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Department of Defense & Department of Homeland Security. Mission and Goals: • Attract funding for dual-use technologies that benefit both basic research and national security objectives. • Expand cooperative projects between UH, USCG, DoD, and local small businesses.
Department of Defense & Department of Homeland Security Mission and Goals: • Attract funding for dual-use technologies that benefit both basic research and national security objectives. • Expand cooperative projects between UH, USCG, DoD, and local small businesses. • Tend to be shorter term (3-5 year) projects with deliverables. “Transition” is the buzzword. • Integrate with the UARC.
Personnel vary by project - presently including: • Chemical Weapons Dumps - DeCarlo, Edwards, McMurty, Merrifield, Wilkens, HURL, Environet, ECBC (Army) • Counter Mine Warfare - Merrifield, Pawlak, Wilkens, JHU/APL, NRL • DHS Maritime Domain Awareness Center - • Crouch (Eng), Allen (Eng), Edwards, Flament, Iskander (Eng), Nosal, Wilkens, Wright, UW/APL, U. Alaska, U. Puerto Rico • Optical & IR Remote Sensing - (0.9 FTE) Faculty: Shiv Sharma, Paul Lucey, Anupam Misra, Barry Leinert, John Porter Post-docs: Mike Winter, Karen Stockstill, David Bates Engineers: Tim Williams, Mark Wood, Mike Winter, Jeff Bosel Graduate Students: Josh Cahill, Miriam Riner
Extramural funding in effect: Optical & IR 2003-2007: 61 grants and contracts, $9.86M Counter Mine Warfare $200,000 - ONR Chemical Munitions Survey $1.975 million - ARMY DHS Center (Pending) $3 million/yr for 5 yrs. ~50% to UH
Instrumentation Acquired: REMUS 100 AUV, LBV 150 small ROV, Profiling Current Meter, Short Baseline Navigation System, Sector and Line Scanning Sonars • Support Provided: Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy Laboratory-- Sharma lead Spectral Technology Group--Lucey lead • Kilo Nalu through ONR work and (proposed) DHS studies. • HMRG, HURL through CW work.
Optical and IR Remote Sensing Major Results Detection of high explosives at ranges of 200m using remote Raman spectroscopy Detection of buried land mines and IEDs from vehicles and aircraft using ultra-lightweight sensors developed at UH
Infrared Remote Sensing: Major Areas • Phenomenology studies • Algorithm development and data collection for detection of buried land mines, IEDs, camouflage, chemical weapons, drug labs • Sponsors • National Geospatial Intelligence Agency • Various large aerospace contractors • US Army • Civil sponsors: NASA, EPA • Sensor Development • Ultra-lightweight IR spectrometers • IR projectors for sensor testing • Sponsor: US Army Camouflaged Target Detection Buried Land Mines EthylGPE Benzene Recent Cross-desert Traffic Gas Detection UH Airborne Experiments
Remote Raman Detection of Explosives at 125-m Field Test during Mojave dust storm
Mine Burial Prediction: Validation studies of an MBP expert system
NOW THEN Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment Nov. 1944 - 16,000 100lb Mustard Gas Bombs dumped 5 miles south of Pearl Harbor
National Center for Island, Maritime, and Extreme Environment Security (CIMES) Research Priorities Maritime Domain Awareness Surveillance & Tracking Screening & Scanning Data Fusion & Analysis Marine Transportation System Security Enhance Supply Chain Transparency Maritime & Offshore Critical Infrastructure Protection Maritime Recovery & Resilience Catastrophic Maritime Events in Extreme Environments Maritime Risk, Policy, and International Governance Maritime Risk Management Maritime Policy & legal Analysis Maritime International Governance & Cooperation Maritime Enforcement, Operations, & CCC Maritime Enforcement Operational Analysis Command, Control, & Communications