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Explore the origins, events, and consequences of the Cold War from 1945-1960, including containment, major policies, revolutions, and significant conflicts like the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
The Cold War 1945-1960Chapter 25 What were the causes, main events, and effects of the early Cold War?
The Cold War BeginsSection 1 • How did U.S. leaders respond to the threat of Soviet expansion in Europe? • Vocabulary: -satellite state containment -Cold War Marshall Plan -iron curtain Berlin airlift -Truman Doctrine NATO -George F. Kennan Warsaw Pact
Standards • SSUSH20 • The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the United States. • Element: SSUSH20.a • Describe the creation of the Marshall Plan, U.S. commitment to Europe, the Truman Doctrine, and the origins and implications of the containment policy. • Element: SSUSH20.b • Explain the impact of the new communist regime in China, the outbreak of the Korean War, and how these events contributed to the rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy. • Element: SSUSH20.c • Describe the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missile crisis. • Element: SSUSH20.d • Describe the Vietnam War, the Tet offensive, and growing opposition to the war.
The Cold War Begins Roots of the Cold War Main Idea: By the end of World War II, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union had fallen apart due to the fear that the Soviet Union was attempting world domination. Meeting the Soviet Challenge Main Idea: At President Truman’s urging, Congress aided Greece, Turkey, and other countries struggling against communist movements. Containing Soviet Expansion Main Idea: George F. Kennan presented a policy called containment, with the goal of keeping communism within its current borders. The Cold War Heats Up Main Idea: When the Soviets blockaded Allied-controlled West Berlin, The United Sates and Britain used a massive airlift to fly supplies into the city, showing how far they would go to fight communism.
American System Capitalist democracy Free elections Economic and religious freedom Private property Respect for individual rights Soviet System Dictatorship Communist Party made all economic, political and military decisions No religious worship No private property No freedom of speech American and Soviet Systems
Cold War • Name given to the competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union • Political and economic conflict and military tensions • Lasted nearly 50 years, until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
Reading Skill: Contrast NOTE TAKING
President Truman • April 12, 1945, Roosevelt dies • In the Congress for 10 years • Vice President for 83 days • Took a harder line toward Stalin than Roosevelt had
Yalta Conference • February, 1945 • Divided Germany into four zones • Poland – Stalin agreed to let Poles choose own government • Creation of United Nations
Potsdam Conference • July, 1945 • U.S.S.R. wanted $10 billion from Germany in reparations Allies said “No!” • U.S. pushed for Polish elections as well as Eastern Europe • Truman received word that the atom bomb had been tested
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence NOTE TAKING
Iron Curtain • Stalin predicted the triumph of communism over capitalism • Cominform: Soviet agency to direct Communist parties in the world • Winston Churchill: “…an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.”
Satellite Nations • Soviets lost 20 million people during WWII • Soviets wanted to protect its interests, so Stalin established satellite nations (countries subject to Soviet domination) • Poland, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and East Germany became satellite nations by 1948 • Yugoslavia maintained a degree of independence from the U.S.S.R. • Tito (Josip Broz) was the communist dictator of Yugoslavia; refused to take orders from Stalin
Containment • Idea from George Kennan, an American diplomat stationed in Moscow; West needed intelligent long-range policies • Policy recognized the possibility that Eastern Europe was lost to communism • U.S. to resist formation of Communist governments elsewhere in the world
Truman Doctrine • Great Britain gave world leadership to U.S. • 1947 declaration that the U.S. would support nations that were being threatened by communism • Americans provided aid to Greece and Turkey; Congress provided $400 million, plus military bases
Marshall Plan • Marshall Plan: called for the nations of Europe to draw up a program for economic recovery from the war. The U.S. would support them with financial aid of $13 billion • Hoped to create strong democracies and open new markets for American goods
The Cost of Containment TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The Cost of Containment
Berlin Airlift • West Berlin: capitalist and democratic • East Berlin: communist • Many fled to West Berlin • Stalin blockaded the city • Supplies brought in by plane • Stalin lifted the blockade in May 1949
Berlin Airlift INFOGRAPHIC
NATO • North Atlantic Treaty Organization • “association of democratic peace-loving states” to defend Western Europe • Collective security: mutual military assistance; “an armed attack against one or more of them…shall be considered an attack against them all.”
Warsaw Pact • 1955, Soviet Union formed a military alliance with its satellite nations in Eastern Europe except for Yugoslavia
COMPARING VIEWPOINTS What Will Happen to Postwar Europe?
