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Findings From A National Survey, Focus Groups, And Dial Tests Of Likely 2012 Voters. Key Findings. Jobs , Specifically In Manufacturing, Top Voters’ Agendas They Are Hearing More About Manufacturing, But Are Not Convinced Much Is Getting Done
Findings From A National Survey, Focus Groups, And Dial Tests Of Likely 2012 Voters
Key Findings • Jobs, Specifically In Manufacturing, Top Voters’ Agendas • They Are Hearing More About Manufacturing, But Are Not Convinced Much Is Getting Done • Manufacturing Is Seen As A Critical And Irreplaceable Part Of Our Economy – And Our Place In The World • Voters Have Increasingly Positive Feelings About U.S. Companies And Products, Particularly The Auto Industry • Voters Express Deep Concern About And Want Tougher Action Against China • The Country Wants A National Manufacturing Strategy • Support Is Overwhelming For Proposals Including: Ending Policies That Encourage Outsourcing, Tougher Trade Enforcement, Retraining /Education, Buy American, And Incentives For Investment In The U.S.
Methodology • 2012 Research • Focus Groups: • 6 groups in May and June—Columbus, OH, Orlando, FL, and Phoenix, AZ • 2 of swing voters in OH, divided by dependence on manufacturing • 2 of swing voters in FL, divided by gender • 2 of Hispanic voters in AZ; one conducted in English, one in Spanish • Media Pulse Analysis: • 2 dial tests of independents and weak partisans in June 2012 • Conducted in St. Louis, MO and Vienna, VA • National Poll: • 1,200 Likely 2012 General Election Voters—conducted June 28-July 2, 2012 • Margin Of Error +/- 3.1% (Higher For Subgroups) 2011 Research (May-June) • Focus Groups: 8 groups in OH, CA, NH, SC • National Poll: National Survey of 1,200 Likely 2012 Voters
Jobs, Specifically In Manufacturing, And The Deficit Top Voters’ Agendas
Concern Is Greatest About The Deficit And Jobs, Specifically The Loss Of Manufacturing Jobs And Outsourcing 2011 Rank Ranked by mean The US is losing its place as most successful/strongest economy in the world *Asterisk indicates split-sample
Participants Focused On The Exodus Of Jobs, Particularly Manufacturing Jobs “We can do something to protect our companies from having to feel like they have to move off shore to compete.” Phoenix Latino Male (English speaking group) “A lot of [manufacturing] is going overseas.” Orlando Male “I think my Honda was built in Canada actually. These foreign manufacturing jobs, they are building plants in our country. It is give and take. We can work both. We can’t expect all of our American companies to not outsource jobs, but then also want these foreign countries to build plants in our country.” Phoenix Latino Male (English speaking group) “I feel like there is not much American manufacturing because of that. Outsourced, made in China.” Orlando Female “Jobs have gone to markets with cheaper labor, although there has been a trend recently to bring some of them back because they found that the labor…things have gotten better in manufacturing over the past years or so.” OH manufacturing male “Well, a lot of [manufacturing] is going overseas and the problem with it is that their quality is improving.” Orlando Male “Companies are moving overseas and taking the jobs.” OH Non- Manufacturing female “Why is manufacturing…harder hit? Outsourcing.” OH Non-Mfg male
Voters Want Washington To Focus On Jobs, Particularly Manufacturing Jobs, Along With The Deficit I’m going to list some things Congress and the President could work on this year. After each, please tell me whether you think that particular issue is one of the most important things for [them] to work on, very important, somewhat important or not too important at all. Rank 2011 % Most important + very important (ranked by % Very)
Jobs Remain The Clear Priority Over The Deficit For All But Republicans, Who Are Divided Which would you rather have Congress and the President focus on: reducing the federal budget deficit or creating (manufacturing*) jobs? 2012 2012 2011 2011 *Italics indicate split-sample – “create jobs” vs. “create manufacturing jobs”
A Plurality See U.S. Policies As The Biggest Obstacle To Creating Manufacturing Jobs Which of the following is the single biggest obstacle to creating manufacturing jobs in America today? Our trade policies encourage outsourcing It’s too expensive to manufacture in America 44% Our country doesn’t have a real plan to compete against Germany or China A shortage of skilled workers Manufacturing is more automated, so we need fewer workers Other/Don’t know/Not Sure
In Dial Tests, Mr. Hoyer’s Explanation Of The Problem And The Need To Act Was Well-Received Click here to view a video overlay “O3” By St. Louis/Vienna Create jobs, grow the economy and more families will be able to make it in America When American manufacturers are succeeding and growing, that means more work and more jobs for everyone [Manufacturing] has long been a source of pride for all Americans Over the last 2 decades, we’ve seen a decline in manufacturing and the loss of
Voters Are Hearing More About Manufacturing, But Are Not Convinced Much Is Being Done
The President’s Image Has Declined Slightly Since 2011, With A Bare Majority Holding A Favorable View His Image Is Weaker In Manufacturing Households Where A Majority See Him Unfavorably Barack Obama Favorability
Romney Is Net-Unfavorable Overall, But More Positive Among Older, White, Upper Class And Southern Voters Mitt Romney Favorability 21% Very 30% Very
