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INTRODUCING. A HERBAL REMEDY for Hepatoprotection. Andrographis paniculata Nees. Flower. Aerial Part. Background. Known in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C Used widely in India Standardised from “Seed to Shelf”
Andrographispaniculata Nees Flower Aerial Part
Background • Known in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C • Used widely in India • Standardised from “Seed to Shelf” • Broad range of pharmacological effects : promotes healthy immune system, normal liver functions and others • Safe for human administration • Advisable and suitable as a dietary supplement
Phytochemistry The main bioactive constituents of Andrographis paniculata are diterepene lactones, andrographolide, neoandrographolide, 14-Deoxy-11,12-dihydroandrographolide, andrographiside and andrograpanin. 14 Deoxy-11,12-dihydroandrographolide Neoandrographolide Andrographolide
Pharmacokinetics of Andrographis paniculata • Rapid metabolism of drug in the body • After oral administration Bioavailability : 44.06% Peak absorption at : 30.75 minutes Peak plasma concentration : 16μg/ml • Crosses brain barrier rapidly • Peak drug concentration seen in gall bladder, stomach, liver & small intestine after 30 minutes • Excreted through urine and feces. Ref: Chang HM, But PPH, (Ed), Pharmacology and applications of Chinese Materia Medica (Vol. 1&2), 1987, World Scientific, Singapore
Protection Against Paracetamol Induced Damage in Rat Hepatocytes Animals were given a single oral toxic dose of paracetamol 2g/kg Andrographolide dose: 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 mg/kg for 7 days Silymarin dose: 3, 6, 12, 20 mg/kg for 7 days Both Andrographolide and Silymarin pretreatment as compared to paracetamol treated animals showed • Dose dependent increase in viability of isolated hepatocytes • Dose dependent increase in oxygen uptake by isolated hepatocytes. • The increase in both parameters was more with Andrographolide than with silymarin
Biochemical parameters • In isolated hepatocytes the levels of GOT, GPT and ALP were significantly lower • In serum GOT, GPT and ALP levels decreased significantly. • The decrease in both parameters was more with Andrographolide than with silymarin “Andrographolide was found to be more potent than Silymarin (Milk thistle) a standard hepatoprotective agent” Ref: Visen et. al. (1993) J. Ethnopharmacol. 40: 131-136
Effect of Andrographolide and Silymarin on percent viability of hepatocytes % Viability Effect of Andrographolide and Silymarin on Oxygen uptake % Viabiity
Hepatoprotective effects against Carbon Tetrachloride induced Liver damage Liver damage was caused by 1 ml/kg CCl4 subcutaneously twice weekly for eight weeks. 300 mg/kg alcoholic extract of Andrographis intragastric daily for 8 weeks in rats caused • significant decrease in SGPT & Alkaline phosphatase levels as compound to CCl4 treated control group • significant decrease in hypnosis [(sleeping time) (improvement in the functioning of liver cells)] Ref. Rana AC, Avadhoot Y (1991) Arch Pharm Res 14(1); 93-95
Effect of Alcoholic extract A. paniculata on biochemical parameters in rats
Choleretic effect of Andrographolide in Rats and Guinea pigs Andrographolide at a dose ranging (1.5 – 12mg/kg) orally produced significant dose dependent choleretic effect as evidenced by ; • Increase in bile flow • Increase in bile salt • Increase in bile acids Paracetamol induced decrease in volume and content of bile was prevented by Andrographolide “Effect was more potent than silymarin” Ref: Shukla et al 1992, Planta medica, 58,146 – 149.
Choleretic effect of Andrographolide and silymarin in Guinea pigs.
