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Staging Algebraic Datatypes. Tim Sheard and Iavor S. Diatchki. Metadata. Paper type: Synthesis Builds on previous work on partial evaluation (Mogensen 1988) Adapts technique to staged programming Background: Staging MetaML. The Big Idea. Don’t discard information!
Staging Algebraic Datatypes Tim Sheard and Iavor S. Diatchki
Metadata • Paper type: Synthesis • Builds on previous work on partial evaluation (Mogensen 1988) • Adapts technique to staged programming • Background: • Staging • MetaML
The Big Idea • Don’t discard information! • Use what is known so far to specialize code • Datatypes encode partial information about runtime values • What is known about the structure of the code? • What values are possible? • What values are impossible?
Running Example:Pattern Matching • Three versions in the paper: • Unstaged • Staged • Staged w/ staged datatypes • The unstaged version is straightforward; let’s examine the other two.
Pattern Matching (II) datatype Term = Int of int | Con of string * Term * Term datatype Pat = IntP of int | ConP of string * Pat * Pat | VarP of string | AndP of Pat * Pat | OrP of Pat * Pat type ’a Subst = (string * ’a) list (* match2 : Pat → <Term> → <Term> Subst → ((<Term> Subst) option → <a>) → <a> *)
Pattern Matching (II) fun match2 (VarP x) t env k = (case lookup x env of NONE => k (SOME ((x,t)::env)) | SOME t’ => <if termEq ~t ~t’ then ~(k (SOME env)) else ~(k NONE)>) | match2 (IntP x) term env k = <case ~term of Int i => if i = ~(lift x) then ~(k (SOME env)) else ~(k NONE) | Con (con,x,y) => ~(k NONE)>
Pattern Matching (II) | match2 (ConP (conp,xp,yp)) term env k = <case ~term of Int i => ~(k NONE) | Con (con,x,y) => if con = ~(lift conp) then ~(match2 xp <x> env (fn NONE => k NONE | SOME env’ => match2 yp <y> env’ k)) else ~(k NONE)>
Pattern Matching (II) | match2 (AndP (p1, p2)) term env k = match2 p1 term env (fn NONE => k NONE | SOME e2 => match2 p2 term e2 k) | match2 (OrP (p1, p2)) term env k = match2 p1 term env (fn NONE => match2 p2 term env k | SOME e2 => k (SOME e2)) | match2 _ _ env k = k NONE
Pattern Matching (II) val p3 = OrP (ConP (“-”, VarP “x”, VarP “y”), ConP (“+”, VarP “x”, VarP “y”)) -| test2 p3; val it = <(fn a => (case a of Int i => (case a of ...) | Con(d,c,b) => if d = “-” then SOME ([(“y”,b),(“x”,c)]) else (case a of ...)))> : <Term → ((string * Term) list) option>
Room for Improvement • There are three different places in the generated code where a is cased over. • The outermost one should be sufficient! • Two of the case arms can never be reached! • This code throws away useful information.
Pattern Matching (III) datatype ’a Partial = Stat of ’a | Dyn of <’a> * ’a list (* Stat tells what it is; Dyn tells what it’s not! *) datatype TermS = IntS of int Partial | ConS of (string Partial) * TermS * TermS | TermS of <Term> datatype Result = Fail of TermS | Ok of (TermS Subst) * TermS (* both constructors include partial information about a term *) (*match3: Pat → TermS → TermS Subst → (Result→<a>) → <a>*)
Pattern Matching (III) (* match2 (IntP x) term env k = <case ~term of Int i => if i = ~(lift x) then ~(k (SOME env)) else ~(k NONE) | Con (con,x,y) => ~(k NONE)> *) match3 (IntP x) (TermS term) env k = <case ~term of Int i => if i = ~(lift x) then ~(k (Ok (env, IntS (Stat x)))) else ~(k (Fail (IntS (Dyn (<i>, [x])))))
Pattern Matching (III) | match3 (IntP x) (term as (IntS (Stat y))) env k = if x = y then k (Ok (env, term)) else k (Fail term) | match3 (IntP x) (term as (IntS (Dyn (y, isNot)))) env k = if elem x isNot then k (Fail term) else <if ~y = ~(lift x) then ~(k (Ok (env, IntS (Stat x)))) else ~(k (Fail (IntS (Dyn (y, (x::isNot))))))>
Pattern Matching (III) -| test3 p3; val it = <(fn Int d => NONE | Con(c,b,a) => if c = “-” then SOME ([(“y”,a),(“x”,b)]) else if c = “+” then SOME ([(“y”,a),(“x”,b)]) else NONE)> : <Term → (string * Term) list option> • No more redundant checks!