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Deforestation is the destruction of trees for commercial gain, leading to environmental imbalance. Learn about its impact on the Amazon rainforest, carbon dioxide levels, biodiversity loss, and more. Discover solutions like sustainable agriculture and reforestation efforts.
Deforestation, consists in breaking down of trees for commercial reasons or to exploit for cultivation.Deforestation causes serious damage to the balance of the environment around the world. This consumes the soil and destroys the habitat.An environment in danger is the Amazon rainforest, considered the green lung of humanity. More deforested countries are China, Colombia, Congo, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria and Thailand, which make more than 70% of global deforestation.
Green plants help to maintain a stable concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (through photosynthesis). The use of fossil fuels and deforestation are causing an increase in atmospheric CO2, The negative effects of deforestation are many and include: The greenhouse effectdesertification in dry areaserosion, landslides and mudslides in the rainy and hilly areascontamination of aquatic systems (due to the leaching of water)misappropriation of resources for indigenous peoples.
The deforestation (voluntary or unintentional) is the result of the removal of trees with out sufficient reforestation than there is. There are many reasons for this, which can vary from slow forest degradation to sudden fires, intense grazing. While the deforestation of tropical rainforests has attracted public attention, the torrid tropical forests are disappearing at a rate substantially higher. Deforestation causes decreasing rainfall. This is dangerous! The production of timber can be a cause of deforestation. Forests are important coal reserves, but coal, when burned, pollutes the air and the environment. The forests are also important ecosystems with high biodiversity where many species live. .
The methods to control and reduce deforestation are numerous, but all depend on the political will to implement them, in contrast with strong economic interests, often tied to the economy of illegal deforestation, a deal that is around 150 billion dollars per year…One way to save the forest is a sustainable agriculture First and foremost, by Implementing systems of crop rotation and use less land. This is not at all in developing countries where the Obvious population is growing rapidly.At the Rio Conference in 1992 proposed a system for sustainable forest management (SFM), in order to control the assets and forest ecosystems worldwide. This was followed by the formation of organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council, active for the preservation of tropical forests, North America and Europe: FSC certifies products made from raw materials that do not consume the forest heritage.Deforestation continues to advance, and you are making it necessary to implement policies for reforestation. For example, in China the government has asked citizens to help by planting trees. Although many associations dealing with reforestation, but it seems that efforts are not fully shared in the world. The only country that has increased its forest cover during the twentieth century through government policies is Israel. In Europe, deforestation seems to have slowed its run and, according to FAO data, the forests are growing. This is due to the abandonment of agricultural land and spontaneous colonization of the forest, and reforestation activities.
Greenpeace and Deforestation Zero!Deforestation Zero means stop the destruction of the last great forests on the planet to save the climate, people and biodiversity. The project is to sensitize people to a better use of wood and other materials. The wood isveryimportant and is a renewableresource, and people use ittoobad!
To solve this major problem, one must REFORESTATION the environment. A goodexample are the countries of Northern Europe, Sweden, Finland and Norwayhaveincreased by 60% of theirforests by plantingtwotreeswhen he wasshot down one. Savingrainforestsisnot so simple, theyhavebuilt over millions of years and wouldnot be sufficientreforestation. Begin to raiseawareness, makebetter use of wood, reuse, and reforestcutfewertreescouldseriouslybring back the planet in goodcondition, although the world economy against the plans. Forests and plants and animalsdepend on us Life doesbuy, you can breathe. and ourchoices.
Sources: www.Wikipedia.com / www.Greenpeace.com / www.google.it images.Cinzia Simonetta;Rosa Marrano;Giulia Castaldo;Mattia Alvino.