Most Voters Heard The President Discuss Manufacturing While A Lesser Majority Has Heard From Romney I would like you to tell me how much you have heard each talk about manufacturing in the US—a great deal, some, not too much or not at all? Mean *Ranked By great deal + some
While No One Mentioned The State of The Union, Some Referred To Other Obama Statements Some Also Mentioned Diane Sawyer’s Series About “Made In America” • “Diane Sawyer has been doing this special for the last month. Every night they are having a segment “Made in America.” They show you -- they built an entire house that was built from ground up and they all made in America. They have been doing follow-ups.” Orlando Female “[Obama] went straight to Detroit and the auto industry right there to try to push and motivate and discuss how important it is that we get back on track as far as that goes; he spoke directly about that.” OH Non-Manufacturing male “ “They did that on World News Tonight. They have that whole segment …it was at Christmas time and you had to buy everything--all the gifts…decorate your house-- you had to do everything made in America. They have builders who are doing everything made in America.” OH Non-Manufacturing male “[Obama] came up to Intel and tried to talk about manufacturing, but it wasn’t a lot. Phoenix Latina (English Language) “President Obama recently… [a] company, I forget which…but they just brought back a substantial amount of jobs, and President Obama is priding himself on opening some alleyways for that.” OH mfg male Have you heard anybody talking about this idea of “Made in America” or “Made in the USA”? “Larry Kudlow” “The news” Orlando Male
Few Think The President Or Either Party In Congress Is Doing A Great Deal On Manufacturing Jobs Or Fair Trade, Though There Is Positive Evolution Helping Not helping Do you think ___ is/are doing a great deal to help create American manufacturing jobs, some, not too much, or nothing at all? Do you think ___ is/are doing a great deal to enforce fair trade with our trading partners, some, not too much, or nothing at all? NET CHANGE FROM 2011 NET CHANGE FROM 2011 22% great deal 20% great deal +12 Pres. Obama +15 +8 +5 -2 +4 +9 +13 10% 12% Dems in Congress -16 +12 -15 +13 8% 8% GOP in Congress
Voters See Manufacturing As A Critical And Irreplaceable Part Of Our Economy – And Our Place In The World
Voters Believe Manufacturing Is Central To Our Economy “…if you pull manufacturing out and get rid of it, it hurts everything else. For every person who has got a job and makes something, they go buy things to make it.” OH mfg male “Manufacturing has been a vehicle for the middle class since World War II, without manufacturing there are a lot of people who just don’t have skills in order to do anything.” OH Non- mfg male “We continue having a strong hand for manufacturing but if we don't manufacture things here there is no work and we have to purchase from other countries. Where are we going to be?” Phoenix Latina female (Spanish language) “I agree that it is important. It is important for the whole area like little small towns to have those manufacturing jobs to exist.” OH Non-Mfg female “[without manufacturing] We could have less home ownership because then you don’t have those middle class jobs. Those jobs that pay $50,000 dollars a year are important to our economy.” Phoenix Latino male (English language) “The entire country is tied together because we are all trying to make a living. We are all trying to feed our kids; we are all trying to keep a roof over our heads. [The] hospitality [industry] is big here but if things aren’t being manufactured somewhere, no one is traveling and the whole country is tied together that way.” Orlando Female
Manufacturing Is Judged The Most Important Component Of America’s Economic Strength Which of the following industries is most important to the overall strength of the American economy? Ranked by % 1st & 2nd Most important 30% #1 Most Important 24% 18% 10%
Voters Reject The Idea That Other Sectors Like High Tech Or Services Can Replace Manufacturing The strength of the American economy is innovation and competition – and if manufacturing leaves, we will move into new areas like high-tech or services which will take its place in the future. Manufacturing is a critical part of the American economy and we need a manufacturing base here if this country and our children are to thrive in the future. 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012
The Centrality Of Manufacturing Arises From Its Power As A Job Creator, The Importance Of “Making Things” And The Quality Of Made In America Now I am going to read some reasons people have said it is important to have manufacturing in the US. After each, please tell me whether you think it is one of the most important reasons to have manufacturing in the US, very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all as a reason to have manufacturing in the US. Most + Very Important (Ranked By Most Important) Mean
Romney’s Aspirational Message Around The Productivity Of American Workers And Selling Our Inventions Around The World Scores Well Click here to view a video overlay “MR2” By St. Louis/Vienna We'll find more jobs for our people if we can sell our goods to other nations. I will dramatically increase the interest and the effort in our nation to establish trade relations with other nations. Americans are the most productive work force in the world.
