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Indicators and Improvement Plans October 2009 SPR&I Training. Objectives. Become familiar with the Indicators used to make final determinations and the performance indicators Measurements Targets Data A brief overview of improvement plans A view of the year in SPR&I. SPP- Part C.
Objectives • Become familiar with the Indicators used to make final determinations and the performance indicators • Measurements • Targets • Data • A brief overview of improvement plans • A view of the year in SPR&I
SPP- Part C Indicator 1: Timely Service Delivery Indicator 2: Services in Natural Environments Indicator 3: Child Outcomes Indicator 4: Family Outcomes Indicator 5: Child Find Birth -1 Indicator 6: Child Find Birth - 3 Indicator 7: Timeliness of IFSP Indicator 8: Early Childhood Transition Indicator 9: Part C Monitoring System Indicator 10: Administrative Complaints Indicator 11: Due Process Hearings Indicator 12: Resolution Agreements Indicator 13: Mediations Indicator 14: Data Accuracy
SPP – Part B • Indicator 1: Graduation • Indicator 2: Dropout • Indicator 3: Statewide Assessment • Indicator 4: Suspension/Expulsion • Indicator 5: LRE Placement • Indicator 6: Preschool Settings • Indicator 7: Preschool Skills • Indicator 8: Parent Involvement • Indicator 9: Disproportionate Rep. in Sped • Indicator 10: Disproportionate Rep. in specific disability category • Indicator 11: Child Find • Indicator 12: Part C to B Transition • Indicator 13: Secondary Transition w/IEP Goals • Indicator 14: Secondary Transition/Post School Outcomes • Indicator 15: Monitoring, Complaints & Hearings • Indicator 16: Written Complaints • Indicator 17: Due Process Hearings • Indicator 18: Hearing Requests that went to Resolution • Indicator 19: Mediations • Indicator 20: Timeliness of State Reported Data & Reports
C1 • Indicator 1: Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who receive the early intervention services on their IFSPs in a timely manner.
C1 Measurement and Target • Measurement: Percent = [(# of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who receive the early intervention services on their IFSPs in a timely manner) divided by the (total # of infants and toddlers with IFSPs)] times 100.Account for untimely receipt of services. • FFY 2007 Target: 100% of children with IFSPs receive early intervention services in a timely manner. • The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) defined timely manner as the initiation date on the IFSP or 10 days from when the parent provides consent for the IFSP service.
C2 • Indicator 2: Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or programs for typically developing children.
C2 Measurement and Target • Measurement: Percent = [(# of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or programs for typically developing children) divided by the (total # of infants and toddlers with IFSPs)] times 100. • FFY 2007 Target: 70.0% of infants and toddlers with IFSPs will receive early intervention services in the home or in programs for typically developing children. All decisions regarding where children receive their IFSP services are made by the child’s IFSP team and are based on the individual needs of the child.
C5 • Indicator 5: Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs compared to National data.
C5 Measurement and Target • Measurement: A. Percent = [(# of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs) divided by the (population of infants and toddlers birth to 1)] times 100 compared to National data. • FFY 2007 Target: 0.60% of infants, birth to age 1, in conformance with state eligibility requirements, are determined eligible for early intervention services and have IFSPs.
C6 • Indicator 6: Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 3 with IFSPs compared to National data.
C6 Measurement and Target • Measurement: A. Percent = [(# of infants and toddlers birth to 3 with IFSPs) divided by the (population of infants and toddlers birth to 3)] times 100 compared to National data. • FFY 2007 Target: 1.67% of infants and toddlers, birth to age 3, in conformance with state eligibility requirements, are determined eligible for early intervention services and have IFSPs
C7 • Indicator 7: Percent of eligible infants and toddlers with IFSPs for whom an evaluation and assessment and an initial IFSP meeting were conducted within Part C’s 45-day timeline.
C7 Measurement and Target • Measurement: Percent = [(# of eligible infants and toddlers with IFSPs for whom an evaluation and assessment and an initial IFSP meeting was conducted within Part C’s 45-day timeline) divided by the (# of eligible infants and toddlers evaluated and assessed)] times 100. Account for untimely evaluations. • FFY 2007 Target: 100% of eligible infants and toddlers with IFSPs will have evaluation, assessment, and initial IFSP meeting conducted within 45 days
C8 • Indicator 8: Percent of all children exiting Part C who received timely transition planning to support the child’s transition to preschool and other appropriate community services by their third birthday including: a. IFSPs with transition steps and services; b. Notification to LEA, if child potentially eligible for Part B; and c. Transition conference, if child potentially eligible for Part B.
C8 Measurement • A. Percent = [(# of children exiting Part C who have an IFSP with transition steps and services) divided by the (# of children exiting Part C)] times 100. • B. Percent = [(# of children exiting Part C and potentially eligible for Part B where notification to the LEA occurred) divided by the (# of children exiting Part C who were potentially eligible for Part B)] times 100.C. • C. Percent = [(# of children exiting Part C and potentially eligible for Part B where the transition conference occurred) divided by the (# of children exiting Part C who were potentially eligible for Part B)] times 100.
C8 Target • FFY 2007 Target: • A. 100% of children exiting Part C have an IFSP with transition steps and services to support the child’s transition to preschool and other appropriate community services prior to the third birthday. • B. 100% of children exiting Part C and potentially eligible for Part B have the ECSE program notified prior to the third birthday. • C. 100% of children exiting Part C and potentially eligible for Part B have a transition conference at least 90 calendar days, and, at the discretion of the parties, up to nine months before the third birthday.
