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Healing with Cycles: The New Science of Brain Repair. International Theosophy Conference 2012 Wheaton, Illinois Helena Kerekhazi , MS Ed., PhD Candidate, Neuropsychology, Diplomate EEG Biofeedback helenaeegbio@optonline.net. The Secret Doctrine on Cycles.
Healing with Cycles:The New Science of Brain Repair International Theosophy Conference 2012 Wheaton, Illinois Helena Kerekhazi, MS Ed., PhD Candidate, Neuropsychology, Diplomate EEG Biofeedback helenaeegbio@optonline.net
The Secret Doctrine on Cycles The Eternity of the Universe in toto as a boundless plane; periodically "the playground of numberless Universes incessantly manifesting and disappearing," called "the manifesting stars," and the "sparks of Eternity." "The Eternity of the Pilgrim" † is like a wink of the Eye of Self-Existence (Book of Dzyan.) "The appearance and disappearance of Worlds is like a regular tidal ebb of flux and reflux." (See Part II., "Days and Nights of Brahmâ.“ S.D. p. 16
Man’s Inner Nature Human nature is an abyss, which physiology (and indeed modern science in general) has sounded less deeply than some who have never heard the word physiology pronounced. Never are the high censors of the Royal Society more perplexed than when brought face to face with that insolvable mystery – man’s inner nature. Are Dreams But Idle Visions?
Are Dreams But Idle Visions? The key to it is – man’s dual being. It is that key that they refuse to use, well aware that if once the door of the adytum be flung open they will be forced to drop one by one their cherished theories and final conclusions – more than once proved to have been no better than hobbies, starting from false or incomplete premisses. If we must remain satisfied with the half explanations of physiology as regards meaningless dreams, how account in such case for the numerous facts of verified dreams?
Man is a Dual Being To say that man is a dual being, that in man (to use the words of Paul) "there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body"; and that, therefore, he must of necessity have a double set of senses – is tantamount in the opinion of the educated sceptic to uttering an unpardonable and most unscientific fallacy. Yet it has to be uttered, science notwithstanding.
A Double Set of Senses Man is undeniably endowed with a double set of senses; with natural or physical senses (these to be safely left to physiology to deal with); and with sub-natural or spiritual senses (belonging entirely to the province of psychological science). The word "sub," let it be well understood, is used here in a sense diametrically opposite to that given to it – in chemistry, for example.
Keynote Stuck by the Inner Man In our case it is a prefix, as in "subtonic" or "sub-bass" in music. Indeed, as the aggregate sound of nature is shown to be a single definite tone, a key-note vibrating from and through eternity; having an undeniable existence per se, yet possessing an appreciable pitch only for "the acutely fine ear"* – so the definite harmony or disharmony of man’s external nature is seen by the observant to depend wholly on the character of the key-note struck for the outer by the inner man.
Needs Constant Tuning It is the spiritual Ego or Self that serves as the fundamental base, determining the tone of the whole life of man – that most capricious, uncertain and variable of all instruments, which more than any other needs constant tuning; it is its voice alone, which like the sub-bass of an organ, underlies the melody of his whole life, whether its tones are sweet or harsh, harmonious or wild, legato or pizzicato.
The Spiritual Ego impresses the brain Therefore, we say, man, in addition to the physical, has also a spiritual brain. If the former is wholly dependent for the degree of its receptivity on its own physical structure and development, it is, on the other hand, entirely subordinate to the latter, inasmuch as it is the spiritual Ego alone (according as it leans more towards its two highest principles,† or towards its physical shell) that can impress more or less vividly the outer brain with the perception of things purely spiritual or immaterial.
Hence it depends on the acuteness of the mental feelings of the inner Ego, on the degree of spirituality of its faculties, to transfer the impression of the scenes its semi-spiritual brain perceives, the words it hears, and what it feels, to the sleeping physical brain of the outer man.
Hence highly spiritual persons will see visions and dreams during sleep and even in their hours of wakefulness. …Those less spiritually endowed will see such dreams only at rare intervals; the accuracy of the dreams depending on the intensity of the dreamer’s feeling in regard to the perceived object.
On the other hand, the more spiritual a man, the more active his fancy, the greater is the probability of his receiving in vision correctly the impressions conveyed to him by his all-seeing, ever-wakeful Ego. The spiritual senses of the latter, unimpeded as they are by the interference of the physical senses, are in direct intimacy with his highest spiritual principle.
