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Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment. P&P4EL Skills development. P&P4EL Learnership program. P&P4EL Assessment. Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment. Topics. Modules. Notional Hours. 15 15 30 60. BE420 Understanding Skills Development Strategy.
P&P4EL Skills development P&P4EL Learnership program P&P4EL Assessment Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment Topics Modules Notional Hours 15 15 30 60 BE420 Understanding Skills Development Strategy BE420 Understanding the specific learnership program BE420 Understanding assessments and portfolio of evidence Total Notional Hours
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: GMET Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment BE420 Understanding Skills Development Strategy Understand the functioning of the specific learnership program Understand the various routes to qualification Understand the purpose and basic concept of the skills development program / Act
Notional Hours 15 Topic Specification: BE420 Understanding Skills Development Strategy Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the purpose and basic concept of the skills development program / Act • Understand the various routes to a qualification • Understand the functioning of the specific learnership program Study given materials regarding the skills development program. An individual exercise in which learners list the various routes to a qualification. A group discussion where learners discuss the different options and elective choices Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts Attend lectures HOW Group Discussions • Learners are supplied with documentation on the skills development program. • An individual exercise in which learners list the various routes considered to their qualification • Learners discuss their options and specifically their reasons for choosing electives • Compile a file on information and present it to the facilitator Summarise/describe List / tabulate Analyse, plan and make decisions Case studies Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: GMET Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment BE420 Understanding the specific learnership program Be able to develop a personal training plan Know policies and procedures re assessments Understand roles of all relevant stakeholders Understand applicable learnership policies and procedures
Notional Hours 15 Topic Specification: BE420 Understanding the specific learnership program Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the learnership program • Understand applicable policies and procedures • Understand roles of all relevant stakeholders • Know policies and procedures re assessments • Are able to develop a personal training plan Study given materials regarding the learnership program. An individual exercise in which learners develop a personal training plan Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Summarise • Learners are supplied with documentation on the learnership program. • An individual exercise in which learners: • discuss the learnership program and applicable policies and procedures with the facilitator • list the roles of the different stakeholders • develop a personal training plan • Compile a file on information and present it to the facilitator List / tabulate Summarise/describe Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete checklist
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: GMET Develop a learning plan and portfolio for assessment BE420 Understanding assessments and portfolio of evidence Be able to put together a portfolio of evidence Understand what a portfolio of evidence consists of and the required standard for this portfolio Be able to do self assessment Know what the requirements are for the qualifications Understand why assessments must be done
Notional Hours 30 Topic Specification: BE420 Understanding assessments and portfolio of evidence Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand why assessments must be done • Know what the requirements are for the qualifications • Are able to do self assessment • Understand what a portfolio of evidence consists of • Understand what the required standards are for this portfolio • Are able to put together a portfolio of evidence A lecture in which assessment standards and requirements are explained. An individual exercise in which learners add their assessment on this exercise to their portfolio of evidence Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Learners are supplied with documentation on assessment standards and procedures and portfolio standards • An individual exercise in which learners describe: • what the requirements are for the qualifications • what the assessment standards are • what the portfolio standards are • Learners put together a basic portfolio file which will be used to contain evidence • Using the given documentation, learners assess themselves and add the assessment to their portfolio of evidence • Present the portfolio to the facilitator Group Discussions Summarise/describe Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Tabulate