PM TRANSPARENCY Progress Monitoring Transparency
The Korean WarSection 2 • How did President Truman use the power of the presidency to limit the spread of communism in East Asia? • Vocabulary: -Jiang Jieshi Douglas MacArthur -Mao Zedong limited war -38th parallel SEATO
The Korean War Communists Gain Control of China Main Idea: Americans were shocked when communists won the Civil War in China and greatly expanded communist control in the world. Americans Fight in Korea Main Idea: After communist-controlled North Korea invaded South Korea, the United States sent military aid to South Korea, which ultimately resulted in a stalemate. The Korean War Has Lasting Effects Main Idea: President Eisenhower’s threat of nuclear weapons convinced the communists to sign a cease-fire, but there was no clear victory in the war.
Jiang Jieshi – leader of Nationalist government Corruption – diverted American aid Generals would not fight Mao Zedong – Communist rebel Promised to feed the people Defeated Jiang in 1948, with Jiang fleeing to Taiwan Established the People’s Republic of China Civil War in China
Reading Skill: Categorize NOTE TAKING
Political Cartoons: The Korean War TRANSPARENCY
PM TRANSPARENCY Progress Monitoring Transparency
Americans Fight in Korea • Korea: after WWII, Korea divided into two zones – North and South; Yalu River divided China and North Korea • South Korea was democratic (pro-American) • North Korea- communistic government • June, 1950, North Koreans invaded South Korea by crossing over the 38th parallel • USSR boycotted the Security Council • UN called on members to defend South Korea
Douglas MacArthur • Fought in WWI and WWII • Commander of Americans in Asia in WWII • Controlled Japan after war, establishing a democracy
War • North Koreans swept through S. Korea with only area near Pusan unconquered • Defended Pusan; MacArthur invaded Inchon to cut North Korea’s supply lines • N. Koreans retreated back across the 38th parallel • UN troops neared Chinese border • “Home by Christmas” offensive
Chinese Attack • Chinese pour over the border in November, 1950 • Push UN forces back into S. Korea • Stalemate • Disagreed with Truman on limited war • Letter to Joseph Martin • Fired by Truman in 1951 • War dragged on until 1953 • 53,000 American dead
Should the United States Invade China? DECISION POINT
DwightEisenhower • Elected 1952 promising to end the Korean War • Careful not to start a war with USSR over Eastern Europe • Continued policy of containment • Ended the Korean War with a cease-fire in 1953
Results of the Korean War • Two Koreas remain divided at about the 38th parallel; North Korea is communist and South Korea is a democracy • Set a precedent of Presidents committing U.S. troops to battle without a declaration of war • Increased military spending • Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Domestic Politics and PoliciesPresidents Truman and Eisenhower pursued different styles to meet the challenges of the postwar period.
Korean War's Impact on America QUICK STUDY Quick Study: Korean War’s Impact on America
The Cold War ExpandsSection 3 • What methods did the U.S. use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union? • Vocabulary: -arms race Nikita Khrushchev -John Foster Douglas nationalize -Eisenhower Doctrine Suez crisis -massive retaliation Eisenhower Doctrine -brinkmanship CIA -mutually assured NASA destruction
The Cold War Expands The Arms Race Heightens Tensions Main Idea: When the United States discovered that the Soviet Union had set off an atomic bomb, an arms race between the two nations started as each developed increasingly powerful nuclear weapons. Eisenhower Introduces New Policies Main Idea: Eisenhower favored a defense policy of stockpiling nuclear weapons so that the United States could threaten enemies with the use of overwhelming force. The Cold War Goes Global Main Idea: Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union led to conflicts in countries throughout the world. Continued…
Communist Advances • Soviets test an atomic bomb • U.S. develops hydrogen bomb • China is taken over by Mao Zedong after he defeats Jiang Jieshi in a civil war; Beijing falls to the Communists in 1949
Hydrogen Bomb • Truman ordered the production of a hydrogen bomb • Tested in 1952 • Oppenheimer and Einstein were opposed • Knew that Soviets would develop it; arms race
Arms Race • Struggle to gain weapons superiority over the USSR • Tested the hydrogen bomb at Bikini Island • Nuclear Arsenals • Brinkmanship • ICBMs
The Arms Race CHART
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas NOTE TAKING
Domestic Uses of Cold War Technology INFOGRAPHIC
Eisenhower’s New Policies • John Foster Dulles – Secretary of State • Policy of massive retaliation • Brinkmanship - “You have to take some chances for peace, just as you take chances in war.” • Policy saved money by focusing on nuclear power, not conventional forces
Stalin’s Death • Stalin died March 5, 1953 • Nikita Khrushchev became new leader • Death of Stalin eased tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.