Voters Have Increasingly Positive Feelings About U.S. Manufacturing, Particularly The Auto Industry
Voters Maintain The Extremely Favorable Views Of U.S. Manufacturing Companies And American Made Goods American Manufacturing Companies Favorability Manufactured Goods Made In America Favorability very favorable favorable unfavorable
A Majority Feel The Quality Of U.S. Autos Have ImprovedVoters Are More Likely To See Improvement In The US Than In China Or Germany Over the last few years, do you think the quality of (products manufactured in the US/ cars manufactured in the US/products manufactured in China/Germany) has gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse? U.S. Products U.S. Cars China Products Germany Products 31% Said Don’t Know/Not Sure
Talking About The Auto Rescue Does A Bit Less Well Than Some Of The President’s More General Points About Manufacturing But Still Scores Very Well Click here to view a video overlay “BO1” By St. Louis/Vienna We were building a country. It gave people pride about what America was about We need an economy that’s built to last and that starts with American manufacturing
When The Arguments Are Made, A Large Majority Favor The Auto Rescue, Except Among GOPers Which of the following statements comes closer to your point of view? It was good the government loaned money to US automakers to keep them in business. If they had gone bankrupt, we would have lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and our leading manufacturing industry. Instead the quality of American cars improved, the companies repaid the government and they are hiring back workers. Without the rescue, neither the companies nor the jobs would have survived the recession. It was a mistake for the government to bailout the auto companies. A structured bankruptcy overseen by a court without risking billions of taxpayer dollars would have produced essentially the same result, while forcing the auto companies to compete and improve. Government should not pick winners and losers and taxpayers should not pay for the mistakes of private companies. 49% Strongly 23% Strongly
Positive Responses To The Auto Rescue Centered On The Results, But Even Some Supporters Had Caveats– More Explanation Helped • “It’s good [but] I don’t think we should bail out companies all the time. Once in a while that is one thing, like the car bailout that was necessary because that is our source of everything. Most people -- everyone needs a car.” • OH Non-Manufacturing female “I don’t think they should have gotten bailed out. Even if they get the money and pay it back they still have the same management, same labor, costs and everything.” Orlando male “A lot of bailout money went into bonuses for higher ups.” “They were incentive packages. Don’t you understand? They worked there for two years, and now, they have $5 million dollars.” Phoenix Latino/a (English language) “It is not about…leaving them to figure it out on their own and that the government is too busy to worry about that. Because the government helped them, there were a lot of people who didn’t lose their jobs. Phoenix Latino male ( Spanish language) “ Yes. I don’t think the bailout was a good thing.” “I think it was completely wrong.” Orlando females “I don’t believe in giving out money like they did in the auto or mortgage industry. I don’t believe the government should do that because it costs all of us big time. They are spending more money than they have.” OH mfgmale “It was something that had to be done.” OH Non-Manufacturing female “I was for it.” OH Non-Manufacturing male “I think that the government should be involved, but not by just throwing money at the problem. And I’m sure they worked hard on figuring out how much money to give them but if they worked that much harder on figuring out how they got into trouble, maybe working out options of what they could do to help them not get into trouble again.” Orlando male “They had to prop them up or there would have been massive unemployment.” Orlando male “I said better. Our auto industries are the number one in the world now. Correct?” OH non-manufacturing male
Voters Believe We Have Lost Our Position As The World’s Top Economy To China But Are Anxious To Regain The Title
Respondents In Every Group Felt Strongly That It Was Important For Us To Be Number One In Manufacturing Some Cited Economics Or National Security, But Even Those Without Specifics Still Spoke With Certainty • Is it important for the national economy for us to be number one in manufacturing or not? • “Absolutely.” • “Sure” Orlando male • Do you want the U.S. to become number one in manufacturing? • “Yes.” • “We should be known for that.” • “Definitely” • “You shouldn’t have to search forever to find something that says ‘Made in America’ when you can [in] less than two seconds and find something made in China.” • Orlando females • “All the steel mills would be up and running. All kinds of manufacturing would be happening. We would become the richer nation again.” • Phoenix Latinos (English language) “It is the economics of it. …If you don’t sell as many products because you slip for whatever reason, the whole economy loses…If you are working, you will buy the house; if you’re not, you’ll think about it maybe the next time around. I would really like to have that double-door refrigerator with the ice in the door but the economy is bad. If the economy is strong: the more we get from it, the more we put back into it.” OH mfg male “I think it is very important [to be number one] especially as long as this country wants to get involved in wars.” OH mfg male “People want to be on top just like we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be number one in everything.” OH non-mfg female