Hepatoprotection against Carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity Liver damage was caused by CCl4, 2ml/kg bw sc in equal vol of olive oil on 2nd and 3rd days. • Rats were treated for 4 days with • Andrographolide :100 mg/kg i.p. • Methanolic extract extract: 861.33 mg/kg ip • Andrographolide free met. ext. : 761.33 mg/kg ip • Andrographolide treatment • exerted max. inhibition against CCl4 induced increase in five biochemical parameters - SGOT, SGPT ALP, Bilirubin and Hepatic triglycerides • Significantly ameliorates toxin induced histopathological changes in liver. Ref. Handa SS, Sharma A (1990) Ind. J. Med. Res. [B] 92: 276-283
Effect of different fractions of Andrographis on biochemical parameters in CCL4 intoxicated rats
Hepatoprotection against galactosamine induced toxicity • Acute hepatitis induced in rats by single dose of : • Galactosamine 800 mg/kg i.p. Treatment of rats with 400 mg/kg i.p. or 800 mg/kg (orally) 48, 24 & 2 h before galactosamine administration leads to • Complete normalization of toxin induced increase of all five biochemical parameters - SGOT, SGPT ALP, Bilirubin and Hepatic triglycerides • Significantly ameliorates toxin induced histopathological changes in liver. Ref. Handa SS, sharma A (1990) Ind. J. Med. Res. [B] 92: 284-292
Effect of pretreatment with different doses of Andrographolide on galatosamine intoxicated rats Andrographolide was administed 48,24 and 2 hours prior to GaiN
Hepatoprotection against Paracetamol induced toxicity Acute hepatitis induced in rats by single dose of Paracetamol 3 g/kg p.o. Treatment of rats with 200 g/kg i.p. 1, 4 & 7 h after paracetamol administration leads to • Complete normalization of toxin induced increase of all five biochemical parameters - SGOT, SGPT ALP, Bilirubin and Hepatic triglycerides • Significantly ameliorates toxin induced histopathological changes in liver. Ref. Handa SS, sharma A (1990) Ind. J. Med. Res. [B] 92: 284-292
Effect of pretreatment with different doses of Andrographolide on Paracetamol intoxicated rats
Antihepatotoxic effects of major diterpenoid constituents of A. paniculata • Hepatotoxicity was induced in mice by CCl4 or tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP) • Pretreatment of mice with the diterpenes- • Andrographolide, • Andrographiside, • Neoandrographolide • (100 mg/kg, i.p.) for 3 consecutive days in either group of the toxin-treated animals produced • significant reduction in malondialdehyde formation, • reduced glutathione (GSH) depletion and • enzymatic leakage of glutamic-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP)
Contd Comparison with silymarin revealed that Andrographolide exhibited a lower protective potential than andrographiside and neoandrographolide which were as effective as silymarin with respect to their effects on • the formation of the degradation products of lipid peroxidation • release of GPT and AP in the serum. The greater protective activity of Andrographiside and Neoandrographolide could be due to their glycosidic nature which may act as strong antioxidants. Ref: Kapil et. al. (1993) Biochem Pharmacol. Jul 6;46(1):182-5.
In vivo effects of Andrographis leaf extract and Andrographolide on Hepatic Lipid peroxidation Singe or repeated dose(15 days) of Andrographis extract(500mg/kg) or Andrographolide (5mg/kg) in rats produced • No significant change in NADPH induced microsomal Lipid peroxidation CCl4 (5ml/kg) induced hepatic microsomal Lipid peroxidation was decreased when; Rats were pretreated (4 hr) but only with singe dose and not long term administration of both Andrographis extract(500mg/kg) or Andrographolide (5mg/kg) Ref: Choudhury et. al. (1984) Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 6(9):481-5
In vitro effects of Andrographis leaf extract and Andrographolide on Hepatic Lipid peroxidation In vitro CCl4 (1 ul) induced hepatic microsomal Lipid peroxidation was completely normalized by both • Andrographis leaf extract (0.5 and 5 mcg/mg protein) • Andrographolide (0.5 and 5 mcg/mg protein) At higher concentration of CCl4 (2ul) Hepatic microsomal Lipid peroxidation remained • significantly increased in presence of Andrographolide (0.5mcg/mg pr.) • but not in presence of Andrographis leaf extract (0.5 mcg/mg protein) Ref: Choudhury et. al. (1984) Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 6(9):481-5
