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Warm-Up (IN) 1/4/12 Warm ups are done individually and quietly in your desk. Warm up time is usually 5-7 minutes and is a time for you to get prepared and focused for class. Write your name, today’s date, and Earth Science on the paper that you have received. -Answer the following prompt:
Warm-Up(IN) 1/4/12 Warm ups are done individually and quietly in your desk. Warm up time is usually 5-7 minutes and is a time for you to get prepared and focused for class. Write your name, today’s date, and Earth Science on the paper that you have received. -Answer the following prompt: Write a 5 sentence paragraph about your break. What did you do? Did you go anywhere? Who did you see over break? Do you have a favorite part?
In- 1/05/12, Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph talking about anything you know about outer space. This includes the sun, planets, asteroids, stars, galaxies, and much more. Is there anything you would like to learn about astronomy? Out- Reflection 10pts. TBA Through- Classwork Timeline of the Universe PowerPoint with notes Start on DDRG P. E6-E11 The History and Scale of the Universe Homework: Finish DDRG P. E6-E11
In- 1/05/12, Warm-Up Out- Reflection 10pts. Write a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the formation of the universe from today’s PPT Timeline of the Universe. -Explain how galaxies formed. -Describe element formation in stars. -Explain star death and the distribution of elements for new star systems. -Describe planetary system formation. Underline 4 key terms Through- Classwork Timeline of the Universe PowerPoint with notes Start on DDRG P. E6-E11 The History and Scale of the Universe Homework: Finish DDRG P. E6-E11
In- 1/06/12, Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the solar system from last nights homework Our Solar System Reading Handout- Cornell Notes Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork National Geographic Video Clip -Solar System 101 The Cosmic Distance Scale (NASA Website) Powers of Ten WS Homework: Finish Powers of Ten WS Geowords Vocabulary Pg E6-E11 All
In- 1/09/12, Warm-Up Write a five-sentence paragraph. Use each of the following words in your paragraph. -astronomical unit -planets -solar system -stars -galaxy -light year -nebula -cosmologist Underline each key term Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Dimensions of the Solar System- Activity Homework: Rounding Decimals & Scientific Notation WS Notebooks due block day
In- 1/10/12, Warm-Up • Round the following numbers to the tenths place. • 0.456789 • 2. 2.6324 • 79.0721 • 145.567 • 5. 0.0563 • Out- Reflection (10 pts) • In a five sentence paragraph, write about the activity you have completed in Earth Science over the last two days. What was something you learned? Was there anything you were surprised about? Through- Classwork Planet size comparison pictures Update Scoresheet Finish Dimensions of the Solar System Activity Homework: Notebooks due block day
In- 1/12/11 Warm-Up In five complete sentences, compare the sizes of the planets. Also compare the distances between the planets. Use the activity we did earlier this week to help you. Out- Reflection (10 pts) Write a five sentence paragraph about what you have learned during the astronomy unit up to this point. Underline 5 vocabulary words. Through- Classwork Talk about solar system project Finish Dimensions of the Solar System Outer Space Travel Worksheet Cornell Notes Solar System Reading Homework: Finish Cornell Notes Solar System Reading for Tuesday
In- 1/17/12, Warm-Up Imagine that you are an astronaut. You have the ability to go anywhere in the universe. In at least five sentences, write about where you would go and why. What would you see along the way? Describe your experience. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Research for solar system project If you need any supplies, please let me know today so that I can have them for you on Thursday. Homework: None
In- 1/19/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write about what you found out about your planet on Tuesday or what you still need to find out for the project. Did you find out anything interesting? Out- Reflection (10 points) You will be presenting your solar system projects tomorrow. Think about how you are going to present all the information accurately. What are you going to use for a visual aid? How are you going to make sure that the presentation is at least 5 minutes? Through- Classwork Continue research on solar system project Start making brochure and picture or model for project Homework: None
In- 1/20/12 Warm-Up No warm up- start presentations Out- Reflection (10 pts) In complete sentences, write about what you learned today. What planet was the most interesting to you? Why? Through- Classwork Solar System Presentations Homework: None
