-residential rate (in $ per KWh) = (Non-bypassable charges + POLR customer charges + POLR demand charge + POLR energy charge)/ kWh used • Pass through of utility non-bypassable charges, • POLR customer charge ($2,879 per month) • Demand charge ($6.00 per kW per month) • Energy charge that is 125% of the 15 minute interval real-time price with an associated price floor of $7.25. • Customer and demand charges for all customer classes are prorated if a customer switches to a REP of choice