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Venus. By George B.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Venus By George B.

  2. Table of Contents1. Title2. Table of Contents3. What do scientists think the surface of Venus is like? & What is the atmosphere like on your planet?4. What is the temperature range? & What is Venus’ diameter and circumference? 5. Does it have any moons? & How far is Venus from the sun?6. How many miles is Venus from the Earth ?7. How long does it take for Venus to revolve around the sun? & How did your planet get its name? 8. Are there any other important or interesting facts about Venus?9. Bibliography/ Webliography

  3. Many scientists think that Venus’ surface is covered in many volcanoes and craters. Also, scientists think the atmosphere is made up of thick clouds and heavy air. Surface & Atmosphere

  4. The average temperature on Venus is 900˚degrees Fahrenheit.The diameter of Venus is 7,521 miles.The circumference of Venus is 23,627 Temperature, Circumference, and Diameter

  5. Moons & Distance from the Sun Venus has no moons. Venus is 67,200,000 miles from the sun.

  6. Distance from Earth & Rotate Venus is 75 million miles away from Earth. Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate.

  7. Revolve & How did it get its name? It takes Venus 225 to revolve around the sun. Venus got its name from the roman goddess of love and beauty.

  8. Interesting facts Venus has many interesting facts. For example, did you know that Venus spins backwards on its axis? Don’t you think that’s amazing! Also, Venus has a volcano that is as big as Mt. Everest. The final fact that I’m going to tell you is that Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.

  9. Bibliography/ Webliography Erickson, Kristen. "Solar System Exploration." NASA. April 7, 2014. NASA. 7 April, 2014. <NASA.gov>. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0SO8ocFS3pTPgwAhitXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0YnFsaDgwBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDIyNl8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-435&va=venus

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