In- 1/23/12, Warm-Up Write a five-sentence paragraph. Describe and explain everything you know about the Earth's Moon and how the sun, Earth, and moon are related. Out- Reflection (10 pts) Write a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Moon phase -New moon -waxing -first quarter -full moon -waning -third quarter -solar eclipse -lunar eclipse -maria -crater Underline each key term Through- Classwork The Sun-Earth-Moon System -Oral Reading w/Section Wrap-up questions Homework: DDRG The Earth Moon System
In- 1/24/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write about what causes the phases of the moon and what causes an eclipse to occur. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Video Clip Moon 101 Earth’s Moon PowerPoint with notes Phases of the moon drawings Moon worksheet Homework: Geowords P. E41-E44 due in notebook Notebook check Friday
In- 1/26/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write down anything you know about the seasons on earth or the ocean tides. What causes the seasons do you think? What causes the tides in the oceans to happen? Out- Reflection (10 pts) Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize how the moon and sun affect the Earth system. What relationship exists between the tides and the phases of the moon? Explain the seasons. Underline 5 key terms Through- Classwork Update scoresheet Phases of the moon demo Tides video clip Tides and lunar phases graphing Orbiter demo Seasons video clip Seasons and the moon worksheet Homework: Notebook check on Friday Geowords P. E41-E44 due Friday in your notebook
In- 1/27/12, Warm-Up Draw a labeled diagram of the moon phases. OR Draw or explain when a spring tide occurs and when a neap tide occurs. Which one is a stronger tide? Out- Reflection (10 pts) Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what we talked about in class this week having to do with the moon. Through- Classwork Length of the year graphing assignment The Moon and Earth worksheet Homework: The moon and earth worksheet due Tuesday
In- 1/30/12 In a five sentence paragraph, write about how your semester is going so far. Are you on track in all of your classes? What do you need to do to make sure that you are reaching your goals? Out- Reflection (10 pts) Draw a picture of an ellipse and label the foci. 2. What does the word eccentricity mean? 3. What are the values of eccentricity and what do they mean? Through- Classwork Orbits and Effects PowerPoint with guide Homework: The moon and earth worksheet due Tuesday Astronomy part 1 test Thursday
In- 1/31/12, Warm-Up Write a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Orbit(s) -Planets -Comets -Ellipse -Foci -Eccentricity -Orbital plane -Inclination -Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion Out- Reflection (10 pts) TBA Through- Classwork Orbits and Effects activity P. E29-E30 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Data Table and questions 4-5 should be answered in your notebook Homework: Study for test on Thursday
In- 2/2/12, Warm-Up Test Review Questions: Round 4.891 to the nearest tenth. 2. Round 79.123 to the nearest hundredth. 3. When you are making a graph, what are some things that need to be included? 4. Explain how to calculate the slope of a line. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Astronomy test part 1 Start HW if you finish the test early Secrets of the Sun movie Write down 20 facts in your notebook in complete sentences. Homework: Tunguska reading and questions
In- 2/6/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, summarize what the movie was talking about on Thursday. If you were not here Thursday, write a five sentence paragraph on anything you know about the sun. Out- Reflection (10 pts) TBA Through- Classwork Finish secrets of the sun movie Write down 20 facts in your notebook. Homework: DDRG P. E50-E55 Notebook check Friday
In- 2/7/12, Warm-Up Using your movie notes from yesterday, write a five sentence paragraph summarizing what the movie talked about. Underline 5 key words. Out- Reflection None- start HW Through- Classwork Sun PowerPoint with Cornell Notes Homework: The Sun Worksheet Notebook check Friday
In- 2/9/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write down anything you know about eclipses. Out- Reflection (10 pts) Explain what the umbra and penumbra are during an eclipse. Explain the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Through- Classwork Update scoresheet Eclipse PowerPoint no notes Eclipse construction activity Homework: Notebook check Friday
In- 2/10/12 Warm-Up Describe the two types of eclipses or draw a labeled picture of the two types of eclipses. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Computer lab activity due in class today Please bring your books to class on Monday! Homework: None
In- 2/13/12, Warm-Up Take a look through your notes and write a five sentence paragraph review what you have learned about the sun. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Sunspot Graphing due in class DDRG on electromagnetic spectrum Homework: DDRG