A Majority Feels The U.S. Has Lost Its Status As The World’s Strongest Economy, With China The Main Rival Do you think the United States does have the strongest economy in the world or does the US not have the strongest economy in the world? [If no:] Which country do you think has the strongest economy in the world? [Open Ended] 56%
Voters Insist It Is Both Possible And Very Important For Us To Have The World’s Strongest Economy Among those who believe the US does not have the strongest economy in the world: How important is it to you for the United States to have the strongest economy in the world? Is it possible for the United States to have the strongest economy in the world? +2 = = -5 +2 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012
Voters Express Deep Concern About China And Think We Need To Be Tougher With Them
Products Made Abroad, Particularly In China, Don’t Carry A Strong Reputation “I think that it’s quality. It’s not regulated. You get recalls on different things and toys. Even Thomas the Train is made in China with lead-based paint. I’m hesitant to buy things from China for that reason.” OH Manufacturing female “I have a good feeling when I buy American products just because I feel like it’s safer …I know that then you can’t open a factory and make -- for lack of a better word -- a rinky dink car that is going to fall apart without people in our government jumping on top of them. I don’t know who is building the stuff in another country. I don’t know where they come from. I don’t know where the products come from. I don’t know their state of mind. I feel that in America in Wyoming that working hard for your family has the same mentality that I have. It just feels like a little bit more pride when I see USA just because I know them more.” Orlando Male “There is no quality control. Their quality control is down.” Orlando Male “It is made poorly and they don’t care. Dog food killed how many people’s dogs because it came from China?” Orlando Female “It seems like they make it more in quantity then quality over there in China. They want to make a billion of them.” Orlando Male “They are trying to meet the demand more than meet the quality. I believe there is a huge demand out there and they are just rushing to get it out there to the people who need it more than concentrate on the environment or the quality of their shops.” OH Non- Manufacturing male “That is the hard part. Made in China isn’t always the greatest for a lot of things. It is cheap and made poorly.” Orlando Female
Companies In China Are Extremely Unpopular, But Using The Term “Outsourcing” Increases Intensity Significantly Companies That Outsource Jobs To China Favorability U.S. Companies That Manufacture In China Favorability Manufactured Goods Made In China Favorability 63% Very 46% Very 40% Very 4% Very 3% Very 7% Very
A Majority, But Far From Everyone, Is Familiar With China’s Currency Manipulation, But Most Believe It Has Cost Jobs Based on what you know, has China’s manipulation of its currency cost American jobs, helped create American jobs or has it not had any real effect on American jobs? How much, if anything, have you heard about China manipulating its currency? Among Those Who Have Heard About China’s Manipulation: 79% cost (56% large #) 11% no effect 0.4% created 24% Don’t Know /Not Sure 25% Great Deal 23% Nothing 44% Large #
A Similar Portion Claim Familiarity With China’s “Cheating On Trade Rules,” But Most Believe It Too Has Cost Jobs Based on what you know, has China cheating on international trade rules and agreements cost American jobs, helped create American jobs or has it not had any real effect on American jobs? How much, if anything, have you heard about China cheating on international trade rules and agreements? Among Those Who Have Heard About China’s Cheating: 81% cost (61% large #) 8% no effect 2% created 20% Don’t Know /Not Sure 22% Great Deal 21% Nothing 48% Strongly
Romney’s Tough Talk On China Works, With Respondents Dialing Up On “Cheaters” And Staying There Through “We Can’t Have A Trade Surrender” Click here to view a video overlay “MR5” By St. Louis/Vienna we can’t have a trade surrender either We’re not going to have a trade war Clamp down on the cheaters and China’s the worst example of that
Obama’s Tough Rhetoric On China In His State Of The Union Speech Also Tested Well Click here to view a video overlay “BO7” By St. Louis/Vienna Our workers are the most productive on earth. It’s not fair when foreign manufactures have a leg up on ours only because they are heavily subsidized.. We’ve brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate of the last administration.
