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Grants for Teachers

Explore the origins of vampires through history and literature. Follow the footsteps of famous writers like Lord Byron and Bram Stoker in Scotland and England. Implement vampire-themed lessons to spark students' interest in reading.

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Grants for Teachers

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  1. Grants for Teachers

  2. Tokyo, Japan Jerusalem, Israel Seoul, South Korea Stonehenge, England

  3. Grant Writing: The Formula • IDENTIFY the need. • WHAT can you do to meet the need? RESEARCH!!! • HOW will you meet the need? • EVALUATION-how will you determine the success of your grant? • BUDGET-what will it cost? Many Grants have predetermined itinerary, budget, etc.

  4. Create your own Professional Development.

  5. Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School 8th Grade Team: TSV Teachers Seeking the Vampire Phylecia Ragland, LaVerne McDonald, and Stephen Howard received Fellowship Award Funds for Teachers Summer 2012 Teachers spent two weeks in Scotland and England researching origins of the literary icon, vampires, and the writers Lord Byron, John Polidori, and Bram Stoker.

  6. Identify the need. “Why don’t you want to read?” We asked our 8th grade students. “IT IS BORING!!” “What do you want to read??????” Vampire Books!!

  7. We began to research …Vampires in pop culture!

  8. Pre-school vampire books!!

  9. Children’s Books about Vampires!

  10. 1960’s Television Series- The Adams Family The Munsters

  11. Filmed on location in Scotland.

  12. German vampire movie based on Bram Stoker’s novel.

  13. Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula.

  14. Vampire Diaries The Lost Boys

  15. Vampire Legends and legends of blood-sucking monsters and demons have existed since the dawn of time, in every culture and civilization. Mesopotamia China Babylon Indonesia Hebrew Philippines Egypt Malaysia India Austria Arabia Sumer Ancient Greece France Roman Empire Slavic Hungary Romania Scotland Ireland Africa-Many regional vampire myths Madagascar Trinidad Columbia Chile Aztec

  16. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron, wrote the first vampire story in Western literature. 1788-1824

  17. Lord Byron John Polidori Mary and Percy Shelley The Shelley’s were vacationing in Switzerland , in 1815, with Lord Byron and his doctor, John Polidori. They decided to have a contest to write the scariest story. Lord Byron wrote a vampire story. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein

  18. He committed suicide in 1821. John Polidori wrote the book with the vampire based on Lord Byron, the aristocratic vampire.

  19. 1897- Bram Stoker wrote Dracula.

  20. Bram Stoker was born and grew up in Dublin, Ireland. (Abraham Stoker) Stoker moved to London and lived in England and Scotland most of his adult life. He died in 1912 in London.

  21. Dracula, Bram Stoker’s namesake for his famous vampire. Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia 1431-1473 Vlad Tepes Member of the Order of the Dragon , established to protect Christianity from Muslim invasion. Dracula-Son of Dracul, Vlad II.

  22. Bram Stoker never visited Transylvania. He did research Vlad Dracula at the British Library. He borrowed the name, however, the legend and details used by Stoker is based on Celtic mythology from Scotland and Ireland.

  23. How can you meet the need? Scotland Lord Byron grew up in Aberdeen, Scotland. Bram Stoker lived in Cruden Bay, Scotland while writing “Dracula”. He uses Slain Castle, at Cruden Bay as his inspiration for Dracula’s Castle. Cruden Bay is about 15 miles North of Aberdeen. Team TSV was awarded almost $10,000.00 to travel to the UK and research vampire literature. We rented a house about 25 miles North of Aberdeen in a fishing village on Moray Firth, called Rosehearty. United Kingdom of Great Britain

  24. Slains Castle

  25. Exploring Slains Castle at Cruden Bay. Cliffs beside the castle-North Sea.

  26. Hotel- Bram Stoker lived while writing Dracula.

  27. The staff at the Kilmarnock Hotel at Cruden Bay, Scotland allowed us to see the guest book signed by Bram Stoker during his visit while writing his famous vampire novel-Dracula. Noel Stoker was Bram Stoker ‘s only child, born in 1879. Stoker and his family spent several months at the hotel. He walked to Slains Castle almost daily for inspiration.

  28. Aberdeen Grammar School-George Gordon, Lord Byron’s School!!

  29. Statue of Lord Byron

  30. Glamis Castle-Curse on the family by Ancient Druids for building the castle on sacred land. A vampire is born to the family every generation…

  31. Scotland’s oldest vampire -Boabhan Sith (Baa’ van shee)- found in the Highlands of Scotland. Building a stone cairn over graves keep them from rising. Scottish Vampire Highlands of Scotland

  32. How will you meet the need? 8th Grade Theme –Vampires Halls decorated with Vampire theme. www.facebook.com/teachersseekvampire In World History: Read historical legends, myths, and articles on vampires as they relate to the Units in Ancient History. Ex. Mesopotamian vampires, Egyptian, Hebrew, Classical Greek, etc. In Language Arts: Writing essays with Vampire related prompts- descriptive, expository, etc. Vampire inspired poetry. Lessons on plot, theme, and tone based on popular vampire-themed television show. In Reading Vampire Themed Books, poems, and Short Stories. Novel Study-Dracula by Bram Stoker.

  33. Evaluation: Increase in reading test scores. Students WANTED to read! Family Reading Night-Community Team TSV has taught several workshops. Team TSV was selected by Funds for Teachers as featured grant for 2012! Alabama Public Television interviewed Team TSV and featured the grant on television! Grant is also featured on APT website. YouTube-TeamTSV-Teachers Seeking the Vampire LaVerne McDonald and Phylecia Ragland were selected as Grant Evaluators.

  34. Grant Writing Formula • IDENTIFY the need. • WHAT can you do to meet the need? • HOW will you meet the need? • EVALUATION-how will you determine the success of your grant? • BUDGET-what will it cost? Tips: -Research!!! -Avoid “Big Words” It does NOT impress grant evaluators! -Keep the written responses simple and to the point. -Your plans must be “DO ABLE”. -Student Centered-NOT teacher centered. -Remember-KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!) LaVerne McDonald lmcdonald@bham.k12.al.us

  35. Team TSV- Teachers Seeking the Vampire

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