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Learn about chronic & communicable diseases through thorough explanations, prevention tips, and understanding how diseases spread. Focus on HIV/AIDS & The Incurable STIs with prevention methods. Recognize skin cancer risks and prevention measures.
Chronic & Communicable Diseases South Junior High - 7th & 8th Grade Health Mr. Heitkamp
Chronic and Communicable Disease • Communicable Disease - An illness caused by a germ that causes disease, which can be spread from one living thing to another. • Chronic Disease - A disease that is long lasting and slow to recover from, if possible to recover from.
Eyes, Nose, Ears, & Mouth. Cover Mouth Wash Hands Do not share toothbrush Do not share eating utensils Body Wastes Wash Hands Keep hands away from mouth and nose 20% of people do not wash their hands after using restroom. How is Disease Spread?
Open Sores Cover open sores with a bandage Do not touch open sores on another person’s body without protection (BB Coach Story) Avoid Contact with Blood Wear Vinyl gloves Dispose of needles properly (Hockey Story) How is Disease Spread?
Practice Abstinence Will prevent the spread of STI’s Contaminated Food Keep animals away from food Follow tips to prevent food borne illness Insect Bites Use bug repellent Remove ticks from body and animals Animal Bites How is Disease Spread?
How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections • Sexually Transmitted Infection - An infection caused by viruses and or bacteria that are transmitted during sexual contact. • Abstinence - Choosing to NOT be sexually active, the only 100% way to stay safe.
The Incurable STI’S (The 4H’s) • HPV or Genital Warts • Caused by a virus • Will cause warts on any part of the body that come into contact with the virus. • Painless, but very unattractive. • This has been in the news recently because of the new cervical cancer vaccine.(Gardasil)
The Incurable STI’S (The 4H’s) • Hepatitis • Caused by a virus • Can be prevented with a vaccine • Affects the liver
The Incurable STI’S (The 4H’s) • Herpes • Caused by a virus • Causes cold sores and or blisters on areas of the body that come into contact with virus • Painful sores on the body
The Incurable STI’S (The 4H’s) • HIV - H uman Immunodeficiency Virus • Caused by a virus that is replicated within the body and attacks other immune system cells • The virus that leads to AIDS • AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
How to Reduce the Risk of HIV Infection • Fluids that HIV can live in and be transmitted from: • Blood • Seminal Fluid • Vaginal Fluid • Breast Milk • Activity - Rate the Risk of HIV Contraction
Ways HIV Can Be Spread • Sexual contact • Sharing needles for injection or tattoos • Having bodily contact with any of the 4 bodily fluids • Being born to a mother that has HIV
Ways HIV Cannot Be Spread • Kissing • Hugging • Holding Hands • Sharing Food • Hanging out with friends • Sharing a pen or pencil • Insect bites • Donating blood • Using a computer or telephone after someone who has HIV • Swimming in a pool with another person with HIV
How Does Being Abstinent Protect Me From HIV and Other STI’s • Protects you from the bodily fluids • Keeps you away from risky situations
HIV Testing • Usually on oral test from cells within the mouth • Takes 6 months of abstinence from risky situations to get a valid test • Abstinence from all of the four bodily fluids.
How Does HIV Progress to AIDS • HIV attacks Helper-T Cells - Part of our immune system • HIV does not allow these cells to reproduce • Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that a person has AIDS when their T-cell count drops below 200 Helper-T cells per micro liter of blood
Chronic Diseases • Chronic Diseases - Diseases that are slow onset and a person generally has to deal with for an extended period of time.
Cardiovascular Disease: A disease of the heart and blood vessels Generally caused from the blockage of the arteries do to poor diet and lack of exercise. Cancer: A large group of diseases in which cells divide in an uncontrolled manner. Chronic Diseases
Chronic Diseases • Heart Attack: • Notice the blockage in the artery. • Lack of oxygen causes part of the heart to die. • Treatments: • Bypass • Stent • Angioplasty
Chronic Diseases • Skin Cancer: • One of the most common types of cancer • Caused by UV radiation from the sun and tanning beds • Increase my be due to a reduction in the ozone layer • This is a layer in the atmosphere that filters UV rays • More UV rays may be reaching the earth
Chronic Diseases • Skin Cancer: • Lowering the Risks: • Limit the time in the sun (10am to 3pm is the worst time) • Wear sunscreen • Cover your body • Wear sunglasses
Chronic Diseases • The make-up of the skin and their layers.
