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Word Snapshot

Word Snapshot. Choose five categories about yourself (ex. Favorite foods, heroes, vacations spots, hobbies, trends, movies, etc.) List at least 10 items under each category One lettering style/font per category One c o l o r per category

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Word Snapshot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word Snapshot • Choose five categories about yourself (ex. Favorite foods, heroes, vacations spots, hobbies, trends, movies, etc.) • List at least 10 items under each category • One lettering style/font per category • One color per category • Place heading on poster and incorporate it artistically into the poster. Include name, date, period, and “Word Snapshot”

  2. On the back of your Word Snapshot • Please write a one paragraph summary of your snapshot. • “This Word Snapshot represents me because ____________________________________. In particular, __________________________. Also, ________________________________.And finally, ___________________________.

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