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Curriculum Mapping and Learning Outcomes Assessment at Rogue. Oregon Community College Council of Institutional Research December 7 , 2017 Lori Sours, Ph.D. Outcomes and Assessment Strategist, Rogue Community College www.roguecc.edu/oa. MY LENS:. Faculty (first adjunct, then FT)
Curriculum Mapping and Learning Outcomes Assessment at Rogue Oregon Community College Council of Institutional Research December 7, 2017 Lori Sours, Ph.D. Outcomes and Assessment Strategist, Rogue Community College www.roguecc.edu/oa
MY LENS: Faculty (first adjunct, then FT) Department Chair Member of Strategic Planning, Accreditation, College Effectiveness Teams Current Faculty Coach/Mentor Outcome-based Curriculum Designer Strategist for Creating Learning Outcomes Assessment Systems Co-author and assistant editor of The Outcome Primers Series 2.0.
NWCCU Accreditation Standardsespecially relevant to thiswork: 2.C.4. Degree programs… demonstrate a coherent design with appropriate breadth, depth,sequencing of courses, and synthesis of learning…
2.C.11…programs…have identifiable and assessable learning outcomes that align with and support program goals or intended outcomes.…
4.B.2 The institution uses the results of its assessment of student learning to inform academic and learning-support planning and practices…
How do we … • Design curricula that have clear coherence, sequencing, and synthesis of learning? • Show the alignment of learning outcomes? • Create a system that clearly uses the results of assessment to inform curriculum planning practices?
Being able to think in visual images reveals connections and relationships that are difficult to communicate through text. Stiehl, R. and K. Telban (2017) The MAPPING Primer: Mapping the Way to Learning Outcomes,Corvallis, OR: The Learning Organization.
RCC Graduation Guide Example: Medical Assistant Certificate Program
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a map is worth a thousand pictures.” Ruth Stiehl and Kathy Telban, The MAPPING Primer: Mapping the Way to Learning Outcomes, 2017, p. 3.
Left-to-right flow into and through program “The Learner’s Journey” Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT Learning Experiences Core Course “Real-world” roles Elective PLO Assessment Points Prere-quisite Co-Curric- ularExper-ience Connections, relationships between learning experiences
HOW are the maps created? WHO builds the maps? WHAT do they look like at the end of a mapping session ?
Faculty/Staff Engagement and Ownership Early Childhood Education AAS Medical Assistant Certificate
Context and Flow Dental Assistant Certificate
Redundancies and Gaps Business Technology AAS
Medical Assistant Certificate Generation 2 Map 1/15/16 Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) OR ALL HERE (as late in program as possible)? PLO Assessment Points HERE?
What about the system of learning outcomes assessment?
Every course outline identifies which Organization-Wide Learning Outcomes (aka ILOs) are aligned with it. Achievement of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) is assessed every term in every class. Every Program Learning Outcome has at least one assessment point in a course.
Steps to a Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: Example from RCC DIESEL TECHNOLOGY AAS
Work within OSHA, RCC and current industry safety guidelines and standards to promote a safe working environment. Read wiring diagrams and schematics, measure voltage, amperage and resistance with common industry equipment, evaluate and troubleshoot wiring, charging and starting problems. Evaluate, troubleshoot and repair diesel engines, heavy-duty brakes, suspension and steering, power train assemblies, air conditioning and basic hydraulics. Evaluate and troubleshoot computerized systems on the chassis, engine, brakes and suspension, evaluate fault codes and make repairs as needed. Work in a cohesive group on a collective project from beginning to end, producing high quality work while adhering to safety and lab procedures. PLO#1 best assessed here.
The assessment of this CLO provides a data point for the assessment of both the PLOand the ILO.
Building Assessment Plans: Align PLOs with CLOs (course-level). Align ILOs with CLOs (course-level). Collect assessment data at the course level, make adjustments in curriculum based on the evidence. Look at PLO assessment data annually; 3-year cycle catches all PLOs. Adjust the course and/or program curriculum based on that evidence. Repeat at least annually for CLOs, at least every 3 years for PLOs.
Visual tools give us the power to: • Think more strategically • Build and represent coherence, sequencing, and synthesis of learning • See the alignment of course, program, and institutional learning outcomes • ASSESS to ADJUST (improve) our degree/certificate programs • Keep the learner in mind….
Lori Sours, Ph.D. Outcomes and Assessment Strategist Rogue Community College Lsours@roguecc.edu www.roguecc.edu/oa 541-245-7803