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Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)

Disability Employment Initiative (DEI). ACCESS SERIES Assistive Technology (AT) & the One-Stop: Part 2. Hosted/Facilitated by: Laura Gleneck, NDI Consulting, Inc. Presented by: Miranda Kennedy and Brian Ingram, NDI Consulting, Inc. 2011 Training Series.

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Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)

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  1. Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) ACCESS SERIES Assistive Technology (AT) & the One-Stop: Part 2 Hosted/Facilitated by: Laura Gleneck, NDI Consulting, Inc. Presented by: Miranda Kennedy and Brian Ingram, NDI Consulting, Inc. 2011 Training Series

  2. Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) • Local WIBs participating in the DEI must verify that they are in compliance with physical, programmatic, and communication accessibility requirements established in the non-discrimination regulations at Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). DOL expects that DEI projects and LWIBs will continue to review and upgrade access to their One-Stop Career Center system as part of their ongoing administration and compliance obligations. • Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects to increase accessibility within the One-Stops is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). • Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes around access issues will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics. 2

  3. AT & the One-Stop Part 2Learning Objectives Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI grantees and participants from the public workforce system will have: • An understanding of the roles that state level DEI Project staff and local level Disability Resource Coordinators can play in bringing about increased knowledge and use of Assistive Technology • Strategies for working with Interagency Committees, AT Projects and other partners on Assistive Technology issues • Strategies for Marketing Assistive Technology • An understanding of how Assistive Technology can be integrated into Core, Intensive and Training Services within the One-Stop

  4. AT & The One-Stops Part 2 Agenda • Role of the DEI Project Lead and DRC related to AT in the One-Stop • Partners and Strategies to help implement AT within the One-Stop • Strategies for Marketing AT in the One-Stop • Integrating AT into the Core, Intensive and Training Services at the One-Stop

  5. Assistive Technology is only as “magical” as the entirety of service delivery methods, systems and supports that make it work and yet it’s not as much rocket science as many think it is in most cases. - Rich Sanders Program Coordinator Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education / ALASKA

  6. Assistive Technology & The ROLE of The DEI Project Lead & Disability Resource Coordinator

  7. Possible Role of the DEI Project Lead • Oversee the development and execution of an audit process to determine the DEI pilot sites current AT status within the One-Stops. • Partner with the state AT Project for assistance in determining types of AT upgrades and new equipment (software & hardware) needed within One-Stops. • Monitor efforts at the state level around DEI purchase and installation of new AT equipment at One-Stops. • Facilitate additional state level Train-the-Trainer training on AT to DRCs and local level AT – Teams. • Consider engaging other state level partners for ongoing AT assessment and support. • Engage in state level marketing efforts of One-Stop AT. • Support DRC efforts to integrate & promote AT in their local areas.

  8. Possible Role of the DRC • Oversee local level efforts to audit current AT equipment, usage level and unmet needs within the One-Stop. • Engage local level Interagency Committee for assistance in identifying AT needs and implementing AT into practices, policies, and procedures within the One-Stop. • Develop and serve on local level AT – Team to problem-solve issues around physical AT installation, use and maintenance. • Work with One-Stop marketing efforts to include references to available AT in brochures, handouts, and on local One-Stop website, etc… • Serve as One-Stop “trainer” on AT.

  9. Implementing Assistive Technology into the One-Stop: PARTNERS & STRATEGIES

  10. Implementing AT into the One-Stop Environment

  11. Interagency Committee Project Possible roles for the Interagency Committee or subcommittee: • Contribute personnel/resources to perform audit of existing AT in One-Stop • Support and contribute resources towards training One-Stop staff and Partner on the AT in the One-Stop • Develop recommendations on One-Stop AT policies, practices & procedures • Assist with Marketing & Outreach Efforts to Community on availability of AT in One-Stop

  12. Who should be on my AT-Team & what would we do? • DRC, designated IT staff member(s) at One-Stop, and as a consultant a designated contact at state AT project • The AT-Team would be the go-to people for any problems or questions related to the physical installation, usage, tracking, storage and/or loss of AT equipment at the One-Stop.

  13. Train-the-Trainer • DEI Project Lead sets up state level “Train-the-Trainer” Event with state AT Project for DRCs and others (e.g. AT-Team). • The goal of Train-the-Trainer is to teach DRCs (and/or AT-Teams) how to train staff and partners on: • What AT is available at the One-Stop • Where the AT is located/stored • Who the AT might help • How to turn it on, or get it set up • The “basic concept” of how each piece of AT works • Emphasis is placed on the fact that: If the customer needs actual “training” on AT, the DRC will train the One-Stop staff to refer them to Vocational Rehabilitation or AT Project.