B11 • Indicator 11: Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 days (or State established timeline).
B11 Measurement • # of children for whom parental consent to evaluate was received. • # determined not eligible whose evaluations and eligibility determinations were completed within 60 days (or State established timeline). • # determined eligible whose evaluations and eligibility determinations were completed within 60 days (or State established timeline). Account for children included in a but not included in b or c. Indicate the range of days beyond the timeline when eligibility was determined and any reasons for the delays. Percent = [(b + c) divided by (a)] times 100.
B11 Target • FFY 2007 target: 100% of students with parental consent to evaluate will be evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 school days. • This information is consolidated with school age.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2007 • 15,930 children for whom parental consent to evaluate was received. • 3,191 children determined not eligible whose evaluations and eligibility determinations were completed within 60 days (or state-established timeline). • 11,915 children determined eligible whose evaluations and eligibility determinations were completed within 60 days (or state-established timeline). • 94.8% = [(3,191 + 11,915) divided by (15,930)] times 100.
B12 • Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays.
B12 Measurment • Measurement: a. # of children who have been served in Part C and referred to Part B for eligibility determination. b. # of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and whose eligibilities were determined prior to their third birthdays. c. # of those found eligible who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. d. # of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in evaluation or initial services. • Account for children included in “a” but not included in “b, c, or d.” Indicate the range of days beyond the third birthday when eligibility was determined and the IEP developed and the reasonsfor the delays. • Percent = [(c) divided by (a - b - d)] times 100.
B12 Target • FFY 2007 target: 100% of children referred by Part C prior to age three, who are found eligible for Part B, have an ECSE IFSP developed and implemented by the third birthday.
Websites for Technical Assistance on Indicators Part B SPP/APR http://www.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/idea/bapr/index.html Part C SPP/APR http://www.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/idea/capr/index.html NECTAC State Reporting Instructions: http://www.nectac.org/partc/partc.asphttp://www.nectac.org/topics/quality/statereq.asp#619 IDEA data site: https://www.ideadata.org/default.asp
Worksheets • Worksheets are required when a program does not meet a target for the following indicators: • C2: Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments • C5: Children Birth to One with IFSPs • C6: Children Birth to Two with IFSPs • Child Identification ECSE • In the future: B6: Placement in the LRE for Preschool. Currently all programs complete improvement plans for B6.
Worksheets • Submitting a worksheet with an analysis of your data serves two purposes: • It may provide sufficient information to justify not meeting the target. If justified, an improvement plan would not be necessary. • If not justified to meet a target, it provides a foundation for determining activities for your improvement plans.
Worksheets • Just the facts… • What does your data tell you? • What factors contributed to the performance on the indicator this year? • Were there circumstances that may justify not meeting the target?
Improvement Plans • Improvement plans are required when a program does not meet the target for an indicator and the data does not provide justification for not meeting the target.
Improvement Planning Components • Purpose: To map out observable, measurable, actionable, and realistic activities intended to improve performance. • Components: • Team Membership and Roles • Data Analysis (including trend data)—refer to Worksheet as a possible resource • Progress Report (of completed activities addressing issues identified in Data Analysis) • Measurable Objectives • Specific Activities • Timeline(s) • Person(s) Responsible • Evidence of Completion and Outcome(s) new
Summary of Components of EI/ECSE Improvement Plans
The end…. or is it??
July 2010 Programs continue to submit evidence of correction for 09-10 noncompliance ODE finalizing FFY 2008 final determinations based on correction of 08-09 noncompliance June 2010 Programs continue to submit evidence of correction for 08-09 and 09-10 noncompliance June 15th Service Area Plans due Aug. 2009 ODE disseminates FFY 2007 Determinations based on 2007-2008 data July May 2010 Programs continue to submit evidence of correction for 08-09 and 2009-2010 noncompliance Programs revise improvement plans /CAPs (if required) Submit Service Area Plans to LICC June August Sept. 2009 Programs submit evidence of correction for 08-09 noncompliance until 100% compliant 09-10 PCR report opens for submission ODE populates reports for C2, C5, C6, ECSE Child Identification, B6, Primary Disability Distribution, and Ethnicity Distribution with 08-09 data May September April 2010 Programs submit evidence of correction for 08-09 and 2009-2010 noncompliance ODE approves/rejects improvement plans/CAPs 2009-2010 EI/ECSE APR Indicator and PCR Cycle April October Oct. 2009 Programs submit evidence of correction for 08-09 noncompliance until 100% compliant SPR&I Annual Trainings ODE populates reports for B11 March 2010 ODE verifies 09-10 PCR submission Programs to verify public report card data Begin planning for Service Area Plan March November Nov. 2009 Programs submit evidence of correction for 08-09 noncompliance until 100% compliant Programs continue submitting 09-10 PCR data Feb. 2010 FFY 2008 APR due to OSEP Program 09-10 PCR data due Improvement plans due for C2,5,6 and ECSE Child Identification based on 08-09 data February December January Dec. 2009 Programs continue submitting 09-10 PCR data 12/7: B6and B11 Improvement plans due 12/7: C2, 5, 6, & ECSE Child Identification worksheets due Jan. 2010 Programs continue submitting 09-10 PCR data EI/ECSE APR Indicator and PCR Cycle