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Drupal Training within TT

Drupal Training within TT. Needs of development team(s) October 2010 Hands-on, fast-paced, for developers 2 days, ½ day consulting on specific projects Need for end-user training hands-on, for service owners, mgmt, sub-site masters Early 2011 for pilot, >spring 2011 for regular sessions

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Drupal Training within TT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Drupal Training within TT Needs of development team(s) October 2010 Hands-on, fast-paced, for developers 2 days, ½ day consulting on specific projects Need for end-user training hands-on, for service owners, mgmt, sub-site masters Early 2011 for pilot, >spring 2011 for regular sessions What’s drupal, Installation & Setup, Views Principles, Basic Content Building 1 ½ days No themes

  2. Proposal of 2-day Drupal for developers training Day 1 How does Drupal work, vocabulary & where to find items (node, blocks, menus) CCK & content types Views, Views Relationships, Views Argutments Drupal Architecture Modules (context, panels, features) Advanced Views Day 2 Theming What’s theming, how does it work Theme development Tools & best practices, anatomy HTML & CSS Building a new theme, Altering Markup in your Theme Templating Theme functions & theming in modules

  3. Potentially interesting subjects Content workflow community management (anti-spam & CAPTCHA, Flag & VotingAPI, staff/moderator solutions like Views Bulk Operations, modr8..) Drupal performance (caching, page optimization, bottleneck search) Working with databases Using FormAPI Hooks? Drupal for System admins (server, configuration and environmental issues making or braking large sites – environment, scaling & performance, monitoring & security, deployment strategies) – 2 days

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