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Army Pay & Allowances How much will you make?. Types of Pay & Allowances. Basic (Base) Pay = Salary (monthly) ; depends upon Pay Grade (Rank) & Years of Service. Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) = Additional pay for food/rations, etc.
Army Pay & Allowances How much will you make?
Types of Pay & Allowances • Basic (Base) Pay = Salary (monthly); depends upon Pay Grade (Rank) & Years of Service. • Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) = Additional pay for food/rations, etc. • Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH); formerly BAQuarters • Only those who live Off-Post (not in government housing or BOQ). • Based upon rates with and with-out dependents. • Includes deviations based upon cost of living (Variable Housing Allowance). • Non-Taxable. • Special Duty/Skills & Incentive Pay: • Flight Pay (on “Flight Status”) = $125 - $840 per month. • Jump Pay (on “Jump Status”) = $150 per month • Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (Combat Pay) = $225 per month. • Demolition Pay & Dive Pay (must be in duty position). • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) = Pay adjustment for living overseas in a high-cost area (includes Hawaii).
BASIC ENTRY: Officer (2LT/O1 vs. PVT/E2) 2LT (less than 2 years) = $2934.30 per month = $35,211.60 / year PV2 (less than 2 years) = $1734.00 per month = $20,808.00 / year
AFTER 3 YEARS: Officer (1LT/O2 vs. SPC/E4) 1LT/O2 (Over 3 years) = $4434.30 per month = $53,211.60 / year SPC/E4 (Over 3 years) = $2238.00 per month = $26,856 / year
BAS BAH (only if you live OFF-POST)
SMP in ROTC E-5 pay ! ($293.72) Typically, one drill weekend includes four (4) drill periods E-2: $231.20 / weekend drill (4xMUTA)
Types of Deductions (Pay) • Federal Income Taxes (based upon W-2 Form). • FICA - Social Security Taxes. • FICA – Medicare. • OPTIONAL Deductions: • Serviceman Group Life Insurance (SGLI) premium ($17.25/mo for $250,000 worth). • Family SGLI premium ($2.50/month for $50,000). • Any previous overpayment or debt owed to the Army/Government.
Types of Allotments (Pay) • U.S. Savings Bonds ($25 = $50). • Investments (Mutual Funds). • Life Insurance (additional Commercial life insurance). • Army Emergency Relief (AER); helps Soldiers in your unit. • Combined Federal Campaign (CFC); charitable contributions. • Alimony/Child Support.
Additional “INCOME” NO Medical or Dental expenses while on Active Duty (you). - Pay minimal amount for spouse & children coverage. MOVING Expenses (FREE military moves – don’t have to pay movers): - Per Diem (daily rate for meals & incidentals). - Temporary Lodging Expenses (off-set having to use a hotel/motel). - Mileage Reimbursement (per mile). - Dislocation Allowance (money to defer costs of moving). - Do-It-Yourself (DITY) move (make $$ by saving the government $$). TAX Savings (not included in taxable income): - BAH & BAS is NON-taxable! - Other special income is typically NON-taxable - Only Base Pay is taxable. “Business Trips” (TDY) – is paid for (lodging, meals, incidentals, & transportation) Tuition Assistance (TA) for Education.
Additional Benefits 30 days of LEAVE (vacation) per year (accumulated @ 2.5 days/month). - can accumulate up to 60 days. Federal Holidays OFF (often a 4-day weekend). Liberal PASS policy (time-off) for good conduct or special considerations. RECREATION: Gyms, pools, recreation facilities, ball-fields, bowling alley’s, auto-craft shops, wood-working shops, arts & crafts shops, golf courses, shooting ranges, horse stables, fishing ponds/lakes, movie theaters…. SCHOOLS: Elementary & Middle Schools for children. CHURCHES on-post. PX & COMMISSARY.
LEAVE & EARNINGS STATEMENT (LES) +1.5 Days x per Month PAID 2 x per MONTH !
Direct Deposit • You will be required to establish a Direct Deposit account (checking or savings) for ALL your Military pay to be deposited into. • You may elect to keep that account throughout your career (I did) or move it as you move from location to location (PCS). • Recommend that you also open a “local” account (checking and/or savings/ATM) when you PCS to a new duty station (if you keep your DD somewhere else). • Recommend elect to receive a Mid-Month Pay & and End-of-Month Pay option. • Even TDY/travel, and other payments will be DD. • My Example: $125 into Savings every pay / rest into Checking.
Leadership Responsibilities • Review the LES of your Soldiers: • Check & verify the number of LEAVE days (“Use/Lose” or “In-the-Hole”). • Check & verify the Mid-Month & End-of-Month Pay (“No Pay Due”). • Unit Commander’s Finance Report (UCFR). Save your LES’s