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Final Project: EPS 209

Final Project: EPS 209. Carolina Munoz Saez. Introduction. Last March 13 th , 2011 Japan was affected for a M 8.9 offshore e arthquake, which was followed for a tsunami . Tsunami waves were estimated to have reached 37.9 meters ( 124  ft ) on a coastal city in Iwate Prefecture.

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Final Project: EPS 209

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Final Project: EPS 209 Carolina Munoz Saez

  2. Introduction • Last March 13th, 2011 Japan was affected for a M 8.9 offshore earthquake, which was followed for a tsunami Tsunami waves were estimated to have reached 37.9 meters (124 ft) on a coastal city in Iwate Prefecture. The tsunami inundated a total area of approximately 500 km2(181.5 sq mi) in Japan.

  3. http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/subsets/?subset=Japan Earth movement seen from space Pixel Size: 250m • NASA satellites have snapped pictures of the devastating floods and fires in Japan from the deadly earthquake and tsunami Band 7-2-1 Combination: Vegetation, burned areas & water Feb. 23, 2011 March 13, 2011

  4. March 13, 2011 True-color imagery uses MODIS Bands 1, 4, and 3, corresponding to the red, green, and blue range of the light spectrum, respectively Objective: Calculate area affected by tsunami • Inland (Band 721) • Oceanic floor (True Color) Methodology: • Retrieve satellite image from a WMS • Crop interest area • Apply filters • Grain Analysis (regionprops) • Mahalanobis distance

  5. Results Inland I1=imread ('Japan.2011054.aqua.721.250m.tif'); %cut image. M1 = [4278.5 3100.5 636 1716] G1 = imcrop(I1,M1) %Convert it to black & white: level1 = graythresh(G1); bw1 = im2bw(G1,level1);

  6. Results Inland graindata1=regionprops(cc1,'all'); graindata2=regionprops(cc2,'all'); grain_area1=[graindata1.Area]; grain_area2=[graindata2.Area]; Area_inland=grain_area2-grain_area1

  7. Results Offshore: Mask

  8. Results Offshore

  9. % SIXTH: Ocean Floor: AplyMahalanobis distance on the mask in both images filtSize = 25; if (exist('myPatches.mat')) load('myPatches.mat'); else % call read patch code roiPixA = getPixStd(A3, filtSize); roiPixB = getPixStd(A4, filtSize); roiPix = cat(1, roiPixA, roiPixB); myStd = max(std(roiPix)); save('myPatches', 'roiPix', 'myStd'); end % FOURTH STEP: Single grain dilatation SE = strel('disk', 150, 8); dsg1= imdilate(1-sbw1,SE); dsg2= imdilate(1-sbw2,SE); figure, imshow(dsg1) figure, imshow(dsg2) D=dsg1-(1-sbw1); %dilatationarea figure, imshow(D) %FIFTH: Ocean Floor: extractinformationforoceanfloor on dilatedgrain Mask D2 = logical(D); D3 = cat(3, D2, D2, D2); A3 = immultiply(G3,D3); A4 = immultiply(G4,D3); figure;imshow(A3); figure;imshow(A4); function [roiPixmyStd] = getPixStd(rgbImg, filtSize) % read and check image, get size [nRowsnColsnLyrs] = size(rgbImg); if (nLyrs ~= 3) error('Image is not RGB!'); end nPix = nRows * nCols; % display original image figure; imshow(rgbImg); title('RGB image'); % smooth image fprintf('Smoothing image ...\n'); myFilt = ones(filtSize) ./ filtSize^2; smoothImg = imfilter(rgbImg, myFilt); …………………

  10. Final Results • Area_inland= 9285 pixel • Area_offshore = 22267 pixel Image Pixel Size: 0.25 Km • Area_inland= 580 Km2 • Area_offshore= 1392 Km2

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