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A New Method in Organic Food Preservation

A New Method in Organic Food Preservation. Keep food fresh with BFRESH. Foods are perished due to spoilage & decay. Food spoilage and decay make food un-edible and can lead to human morbidity and mortality Food spoilage and decay lead to Degradation of food quality Loss of color

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A New Method in Organic Food Preservation

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  1. A New Method in Organic Food Preservation Keep food fresh with BFRESH

  2. Foods are perished due to spoilage & decay • Food spoilage and decay make food un-edible and can lead to human morbidity and mortality • Food spoilage and decay lead to • Degradation of food quality • Loss of color • Loss of flavor • Loss of texture • Loss of aroma • Contamination by microorganisms • Contamination by toxins

  3. Causes of food spoilage Food spoilage is due to • Autolysis: Self – decomposition of food by Oxidation, Enzymes, and Metal ions • Microbial decomposition • Damage by external factors (insects, rodents, dust, odor, fumes, and mechanical, fire, heat or water)

  4. Causes of food decay Food decay is due to • Putrefaction • Fermentation, a metabolic process whereby electrons released from nutrients are ultimately transferred to molecules obtained from the breakdown of the same nutrients • Rancidification from chemical decomposition of fats, oils and other lipids

  5. Food losses occur for all types of food • Each year, industrialized and developing countries dispose of roughly similar quantities of food • 25 to 35% of world food production is lost through natural causes such as pests, microbes, and insects • The post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables in the developing countries account for almost 50% of the produce. • Annual supermarket losses are • 11.4% for fresh fruit • 9.7% for fresh vegetables • 30% for cereals • 4.5% for fresh meat, poultry, and seafood

  6. Loss from farm to retail: 4% Loss from retail to consumer: 12% Loss at consumer level: 29% (includes spoilage, plate waste,and losses from inedible parts (stems and cores) Total loss: 45% A new organic method for food preservation Loss-adjusted food for fresh apples

  7. Fruit Percent loss Fruit Percent loss Papayas 58 Apricots 37 Mangoes 21 Honeydew melons 21 Plums 21 Pears 20 Tangerines 20 Watermelons 19 Pineapples 17 Kiwis 16 Peaches 15 Grapefruits 13 Oranges 13 Cantaloups 11 Limes 11 Average 11 Strawberries 10 Avocados 10 Apples 9 Bananas 9 Grapes 8 Lemons 8 Cranberries 7 Blueberries 5 Cherries 2 A new organic method for food preservation Supermarket loss estimates for fresh fruit

  8. Fruit Percent loss Fruit Percent loss Mustard greens 67 Escarole/endive 48 Collard greens 43 Kale 42 Turnip greens 39 Okra 23 Radishes 22 Eggplant 21 Brussel sprouts 20 Artichokes 20 Snap beans 19 Cabbage 16 Sweet potatoes 15 Lettuce 14 Spinach 14 Tomatoes 14 Mushrooms 14 Cauliflower 13 Pumpkins 13 Squash 12 Broccoli 12 Onions 12 Asparagus 11 Average 10 Garlic 10 Bell peppers 10 Head lettuce 9 Potatoes 7 Cucumbers 6 Carrots 6 Celery 6 Corn 1 A new organic method for food preservation Supermarket loss estimates for vegetables

  9. Fruit Percent loss Fruit Percent loss Papayas 54 Apricots 35 Tangerines 20 Plums 17 Pears 17 Watermelons 16 Mangoes 14 Pineapples 14 Honeydew 12 Cantaloups 12 Kiwis 12 Grapefruits 12 Oranges 11 Peaches 11 Avocados 9 Strawberries 9 Bananas 8 Limes 8 Apples 8 Lemons 7 Grapes 7 Cranberries 6 Blueberries 5 Cherries 4 A new organic method for food preservation Fruit loss at the retail/institutional level

  10. Fruit Percent loss Fruit Percent loss Potatoes 40 Onions 20 Head lettuce 19 Tomatoes 17 Lettuce 12 Sweet corn 8 Carrots 8 Cabbage 7 Cucumbers 6 Celery 5 Broccoli 5 Pumpkin 4 Squash 4 Sweet potatoes 4 Garlic 2 Mushrooms 2 Spinach 2 Snap beans 2 Asparagus 1 Cauliflower 1 Eggplant 1 Artichokes 0.6 Radishes 0.5 Collard greens 0.5 Okra 0.4 Turnip greens 0.4 Mustard greens 0.4 sprouts 0.3 Kale 0.3 Escarole and endive 0.2 Bell peppers 6 A new organic method for food preservation Vegetable loss at the retail/institutional level