This principle (though per se a quasi-unconscious part of the utterly unconscious, because utterly immaterial, Absolute‡) having in itself the inherent capabilities of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, as soon as its pure essence comes in contact with pure sublimated and (to us) imponderable matter, imparts these attributes in a degree to the as pure astral Ego.
In a sensual, unspiritual man, in one whose mode of life and animal proclivities and passions have entirely disconnected his fifth principle or animal, astral Ego from its higher spiritual soul; as also in him whose hard, physical labour has so worn out the material body as to render him temporarily insensible to the voice and touch of his astral soul – in both cases during sleep the brain remains in a complete state of anæmia or full inactivity
The stronger the spirituality of the faculties of the latter, the easier it will be for the Ego to awake the sleeping hemispheres, rouse into activity the sensory ganglia and the cerebellum, and impress the former (always in full inactivity and rest during the deep sleep of man) with the vivid picture of the subject so transferred..
Brain Disorders Today • From autism to aging, in chronic illness such as Lyme disease, in the post-traumatic stress disorders of our returning soldiers, to the little known and least understood brain disorders of epilepsy and schizophrenia, the new wave of addiction to pain-killers and prescription drugs, organic and suicidal depressions, we face many of the toughest challenges in brain repair. The latest advances in the new field of neuroscience point to a new era of neuroplasticity and it comes none too soon.
Psychiatry’s bible, the DSM, is doing more harm than good About half of all Americansget a psychiatric diagnosis in their lifetimes. Proposed diagnoses of children with sadness and recommendations of antipsychotics. Antipsychotics or antibiotics or better ways of healing viruses, spirochetes, parasites….. Mental health professionals should use, and patients should insist on, what does work: not snap-judgment diagnoses, but instead listening to patients respectfully to understand their suffering — and help them find more natural ways of healing. Exercise, good nutrition, meditation and human connection are often more effective — and less risky — than drugs or electroshock.
WHO depends on DSMV We all depend on it and also on each other….and in many ways the world depends very much on us…. Your thoughts and opinions matter more than you realize with the advent of social media…. Forums for sharing case studies across the country and the globe are developing informational sites to spread broadcast and share protocols and options for healing.
Sources of Suffering on the Increase?“Psychotic” or Noetic Actions? • Birth: 1 in 50 males born with autism or early onset schizophrenia • Disease: Herpes, Lyme, addictions, autoimmune • Aging: What causes Alhzemers? Caregivers burnout too! • Death Look to mother’s body and the environmental causes Better testing of meds, new and inclusive protocols Education and Research How can we age out comfortably? Affordably? How can we better decide and control when and how?
When a Child Can’t Do Their Homework But what if they want to and they really can’t? We must develop better ways than corporal punishment or psychological battering… Don’t cut off the arm if it is ticking uncontrollably or gouge your eyes out; what then about behavior? Satan is truly the brain and the science we don’t understand.
“The brain is such a complex thing, both physically and metaphysically,” Blavatsky wrote, “that it is like a tree whose bark you can uncover layer by layer, “…each layer being different from all the others, each having its own special work, function and properties.”
Brain Connections to the Soul? • We cannot replace the brain the way we can the heart • We are not the brain, we are Souls who use the brain and body • The work that needs to be done yet is enhancing our understanding of the temporal lobe especially…..early interventions that do not interfere with development but enhance function to draw out the Soul, regardless of the age of the Soul, child, teenager, adult or senior….
How do we instead Draw out the Soul? • We steal from ourselves when we deny the suffering of children and others , assigning our judgments of their capacities, which we do by the way all the time….. • When someone has a truly psychotic episode we must look to the causes….school pressures, economic, home pressures, brain traumas, wrong drugs, lack of support, a crisis in the making until a person reaches critical mass and Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde switches are out of control of the person • Most would rather die and commit suicide than hurt others because they have lost control over the Connection..
Suicidal Depression • The fate of the suicide is horrible in general. He has cut himself off from his body by using mechanical means that affect the body, but cannot touch the real man. He then is projected into the astral world, for he has to live somewhere. There the remorseless law, which acts really for his good, compels him to wait until he can properly die. Naturally he must wait, half dead, the months or years which, in the order of nature, would have rolled over him before body and soul and spirit could rightly separate. He becomes a shade; he lives in purgatory, so to say, called by the Theosophist the "place of desire and passion," or "Kama Loka." He exists in the astral realm entirely, eaten up by his own thoughts. Continually repeating in vivid thoughts the act by which he tried to stop his life's pilgrimage, he at the same time sees the people and the place he left, but is not able to communicate with any one except, now and then, with some poor sensitive, who often is frightened by the visit. And often he fills the minds of living persons who may be sensitive to his thoughts with the picture of his own taking off, occasionally leading them to commit upon themselves the act of which he was guilty.