In- 2/14/12, Warm-Up The end of the 1st six week grading period for this semester is coming up at the end of the week. In a five sentence paragraph, write about what you need to do to make sure you are on track for this six weeks. Which classes are going well so far? Out- Reflection 10 pts. Explain the procedure (steps) you need to use to correctly use the spectroscope. Through- Classwork Electromagnetic spectrum PowerPoint with skeleton notes Introduction to using spectroscopes Homework: Sunspot graphing
In- 2/16/12, Warm-Up Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What is a spectroscope? 2. What is electromagnetic radiation and how do we use it in our everyday lives? 3. How are frequency and wavelength of a wave related? 4. How can astronomers figure out the temperature, chemical composition, and luminosity (brightness) of a star? Out- Reflection 10 pts. In a five sentence paragraph, summarize what you learned today from the video clips, the lab and the reading. Through- Classwork Bright line spectra lab Start Spectra Identification Silent Reading P. 684 with section wrap up questions. Answer the section wrap up questions in your notebook. Homework: Finish spectra ID wkst
In- 2/17/12 Warm-Up We are going to be taking a closer look at stars next week. Write a five sentence paragraph about anything that you know or would like to know about the stars. Out- Reflection In a five sentence paragraph, explain what you did in the lab today. How was this lab related to astronomy? Through- Classwork Flame Test Lab Homework: Spectra ID (Period 4 only)
In- 2/22/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write about what you did over your 4 day weekend. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Evolution of a Star with Cornell Notes Introduction to HR diagrams Start Classifying stars assignment Homework: DDRG P. E73 due Thursday Astronomy test next Friday
In- 2/23/12, Warm-Up Using your notes from yesterday, write about the life cycle of a star. What path will our Sun follow in it’s life cycle? Will our sun become a black hole? Why or why not? Out- Reflection 10pts. In a five sentence paragraph, summarize and describe what you did today in class. Underline 5 key words. Through- Classwork Finish Classifying stars assignment due in class today HR diagram worksheet Homework: Test next Friday
In- 2/24/12, Warm-Up Answer the following questions in complete sentences. What is an HR diagram? 2. Where would you be able to find the hottest type of star? Where would you be able to find the brightest star? 4. Where would our sun be located? Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Life cycle of a star movie In your notebook write down 30 facts Homework: Test next Friday
In- 2/27/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, summarize what the movie was talking about on Friday. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Brightness vs. Distance lab Constellations crossword puzzle Homework: Test Friday Notebook check Friday
In- 2/28/12, Warm-Up Answer the following questions in complete sentences. How are brightness and distance related? 2. What scale is brightness measured on? 3. What is apparent magnitude? 4. Why do the sun and moon look so bright to us? Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Constellations oral reading with section wrap up questions Constellations worksheet Homework: Notebook check Friday Test Friday
In- 3/1/12, Warm-Up In at least 7 sentences, write down what you have learned during the astronomy unit. Be sure to include information about the moon, planets, the sun, stars, and the origin of our galaxy. Out- Reflection 10 pts. TBA Through- Classwork Update scoresheet Talk about notecard for test Astronomy Review Posters Homework: Test Friday Make notecard that you can use on the test Notebook check Friday
In- 3/9/12 Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, write about the TCAP tests and week. Which test was the easiest for you? Which test was the hardest for you? Why? What else did you do during this week? Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Game Day Homework: None
In- 3/12/12,Warm-Up We are going to be starting our oceanography unit. In a five sentence paragraph, write down anything you know or would like to know about the oceans. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Oceanography webquest Homework: None
In- 3/13/12,Warm-Up Imagine you are an underwater explorer. You stay under the ocean for weeks at a time. What do you think that experience would be like? What would you want to study and explore on your exploration? Out- Reflection (10 pts) In a five sentence paragraph, summarize the notes you took today in class. Underline 5 key words. Through- Classwork Nature of the Oceans skeleton notes Oral Reading Movement of Air with section wrap up questions Homework: None