  11. Present day methods of food preservation • Present day methodologies for preserving food include • Stopping the self decomposition by inhibition of • Enzymes • Oxidation • Avoidance to contaminate food by microorganisms • Killing microorganisms that lead to food spoilage and decay • Proper packaging to avoid further damage by microorganisms, insects, rodents, dust, odor, fumes, and mechanical, fire, heat or water

  12. Present day methods of food preservation • Present day methodologies for preserving food include • Blanching • Vacuum sealing • Drying • Pickling • Chemical preservatives and antioxidants • Refrigeration • Freezing • Sterilization by heat • Ohmic heating • Dielectric heating • Radio frequency (RF) • Microwave (MW) heating

  13. Present day methods of food preservation • Present day methodologies for preserving food include • Non-thermal processing • High hydrostatic pressure • Pulsed electric fields • High-intensity ultrasound • Ultraviolet light • Pulsed light • Ionizing radiation • Oscillating magnetic fields

  14. A new organic method for food preservation • We have innovated a technology that prevents food spoilage and decay and prevents • Food ripening • Degradation of food quality • Loss of color • Loss of flavor • Loss of texture • Loss of aroma • Contamination by microorganisms and their toxins

  15. A new organic method for food preservation Our technology prevents • Autolysis: Self – decomposition • Microbial decomposition • Damage by external factors (insects, molluscs, grasshopper)

  16. A new organic method for food preservation The method that we have developed has the following advantages over current techniques • Our technology can be applied to fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, salmon, chicken, bread and many other foods • Our technology removes the need for adding food preservatives • Our technology doubles or triples food shelf life without any preservative even at room temperature • Our technology is safe • Our technology is cost effective and lowers the cost of food • Our technology does not require special machinery • Our technology does not require special personnel • Our technology is compatible with and can be included with any method used for food processing, packaging and delivery • Our technology does not change the quality of food including its flavor, color, texture, or aroma

  17. A new organic method for food preservation Our techology uses 3-4 compounds to preserve food. Compound A. This compound retards the food ripening (fruits and vegetables), retards food spoilage (spoilage that are dependent on enzymatic reactions), food decay and prevents growth of microorganisms. Compound B. This compound amplifies the action of compound A and retards the food ripening (fruits and vegetables), retards food spoilage (spoilage that are dependent on enzymatic reactions), food decay and help to prevent growth of microorganisms. Compound C. This compound removes water in the container to prevent food spoilage and decay. Compound D. This compound amplifies the action of compound A and retards the food ripening (fruits and vegetables), retards food spoilage (spoilage that are dependent on enzymatic reactions), food decay and help to prevent growth of microorganisms.

  18. A new organic method for food preservation These compounds are within a device with compartments as shown below

  19. A new organic method for food preservation The instruction for use of the device is simple as shown below Turn the head of the device clockwise Insert the device within a container Close the container Store at desired temperature

  20. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 8 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of TomatoThe non-preserved tomato shows evidence of ripening on day 8 while the preserved tomato shows little evidence of ripening on the same day.

  21. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 3 Day 4 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of StrawberryArrows point to the development of yeast on the surface of non-preserved strawberry on day 3. By day 4, the yeast has covered the non-preserved strawberry. There is preservation of freshness in the preserved fruit and no evidence of yeast growth.

  22. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of BlackberryThe non-preserved blackberry shows evidence of yeast growth by day 4 and is fully covered by yeast on day 6 (arrow). The preserved blackberry maintains its freshness on day 4 and shows no evidence of growth of yeast on day 6.

  23. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of RaspberryThe non-preserved raspberry shows evidence of yeast growth on day 4 and is fully covered by yeast on day 6 (arrow). The preserved raspberry maintains its freshness until day 6 and shows no evidence of growth of yeast on day 6.

  24. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 8 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of BananaThe non-preserved bananas show surface areas of brown discoloration on day 8 while the preserved bananas have maintained their freshness and show no discoloration on the same day.