Chronic Diseases • Skin Cancer:
Chronic Diseases • Skin Cancer: • Recognition: • Use the ABCD system from the American Cancer Society • A = Asymmetry - Is one half of the mole the same as the other • B = Border - Are the edges of a mole ragged, uneven or blurred • C = Color - Is the mole different colors • D = Diameter - Is the mole bigger than the size of a pencil eraser
Chronic Diseases • Cancer: • Lowering the risks: • Activity: Lowering the cancer risk. Break into groups of 2. Each group will get a lowering risk factor from page 342-343. Take a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and design an informational flyer about cancer and their ONE lowering risk factor. Must be colorful, complete, creative, and informational. Each person or group will share with the class.
Chronic Diseases • High Blood Pressure: • A condition in which the pressure against the artery walls is above normal when the heart beats. • High blood pressure can: • Damage organs, cause stroke, heart attacks, blindness, and kidney failure.
Chronic Diseases • High Blood Pressure: • Ways to lower the risk: • Lose Weight • Participate in regular physical activity • Eat foods low in fat and salt • No alcohol • No Stimulants - Caffeine, Nicotine, or others • Do Not Smoke
Chronic Conditions • Stroke: • A condition caused by blocked or broken blood vessels in the brain. • A family history of stoke may lead to a higher risk for you. • Lowering the risks: • Maintain a healthy blood pressure • Lose weight • Regular physical activity • Do not smoke
Chronic Conditions • Stroke: • The vessel leading into the brain to supply it with oxygen becomes blocked.
Chronic Conditions • Managing chronic conditions: • Can be difficult to manage • Conditions last a long time • Conditions can continue to come back or linger
Chronic Conditions • Asthma • Condition that affects breathing • There are triggers that cause the problem: • Dust, Pollen, Cats and Dog Dander, Smoke, Cold, Stress • Signs & Symptoms: • Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, rapid breathing, shortness of breath • Exercise Induced Asthma • Management: • Medications, Removal of Triggers
Chronic Conditions • Asthma: • Inflammation of the bronchial tubes • Usually treated with specific medications. • Advair • Albuterol • Flovent
Chronic Conditions • Diabetes: • The body produces little or no insulin on its own. • Unable to use sugar from foods eaten for energy. • Signs & Symptoms: • Thirst, tiredness, hunger, frequent urination, weight loss. • Management: • Daily insulin injections, exercise, regular blood sugar testing
Chronic Conditions • Diabetes: • (This person’s pancreas is holding the “STRIKE” sign because it is not working properly.) • The pancreas is supposed to release insulin to help the body use blood sugar.
Chronic & Communicable Diseases • Research Project: • Go to www.webmd.com • Research the disease of your choice from the following list: • Asthma • Exercise-Induced Asthma • Diabetes - Type 1 • Diabetes - Type 2 • Stroke • High Blood Pressure • Heart Attack • HIV/AIDS • Cancer (Lung, Skin, Throat, Mouth) • Cardiovascular Disease • Hepatitis • Migraine Headaches
Chronic & Communicable Diseases • Research Project: • You will complete a 3-page research paper detailing the information you found about your disease or condition. Some of the following should be answered: • (12 point, double-spaced, do not change the margins) • What causes the disease or condition? • Is is preventable? • If preventable, what can you do to prevent it? • How is it contracted? • Is is common/uncommon? • Is is treatable? If yes, how? If no, Why not? • Is it hereditary? Please include all the web sites - where you find you information. (You will have a skinny and a block day in class to complete.)
Chronic & Communicable Diseases • Include a Works Cited Page: Basic format for a Web Site: Name of Site. Date of Posting (if available). Date you accessed the site. <electronic address> Basic format for a book: . Gillespie, Paula. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, 2000. The works cited page does is not included in your three-page paper. Do not copy the words of anyone else, please re-phrase and put information into your own words. I only care about what you have to say!