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Medieval Europe aka Middle Ages

Medieval Europe aka Middle Ages. 500-1250 AD. Geography of Europe. Smallest continent on it’s own- BUT combined with Asia- known as Eurasia- creates world’s largest landmass Shaped like a big peninsula, has many peninsulas and islands

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Medieval Europe aka Middle Ages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Medieval Europeaka Middle Ages 500-1250 AD

  2. Geography of Europe • Smallest continent on it’s own- BUT combined with Asia- known as Eurasia- creates world’s largest landmass • Shaped like a big peninsula, has many peninsulas and islands • Surrounded by Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea and Baltic Sea

  3. Scandinavia has fjords – narrow inlets • CLIMATE- temperate- but there are extreme temps along Asia border and Alps • Many mines have helped sustain Europe’s economy over time: coal, iron, oil, bauxite, copper, lead ,zinc, gold and silver

  4. 2000 years ago Europe was heavily forested • Deforested the area and set up farms • N. European Plain- most fertile area • Fishing very important (close to so many seas) • Rivers very useful to get around Europe

  5. THE Middle Ages • Also Known As Medieval (Latin for Middle) because in the middle of ancient and modern times- or Dark Ages- b/c light of civ had gone out • End of Western Roman Empire ( 500 AD) • Trade declined BUT ownership of land=wealth and power

  6. Christianity spreads • The Pope helped to spread it by sending missionaries to teach about Christianity • Britain was one of the first places “converted” • Not all were missionaries from the pope- 400’s AD (Saint) Patrick went on his own- people claim he drove all the snakes out of Ireland- named a saint b/c of this

  7. Religious communities monasteries- (men) monks Convents- (women) nuns devote their “LIVES” to God! Benedict – 500’s wrote first “code” (rules) for monks- Benedictine Rule Abbot – head monk: Monks> pray for most of the day Farm Study (copied books by hand) Make wine , crafts , Medicines

  8. 480’s Clovis converted Gaul to Christianity • 700’s Charlemagne ruled Gaul • Had conquered France, Italy, Germany • Was Christian and as he conquered spread Christianity • 800’s Pope Leo III crowned him Emperor of Rome( whoop de do!) after he conquered it

  9. New capital NOT Rome- Aachen (Germany) • P.S. Literacy was not encouraged during MA in Europe- BUT Charles knew differently and had his “court” filled with books, scholars, poets, and musicians

  10. Vikings Charlemagne’s rule ended in early 800’s Norsemen (Vikings) invaded from the NORTH into Scandinavia – looking for land and riches 900’s : Norsemen settled around Seine R. Became known as NORMANS – called area NORMANDY – adopted Christianity and French language. 1066 : Normans invaded England- leader was “William the Conqueror” 1199 : King John I ruler of England – made lords pay for wars, could imprison without a trial

  11. FEUDALISM • A new form of governing and organization • Definition- a society based on land ownership AND service • Manor-large estate owned by wealthy nobles

  12. Feudal System Video

  13. Lord/Lady/Vassal • Lord- owned the manor/could also be “king” of his land • Bishop- religious person- also could be a lord • Lady-lord’s wife was in charge of castle • Vassal- took an oath to serve the lord • did not own land • Lord gave each ‘V’ a fief ( separate manor- he did not own it but he managed it) • Most important job was to serve as lord’s knight

  14. Knights • Knight- warrior on horseback • Different Stages: • Page (7)-left home (son of a noble) • Lived with a knight • Learned ettiquite • Cared for horses • Squire (15-20) • Rode into battle with a knight • Blessed by a preist • Given a sword and a belt • Knight- protected lord and manor • Must have 3 horses, armor, and a squire • Got extra $ by jousting!

  15. Knights

  16. Craftworkers • Craftworkers- free people • Made/built saddles, shoes, etc. • Family owned business • Father was expert/master • Levels: • Age 14- apprentice- live with a master • 17-28 journeyman- could join a guild • Master- makes a “master piece” to show capability • GUILD- groups of workers, set prices and rules about quality

  17. What’s up SERFer Dude? • Serfs • Given land to farm • Had to work lord’s land too • Pay rent/taxes • Ask permission on lord to get married • One room house with peeps and animals • Usually died young • Church bells signaled breaks in day

  18. Serf’s

  19. Women in the MA • Women had fewer rights • But had important roles- supported their families • Governed manor households • Eleanor of Aquitaine -c.1200 AD- ran an area in S. France as a vassal, because queen of France, married Louis VII, divorced him became Queen of England by marrying King Henry II, had many kids- 2 sons became Kings of England

  20. The power • By the middle/late Middle Ages power fell into the hands of the spiritual leader (Pope) and political leader (king). • Pope seen as God’s rep. on Earth- got power from God and people • If people disagreed with the Pope he would EXCOMMUNICATE them! • King usually had power/things/land from family

  21. In the mid 900’s AD- pope gave the emperor ( of Charlemagne’s empire) approval to rule- now called Holy Roman Empire ( pope lives in Rome) • Did not inherit crown-were elected by nobles- which led to fights and trickery!