  25. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 4 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of Slice of Avocado By day 4, the yeast has covered the non-preserved slice of discolored avocado. The preserved slice of avocado has slight discoloration but no evidence of yeast growth on day 4.

  26. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 4 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of Slice of Banana The non-preserved slice of banana shows surface areas of brown discoloration and shows yeast on its surface. The preserved slice of banana does not show any change in color nor any evidence of yeast growth on the same day.

  27. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 4 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of Slice of Fig The non-preserved slice of fig shows evidence of yeast growth by day 4 while the preserved slice of fig maintains its freshness on day 4 and shows no evidence of growth of yeast.

  28. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 4 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of Slice of Tomato The non-preserved slice of tomato shows evidence of yeast growth by day 4 while the preserved slice maintains its freshness on day 4 and shows no evidence of growth of yeast.

  29. Non-preserved Preserved Day 0 Day 8 A new organic method for food preservation Preservation of Bread The non-preserved bread shows evidence of yeast growth by day 8 while the preserved bread shows no evidence of growth of yeast on the same day.

  30. 35 Non-preserved Preserved with Bfresh 30 25 Content of reducing sugars (mg/g-1FW) 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 Duration of treatment (days) A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on reducing sugar content of strawberry Similar results were obtained for chromaticity (color), enzymes and respiratory intensity of strawberry fruits “not shown”

  31. 650 Non-preserved Preserved 600 550 Content of soluble protein (mg/g-1FW) 500 450 400 350 0 2 4 6 8 Duration of treatment (days) A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on soluble protein content of strawberry Similar results were obtained for chromaticity (color), enzymes and respiratory intensity of strawberry fruits “not shown”

  32. A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on free amino acid content of strawberry Free amino acid content (nmolg-1 FW)

  33. A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on free amino acid content of strawberry Free amino acid content (nmolg-1 FW)

  34. 26 24 22 20 Preserved with compound A +B + C Preserved with compound A +B 18 Preserved with compound B only Firmness (g.cm2) 16 Preserved with compound A only 14 Control (not preservation) 12 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Duration of treatment (days) A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on firmness of strawberry

  35. 60 55 Preserved with compound A +B + C 50 Preserved with compound A +B Preserved with compound B only Surface color 45 Preserved with compound A only Control (not preservation) 40 35 30 0 1 2 3 4 Duration of treatment (days) A new organic method for food preservation Effect of preservation with BFresh technology on surface color of strawberry

  36. The following time lapse photography shows spoilage of non-preserved fruits as compared with those preserved with BFresh technology A new organic method for food preservation See our live experiments and time lapse photography of these experiments http://bfresh.us

  37. The following time lapse photography shows spoilage of non-preserved fruit as compared with that preserved with BFresh technology A new organic method for food preservation See our live experiments and time lapse photography of these experiments http://bfresh.us

  38. The following time lapse photography shows spoilage of non-preserved fruits as compared with thse preserved with BFresh technology A new organic method for food preservation See our live experiments and time lapse photography of these experiments http://bfresh.us

  39. The following time lapse photography shows spoilage of non-preserved fruit as compared with that preserved with BFresh technology A new organic method for food preservation See our live experiments and time lapse photography of these experiments http://bfresh.us

  40. A new organic method for food preservation OTHER USES Besides food preservation, our technology has many other uses due to its inherent disinfective and decontamination properties. These include among others • Providing fresh food in remote sites, in war theatre, and in inter-planetary journeys 2. Creation of drinking water from contaminated water for cities across the globe and in remote areas 3. Changing the refrigerator of today to a new device capable of longer term storage as compared to mere 40C prevention that it currently offers

  41. A new organic method for food preservation OTHER USES 4. Providing sterilization of equipment, products and any item when autoclave is not available or not suitable such as sterilizing of medical instruments, devices that melt or disfigure at high temperature or in remote areas where sterilization is not available such as in war theatre 5. Providing sterilization at home, for example in shower area to rid the surfaces from microorganisms

  42. A new organic method for food preservation • Decrease your loss of revenue from food spoilage • Free your products from preservatives • Keep your products fresh organically • Be the first company to launch true organically preserved food  • Increase your sales by offering organic food to health conscious consumers • Decrease the price of your product Start using BFRESH

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