Theosophy and Suicide: Judge • To put it theosophically, the suicide has cut himself off on one side from the body and life which were necessary for his experience and evolution, and on the other from his spirit, his guide and "Father in heaven." He is composed now of astral body, which is of great tensile strength, informed and inflamed by his passions and desires. But a portion of his mind, called manas, is with him. He can think and perceive, but, ignorant of how to use the forces of that realm, he is swept hither and thither, unable to guide himself. His whole nature is in distress, and with it to a certain degree the whole of humanity, for through the spirit all are united. Thus he goes on, until the law of nature acting on his astral body, that begins to die, and then he falls into a sleep from which he awakens in time for a season of rest before beginning once more a life on earth. In his next reincarnation he may, if he sees fit, retrieve or compensate or suffer over again.
There is no escape from responsibility. The "sweet embrace of the wet clay" is a delusion. It is better to bravely accept the inevitable, since it must be due to our errors in other older lives, and fill every duty, try to improve all opportunity. To teach suicide is a sin, for it leads some to commit it. To prohibit it without reason is useless, for our minds must have reasons for doing or not doing. And if we literally construe the words of the Bible, then there we find it says no murderer has a place but in hell.
Give men the key to their own natures • Such constructions satisfy but few in an age of critical investigation and hard analysis. But give men the key to their own natures, show them how law governs both here and beyond the grave, and their good sense will do the rest.
Nature Exists for the Sake of the Soul • Suicide, like any other murder is a sin because it is a sudden disturbance of the harmony of the world. It is a sin because it defeats nature. Nature exists for the sake of the soul and for no other reason, it has the design, so to say, of giving the soul experience and self-consciousness. These can only be had by means of a body through which the soul comes in contact with nature, and to violently sever the connection before the natural time defeats the aim of nature, for the present compelling her, by her own slow processes, to restore the task left unfinished.
Brain Repair: Working with Cycles • The Art of Healing is working with the Law of Cycles • So how can we take advantage of healing cycles with the brain, to uncover the Sacred connection to the Soul that connects us all through the Universal Manas and to our Source?
UCLA ( University of California at Los Angeles ) ON ALZHEIMERS • Food for Thought"The idea that Alzheimer's is entirely genetic and unpreventable isperhaps the Greatest misconception about the disease," says GarySmall, M.D., director of The UCLA Center on Aging. Researchers nowknow that Alzheimer's, like heart Disease and cancer, develops overdecades and can be influenced by lifestyle Factors includingcholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, depression, education,Nutrition, sleep and mental, physical and social activity.
Dr. Daniel Amen’s Assessments • CAN I EXPECT FROM AN ASSESSMENT? • We’ll start by gathering information about you and the reason you’ve contacted us. Then we’ll conduct some evaluations. Parts of this process may vary depending on your individual situation. • In general, here’s what you can expect: • You’ll fill out forms and questionnaires about yourself, your lifestyle, and your health history. • You’ll then take a computerized neuropsychological assessment. • Next, you’ll meet with an Amen Clinic historian in person to go over in-depth details about what may be bothering you now and over the course of your life. • If undergoing SPECT scans, you’ll have two scans 24 hours apart: one while performing a concentration task, and one while your mind is at rest. • For some patients, a qEEG is conducted. • Finally, you’ll meet with a doctor to go over scan results and treatment recommendations specific to you and your brain. • One to three weeks later, you can expect a follow-up visit to answer questions or concerns and to find out how well treatment is working. • http://www.amenclinics.com/index.php/the-science/see-the-process
100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss • Drink Coffee: It helps prevent beta amyloid plaques • Floss! Dental inflammation is proximal to the brain • Protect your head! 65% of depression is concussion-related and now chronic illnesses as well • Google and Grow your brain! • Exercise • Sleep • Manage your stress • Every car needs oil: olive, fish, coconut
Working with Brain Cycles of Healing • Meditate • Avoid infections of all types • Drink organic apple juice, apple cider vinegar • Drink and eat berries and no sugar berry juices • Build up your cognitive reserve with loads of experiences • Exercise compassion and connect to others to exercise and connect to your Soul
Professor and the Madman • The building of the Oxford English Dictionary
Firing Neurons | Cell Dance 2010, Public Outreach Video Winner Dance of the Neurons • http://youtu.be/GIGqp6_PG6k