Effect of Andrographis extract on mouse hepatic drug metabolising enzymes Dose – 50 and 100mg/kg of 80% hydroalc extract for 14days in mice. Both dose levels cause significant increase in levels of ; • Acid soluble sulphydryl (-SH) content • Cytochrome P450 • Cytochrome P450 reductase • Cytochrome b5 reductase • Glutathione S-Transferase • DT-diaphorase • Superoxidase dismutase Ref: Singh et al, (2001) Phytoether. Res. 15,382-390
In vivo effect on Hepatic Microsomal Drug metabolizing Enzymes in rats Single oral doses of • Kalmegh extract = 0.5 and 1.0 g/Kg • Andrographilide = 5 and 10 mg/kg • Inhibited • Aniline hydroxylase • N-demethylase • O-demethylase Repeated doses for 7 to 30 days produced induction of all the above enzymes. Ref: Choudhury et al, (1987), Planta medica, 135-140
In vitro effect on Hepatic Microsomal Drug metabolizing Enzymes in rats • Kalmegh extract : 50 and 500µg/mg protein • Andrographilide : 0.5 and 5 µg/mg protein • did not cause the inhibition of the • Aniline hydroxylase activity • Not produced any appreciable effect on • N-demethylase activity • O-demethylase activity Ref: Choudhury et al, (1987), Planta medica, 135-140
Effect of Andrographis extract on liver tumor Liver damage ultimately leading to tumor was induced in albino mice by hexachloro cyclohexane (BHC)(500 ppm/kg of food for 1 to 8 month) In animals supplemented with AP extract, compared to BHC control animals. • The liver marker enzymes viz. SGOT, SGPT & ALP were lowered • The protein levels were increased This confirms hepatoprotective property of AP and its probable role in delaying hepatic tumorogenic condition. Ref. Trivedi A, Rawal UM (1998) IJP 30; 318-322
Hepatoprotection of Andrographis extract against BHC induced severe liver damage Liver damage was caused by BHC (500 ppm/kg food for 1 to 8 months) Mice supplemented with Andrographis extract 12 mg/kg orally showed compared to BHC control group • Significant decline in ALT and AST • Significant decrease in ALP & gama glutamyl transpeptidase • Significant decrease in lipid peroxidase activity as compared to BHC • Significant increase in GSH levels Ref. Trivedi N, Raval UM (2000) Indian Journal of Pharmacology 32: 288-293
Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant property of AP Liver damage was caused by BHC (500 ppm/kg food for 1 to 8 months) in mice. Animals supplemented with Andrographis extract, 12 mg/kg b.w./day orally. • Increased activity of Glutathione reductase (GR) with parallel increase in GSH levels • Significant decrease in activity of lipid peroxidation • Less of GST activity • Reduction in GPT activity • Increase in SOD, CAT and GSH-PX Ref. Trivedi NP, Rawal UM (2001) Ind. J. Exp. Biol. 39; 41-46
Clinical Study Effect of Kalmegh in patients with Infective Hepatitis
Analytical Specification Tests METHOD 1. Description 2. Physico-chemical analysis a. Moisture (%w/w) b. Acid insoluble Ash (%w/w) 3. Particle Size a. Bulk Density (g/cc) b. Tapped bulk density (g/cc) c. Material Passing through 30# BS/35 ASTM (%w/w) 4. Heavy metal analysis a. Lead b. Cadmium c. Arsenic 5. Microbiological analysis As per FIP Guidelines a. Total Viable Aerobic count b. Total Enterobacteriaceae c. Total Fungal Count 6. Test for Specific Pathogen As per FIP Guidelines a. E. coli (1g) b. Salmonella Sp. (10g) c. S.aureus (1g)
7. Mycotoxin analysis Aflatoxins (B1 +B2 +G1 + G2) 8. Residual solvent analysis As per ICH Guidelines a. Methanol b. Ethyl acetate (%w/w) 9. Pesticide residue analysis As per USP & BP Limits a. Organochlorine Pesticides b. Organophosphorus Pesticides c. Synthetic Pyrethroids 10. Phytochemical Analysis Andrographolide (%w/w) Total Andrographolides (%w/w) Calculated as sum of Andrographolide, Neoandrographolide, Isoandrographolide, Andrograpanin and 14-Deoxy 11,12 Didehydroandrographolide Protocol: As per USP, AOAC
366nm 254nm Visible Identification of Extract by TLC
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