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THE STOCK MARKET GAME. By: Carol Ann Stephens.

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  2. By: Carol Ann Stephens

  3. We worked together in our groups to figure out what stocks we wanted. With the help of Mrs. Huggins and Mrs. Lucas, we developed a spread sheet to keep track of how much we spent on the stocks. It really helped that we had our laptops! We could sit in class instead of going to the computer lab. We also got internet on them which let us research our stocks. These were very useful when we had to do our Invest Write.

  4. How the War Affects the Stock Market By: Carolann Stephens Think about the war going on right now, then think of everything the soldiers use. Some things are weapons, gear, vehicles, gadgets, and other things. Now think of stocks, which help supply these things. Those stocks will go up, since they will use them. Two of the stocks are Intel and Nucor. Intel would supply the army with laptops and other useful gadgets. Nucor would supply steel for the weapons and vehicles. This would be an advantage for both the army and the stocks. Intel could supply the army with things like laptops and cell phones with internet on them that would come in handy. They could send pictures to their family and they could send emails. They would be able to call different groups and give them updates on what is happening. Not only would Intel help, but Nucor would too. Nucor could supply the armies with steel for the army’s weapons and vehicles. They need strong steel for the weapons so they won’t get damaged easily. The weapons might even use metal bullets. The vehicles might use metal in the screws and the different parts. Also, it would help the stocks increase. There for, it would be an advantage to both the stocks) and the army. The army got there supplies needed and the stock got the profit. It was like a win/win deal. This is why the Intel and Nucor stocks would go up if the army was to get there supplies from them. It would be an advantage for both the stocks and the army. They could use them for weapons, vehicles, and gadgets. This is the invest writing I wrote on my laptop for the Stock Market.

  5. This is the spread sheet we done on our computers. With the help of Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Huggins, we successfully done it!

  6. The first thing Mrs. Huggins and Mrs. Lucas did was spit us up into 10 groups. My group was group 6 and my group members where Caitlyn, Jamecia, and Drew. We basically took it from there although we needed their help occasionally. It gave us a chance to see what it was like in the real world. It probably would have been harder to this with out our laptops because we all wouldn’t have our own computer.

  7. These are the laptops we used. They are a dell latitude 131L. These laptops were a big help! We thank the government very much for them!

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