  14. Train-the-Trainer (cont.) Example of possible AT Training sequence of events at both state & local level • State AT Project provides: • Train-the-Trainer to the AT-Team (DRC, IT) • Overview of One-Stop AT equipment to local One-Stop staff (1x) • DRC sets up and begins to implement AT training schedule for One-Stop staff and partners. This includes strategies to train staff/partners basics on: • What AT equipment is available • When AT equipment might be useful (problem-solve case studies) • Where AT equipment (and simple direction guide) is located • Why AT equipment makes a difference (highlight AT success stories) • How to turn the AT equipment on (reference simple direction guide) • DRC accesses local AT-Team, state AT Project as needed.

  15. Train-the-Trainer (cont.) Possible AT training schedule for One-Stop Staff DISCLAIMER: This is just an example. Your experience may vary! • 60 minutes of training every other month in small groups • Example: 5 group sessions a day for 2 days once every 2 months • Schedule with staff weeks/months in advance and be FLEXIBLE! • Each session covers “groupings” of similar AT. • Examples include: • Low Vision: Zoom Text, CCTV, Pocket-Magnifier, Large Print Keys • Hard of Hearing: Pocket-Talker, Hearing-Helper, Digital-Recorder, Amplified Phone • Each session includes: • Hands-on time with AT and practice referencing quick start guide • Discussion of One-Stop customer scenarios where AT might be helpful • Reiteration of AT & accommodation resources (e.g. VR, JAN, AT Project)

  16. Train-the-Trainer (cont.) Responses from One-Stop Staff who receive ongoing training/exposure to AT: • “57% of Working Age Adults would benefit from AT” – Staff will come forward and request AT for themselves. • Staff will be able to assist customers, w/o coming to you/DRC. • Staff may request additional training time, assistance, and information on AT as they become more familiar with it. • Staff will begin to access other AT and accommodation related resources on their own as familiarity increases (e.g. JAN and VR). • Staff will begin to feel more comfortable and excited about AT and begin sharing information on the benefits of AT with One-Stop customers, One-Stop employers, as well as friends & family members. • Staff will ultimately experience better outcomes for customers.

  17. AT Audit & Secret-Shopper Consider accessing your local Independent Living Center and other local disability organizations to: • Partner w/ the AT-Team to assist with the initial audit of the existing AT within the One-Stop • Help get a baseline for AT awareness; answering the questions: • “How well do staff access current AT for customers?” • “How well did past marketing efforts work in terms of raising knowledge of AT in One-Stop?” • “What AT marketing efforts might be useful in future?” • Serve as Secret-Shoppers to see how well One-Stop staff access AT for customers after going through AT Training/Awareness & provide helpful feedback.

  18. Strategies for Marketing AT

  19. AT MARKETING MENU ITEM $$ Assess Existing AT Marketing Efforts & Explore New Ones ITEM $$ Post AT references & lists on state DOL & local One-Stop websites. Put up AT Posters and Signage in the One-Stop. $$ ITEM Include info on AT in One-Stop Handouts, Brochures, and at every One-Stop Orientation. $$ ITEM Access Local Media to Market NEW AT available at the One-Stop: Newspaper articles / Press Releases / Radio / Local Cable Channel ITEM $$ Promote and Provide Walking Tours of One-Stops that include demos of AT. Target these efforts to local disability groups & employers. $$ ITEM Word of Mouth Marketing via One-Stop staff, partners, WIB, customers

  20. Marketing Examples Examples from Alaska DEI

  21. Marketing Examples Front Desk Sign Universal Computer Poster Examples from Virginia DEI

  22. Integrating AT into Wagner-Peyser & WIA Services • AT and Core Services • AT and Intensive Services • AT and Training Services For those of you who are not handy, these are “levels”. Get it? Multiple Levels of Service!

  23. Assistive Technology & CORE SERVICES

  24. AT & Core Services Assistive Technology can be critical in ensuring access to: • Registration processes • Assessment • Core service workshops

  25. AT & Core Services (cont.) Registration processes • Registration is the initial activity for any customer at the One-Stop, • Customers will often hesitate to disclose at registration • If the registration is unsuccessful the customer is unlikely to access any services at the One-Stop

  26. AT & Core Services (cont.) Assessment • Assessment is a key element in determining the service track of a newly registered customer in the One-Stop • Performance on assessments is often an eligibility criteria for referral to trainings or job opportunities • One-Stop staff are often uneasy about allowing AT in an assessment situation

  27. AT & Core Services (cont.) Core Service Workshops • Core Service Workshops often involve instruction around specific job search activities critical to a customer reaching program outcomes • Core Service Workshops are frequently used as a part of the eligibility process for intensive and training services • Providing AT in a workshop environment is often more challenging to both customers and staff than providing AT in a resource room environment

  28. AT & Core Services (cont.) Example: Read & Write • For people with low vision or learning disabilities. • Read and Write software provides a suite of functions that can assist customers by incorporating voice to text, visual organizational cues, and spelling and word meaning cues. Read and Write is designed to be self-directed and easily applied even by first-time users.