In- 3/15/12, Warm-Up What are the 4 factors that cause ocean currents? 2. To the best of your ability, explain what the Coriolis effect is. 3. What 2 factors determine the density of ocean water? 4. Why would a sail boat have a hard time travelling directly at the equator? Out- Reflection (10 pts.) Explain how thermohaline circulation works in the ocean based on the notes and demos today. 2. Explain what the coriolis effect is and relate this concept to the study of our oceans. Through- Classwork Thermohaline circulation notes Thermohaline circulation demos with assignment Video clip on the Coriolis Effect Coriolis Effect lab activity DDRG Causes of Oceans Circulation Homework: Finish DDRG
In- 3/16/12 Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph about how your semester is going so far. Is this six weeks going better or worse than last six weeks? Are you on track to meet your goals for the semester? Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Go over questions on thermohaline demos from yesterday Wild South America movie Write down 20 facts in your notebook Homework: None
In- 3/19/12, Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, summarize the movie from Friday. What was the name of the ocean current it talked about? Why was this current so important? If you were not here, write about what you did instead. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Circulation PowerPoint with skeleton notes Start Ocean Currents assignment Homework: DDRG Deep Circulation of Oceans Notebook check Friday
In- 3/20/12, Warm-Up Compare and contrast deep ocean circulation to surface circulation. Draw a picture of the pattern that each type of current travels in. Out- Reflection 10pts TBA Through- Classwork Ocean Currents worksheet Use Reading packet to help you answer the questions Finish ocean currents worksheet from yesterday Homework: Notebook check FridayDDRG Surface Circulation of oceans
In- 3/22/12, Warm-Up Answer the following questions in complete sentences. What is a gyre? 2. What is the global conveyor belt? 3. Explain how you can tell if a current is a warm water current or a cold water current. 4. Explain how the temperature of a current next to a land mass can affect the climate of that land mass. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Update Scoresheet Go over ocean currents worksheet Flotsam Found video clip Surface circulation of oceans assignment Start Ocean posters Homework: Notebook check Friday DDRG Surface circulation due Friday
In- 3/23/12 Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, summarize what you have learned about oceans. Underline 5 key words. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Finish Ocean posters Homework: None
In- 4/2/12, Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph describing what you did over spring break. Out- Reflection 10pts Write a five sentence paragraph summarizing what you learned about El Nino today. Through- Classwork Skeleton notes on El Nino El Nino and the Food Chain assignment Homework: Finish El Nino and the food chain assignment
In- 4/3/12 Warm-Up Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Where in the world does El Nino actually occur? 2. During a normal year, where in the world would you expect to get heavy rains? Where would you expect it to be very dry? 3. During an El Nino year, where would you expect to get heavy rains? Where would you expect it to be very dry? 4. If the last El Nino ended in 2010, when would you predict that the next El Nino might occur? Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Start weather anomolies maps and questions Homework: Oceans Test Friday
In- 4/5/12, Warm-Up Your oceans test is tomorrow. Go through your notes and write a five sentence paragraphing about anything you think is important to know for the test tomorrow. Out- Reflection (10 pts) Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the folder. In the script writing assignment, do you feel that you did less than your share, your share or more than your share of the work? Explain. 2. Please write down anything else you think I should know and take into account when grading your scripts. Through- Classwork Finish temperature and precipitation anomalies maps and questions Script writing assignment Extra credit crossword puzzle if you finish early Homework: Study for your test tomorrow.
In- 4/9/12, Warm-Up No Warm up- Set up notebook for 30 movie facts Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Hurricane Katrina Movie Write down 30 facts in your notebook Homework: Notebook check Friday
In- 4/10/12 Warm-Up In a five sentence paragraph, summarize what the Hurricane Katrina movie talked about yesterday. If you or someone you know experienced Hurricane Katrina or a different hurricane you can write about that too. If you weren’t here yesterday, write down anything you know about Hurricane Katrina or hurricanes in general. Out- Reflection None Through- Classwork Earth’s Atmosphere 14-1 Pg 392 (Glencoe) Layers of the Atmosphere WS -Graphing and analysis Homework: Notebook check Friday Atmosphere and Elevation worksheet