  22. The Pope steps in • Pope Leo IX believed all religious officials should answer to the Pope b/c everyone did answer to the first pope (St. Peter) then all should answer to every Pope • 1054 AD Constantinople's bishop refused to do this so Leo excommunicated him thus began the Eastern Orthodox Church • 1073 Pope Gregory VII vs. Emperor Henry IV

  23. Breaking up is hard to do! 1054: Christian church split – Constantine’s church: Eastern Orthodox ; Rome: Roman Catholic

  24. Crusades • A LONGGGGGGGG series of wars between Christians and Muslims in SW Asia over control of Palestine • Holy Land to both • Turkish Muslims were attacking any Christians who visited Jesus’ town • Turks raided the Byz. Empire- so the Emp asked the Pope for help!

  25. Crusades • 1045 Pope Urban II called for a Christian Pilgrimage (1st Crusade) to Jerusalem to capture it back from Muslim Turks • 1291- last crusade • Crusade- Latin for marked with a cross

  26. #1 • 1st Crusade 1096- 5000 Crusaders left Europe for the HL- the peasant crusaders (pc) attacked Jews in Germany- blamed them for Jesus’ death- most of the “pcs” were killed before they reached Jerusalem • Nobles reached J and took it over- set up 4 small towns and traded with Europe • BUT.. Within 50 years Muslims began taking land back thus the second Crusuade

  27. #2 • 1147- French and Germans set out to retake the Holy Land – again • Poor planning and heavy “troop” loss led to a disaster

  28. #3 • 1189- Muslims had recaptured all of the HL- The French, German, English, and HRE led armies in- But the German king died, French King and HRE left- so that left King Richard I( the Lionhearted) to battle with Saladin ( Muslim leader) • Both were respected but overall, Saladin kept Jerusalem for the Muslims

  29. #4 • 1201- French Knights set out this time- from Venice- and in order to pay for the trip they had to capture Zara for the HRE • Instead of going to Jerusalem- they got sidetracked and ransacked Constantinople ( another Christian city……) and never made it to Jerusalem

  30. Many more and then finally • By 1291 the Muslims had recaptured ALL of the holy land and the Crusades were DONE ( unsuccessful for Christians) • Why, you may ask? • Had to travel far from home on FOOT- many died • Weren’t prepared to battle in the desert • Outnumbered by well prepared and well led armies • Christians fought amongst themselves and were unorganized

  31. Crusades: • helped kings to become more powerful • Created more tensions between Jews, Christians and Muslims • increased trade • increased towns • increased disease…..

  32. Crusades

  33. Many wanted to visit religious places- so went on pilgrimages to do so- traveled to Holy and religious sites around Europe and Asia • Some believed in the “church” so much that when they dies- they left land to the church- which was divided into fiefs- and the church became a lord- humor anyone????

  34. Being religious • Monks of Cluny- French Monks- unhappy with Church affairs- became a religious order and devoted lives to nothing but God • Dominicans and Franciscan friars lived in cities and spread Christian teachings- St. Francis of Assisi ( most famous one)

  35. As towns grew- eventually desire for education did as well- • 1st university in Bologna, Italy also had them in Paris (Sorbonne) and England • Thomas Aquinas- reasoned that rational thought could be used to argue Christian beliefs ( eg. existence of God ) • Also Natural Law- God had created a law about how the world operated

  36. Art/Architecture • Had traveling musicians called troubadours or minstrels- and would sing and dance and make fun of people *showed devotion to God by: (during M.Ages): 1. Built huge churches called Cathedrals (ex. Notre Dame) 2. going on pilgrimages to Rome or Jerusalem

  37. 1215 : Kings / Lords irritated with King John’s “idea’s” *limited his power with a legal document *called Magna Carta – at first only pertained to nobles but then to all “habeas corpus”- you have the body- meaning you had to have just cause to arrest someone, etc. • Created a Parliament- law making body that still governs England today!

  38. Hundred Years’ War • 1328- the French king died- he had no heirs so England and France battled for his throne- France won- but England did not relent- thus began the war! • For 100 years the English fought well- then Joan of Arc ( French GIRL) rallied the French to stand against them- the English killed her- but the French succeeded!

  39. England Parliament's power grew King now needed permission King lost power France King’s power grew Nobles supported their king! Effects

  40. -Christianity in M.Ages- (Many were Christian but there were also Muslims and Jews) Christian belief grew so strong M.Ages became know as Age of Faith *

  41. Religion

  42. BLACK DEATH • 1348- Black Plague starts in Sienna, Italy • Infected fleas traveled on infected rats on ships • Spread disease- wiped out 1/3 of Europe’s entire population • Spread as far as Africa and Baghdad • Black Flags were flown to warn visitors of plague in the town • Lasted for 130 years


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