Senator Corker’s Concern About Manufacturing And Exports Is Well Received, But Worries About A Trade War Engender A Less Positive Response Click here to view a video overlay “O2” By St. Louis/Vienna Our exports to this country grew twice as fast in 2010 as it did on average to the rest of the world People are concerned about manufacturing jobs We have a financial crisis in Europe which is creating tremendous fear in every country in the world What we’re looking at doing in this U.S. Senate is creating a trade war with second largest economy in the world
Large Majorities Across Demographics Favor Getting Tough With China Rather Than Worry About A Trade War Which comes closer to your point of view? We need to get tough with China and use every possible legal means to stop their unfair trade practices which will keep undermining our economy and taking away our jobs. We must get tough now. We don’t want to start a trade war with China. Tariffs and trade wars led to the Great Depression and China is a huge market for American goods with three times more consumers than we have in America.
Most Everyone Favors Special Efforts To Boost Manufacturing The Only Debate Is About How Far To Go Which comes closer to your point of view: We should do whatever is necessary to revitalize manufacturing. We should help manufacturing, but only if government’s role is limited to incentives, and trade policy. We should not get involved in doing anything special for manufacturing. 86%
There Is Overwhelming Support For A National Manufacturing Strategy Which Has Only GrownThis Support Is Strong Across Party And All Demographics Some have proposed a national manufacturing strategy to make sure that economic, tax, education and trade policies in this country work together to help support manufacturing in the United States. Would you favor or oppose such a proposal? 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012
Even After Arguments From Both Sides, Large Majorities Support A National Strategy Opponents say the government has no business picking winners and losers--especially when we end up footing the bill for the losers. The government invested $500 million dollars in the green energy company Solyndra because its owners contributed to the President's campaign, and it went bankrupt taking taxpayers' money with it. The auto bailout protected the unions, with taxpayer money, but did not address the industry’s real problems. So we’ll end up with a bigger, more expensive problem down the road. Instead of bailing out yesterday’s factories and failing industries, we should be focusing on good jobs of the future like high-tech and services. We will never be able to compete with countries where workers are paid as little as 90 cents an hour. We do best when we get government out of the way and let American ingenuity create good new jobs. Supporters say manuf. jobs pay better than flipping burgers or doing data entry, increasing the standard of living for all Americans—& unless we start making things in America again, our economy will never be strong. On average, manuf. jobs pay 37% more & have better benefits than other jobs. And manuf. companies account for 90% of the new patents issued, further fueling our economy. That’s partly how manuf. jobs create other jobs. A community that attracts a factory will attract new housing, new retail stores & other new businesses. So, on average, a manuf. job supports over four other jobs in the economy. Making things is the bedrock of any economy & America won’t be strong unless we are manufacturing quality products here at home. For our economy to flourish, we need to keep good paying, productive manuf. jobs right here in the U.S. +31
In A Trade Debate, Respondents Were Quick To Dial Down When A Commentator Worried About Protectionism And Argued Against Doing Anything Special For Manufacturing Click here to view a video overlay “D2” By St. Louis/Vienna Scott Paul Scott Paul Will Cain No need for policy emphasis on manufacturing
Buy American Policies Are Very Popular, Even If Not Clearly Understood
Buy American Policies Are Highly Regarded, With Half Of Voters Regarding These Policies Very Favorably Buy American Policies Favorability 51% Very 2% Very
Just Over Half Have Heard Of Buy American Policies, But Once Explained, They Enjoy Overwhelming Support Just so we are all on the same page, Buy American policies require that all taxpayer funds are spent on products made in America, whenever possible. Do you support or oppose this policy? Would you favor or oppose your state adopting a Buy American policy that would require state tax dollars be used to buy products made in America whenever possible? How much have you heard about “Buy American” policies? 21% Great Deal 69% Strong 6% Strong 16% None 68% Strong 5% Strong
Large Majorities Favor Buy American Policies For Infrastructure Projects, Like The Bay Bridge, Even When The Specter Of Cost Is Raised Which comes closer to your point of view? Large infrastructure projects that are paid for with taxpayer money, like the San Francisco Bay Bridge, should be built in America, by American workers, using American steel and other products, so that we know it is structurally sound and so we can create more American jobs instead of having our tax money create jobs in foreign countries. With state and local governments facing huge deficits, with taxes too high, and with education and public safety already being cut, large infrastructure projects, like the San Francisco Bay Bridge, should be built by the lowest bidder, regardless of where the low bidder is getting their products from, so we can make the most efficient use of our tax dollars. Without Underlined Language With Underlined Language 72% Strongly 7% Strongly 74% Strongly 6% Strongly