  29. AT & Core Services (cont.) Example: Read & Write • Assistance and support in filling out registration forms independently when in a virtual format • Assistance and support in completing assessments and increasing the accuracy of such assessments for customers with learning disabilities or low vision • Assistance and support in reaching workshop outcomes independently when workshop curriculum includes computer based or online components

  30. Assistive Technology & INTENSIVE SERVICES

  31. AT & Intensive Services Assistive Technology can be critical in ensuring access to: • Enrollment procedures and processes • Job search supports available at the One-Stop • Enhance the effectiveness of Case Management services

  32. AT & Intensive Services(cont.) Enrollment procedures and processes Enrollment in WIA intensive services often will involve a process that can include: • Assessment • Development of a training/placement (service)plan • Demonstration of readiness determined by prolonged engagement with core service activities and/or successful completion of assigned next steps

  33. AT & Intensive Services(cont.) Accessing job search supports at the One-Stop • An increasing number of job search activities are performed online • Wagner-Peyser Programs often require the development of profiles to access their job matching services.

  34. AT & Intensive Services(cont.) Effective Case Management services Assistive Technology can increase the effectiveness of communication between the customer and the WIA case manager which is critical to a customers success because: • WIA case managers will often give customers numerous next steps and schedule follow up appointments bi-weekly or even further apart • WIA case managers often make referrals to other systems each of which will engage the customer in eligibility and planning activities

  35. AT & Intensive Services (cont.) Example: Portable Digital Audio Recording Device For customers with hearing impairments, low vision, learning disabilities or customers who are blind. Allows a customer to review verbal materials at a higher volume or can substitute for written notes for the purpose of review.

  36. AT & Intensive Services (cont.) Example: Portable Digital Audio Recording Device • Can record complex instructions around forms or next steps allowing for independent review or additional explanation from One-Stop staff or whomever the customer prefers to use in this role. • Can allow a customer to review instructions or presentations at a higher volume allowing for additional and more effective comprehension of materials or information.

  37. Assistive Technology & TRAINING SERVICES

  38. AT & Training Services Assistive Technology can be critical in ensuring: • Development of a training plan • Communicating progress and needs to Case Manager as a training and placement plan progresses. • Accessing, benefiting, and reaching the outcomes associated with WIA funded training.

  39. AT & Training Services(cont.) Development of a training plan • The development of WIA training plans often involve a customer researching local labor market trends, and the curriculum and outcomes associated with local training providers then reporting back to the WIA Case Manager.

  40. AT & Training Services(cont.) Communicating progress and needs to Case Manager as a training and placement plan progresses. • The development of a WIA training plan often involves the customer developing and communicating a plan to access additional resources and a budget that maps out how critical supports will be maintained during the training.

  41. AT & Training Services(cont.) Accessing, benefiting, and reaching the outcomes associated with WIA funded training. • Developing an AT strategy that takes into account all the steps associated with the development and implementation of a WIA training plan can both facilitate enrollment in WIA training services, and increase the likelihood a customer will attain the outcomes associated with those services.

  42. AT & Training Services (cont.) Example: Dragon Naturally Speaking • Provides voice to text support and is voice activated. It can allow customers with low vision or learning disabilities to become computer literate and independently perform computer based activities.

  43. AT & Training Services (cont.) Example: Dragon Naturally Speaking • Allows customers to independently access resource materials and research labor market, and training provider information while developing a training plan. • Allows a customer to participate and benefit from WIA funded trainings. • Enhances a customers ability to communicate and maintain engagement with WIA case managers as training/placement plan is implemented. • Assists a customer in placement activities post training and enhance their capacity to learn and perform specific job duties once placed.

  44. So what did we cover today? • Role of the DEI Project Lead and DRC related to AT in the One-Stop • Partners and Strategies to help implement AT within the One-Stop • Strategies for Marketing AT in the One-Stop • Integrating AT into the Core, Intensive and Training Services at the One-Stop

  45. Questions & Answers

  46. Additional Resources • Designing a Universally Accessible Electronic Work Station & Kiosk http://www.onestops.info/article.php?article_id=90 • Universal Design and Assistive Technology in the Workplacehttp://www.jan.wvu.edu/media/udatfact.doc • Access and Accommodations section of the One-Stop Toolkit – http://www.onestoptoolkit.org/statelocalbytopic.cfm

  47. CONTACT INFORMATION Miranda Kennedy (720) 890-3990 mkennedy@ndi-inc.org Brian Ingram (503) 913-6139 bingram@ndi-inc.org

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