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Kidney failure treatment in ayurveda

Most of us know that the kidneyu2019s main function is the removal of excess fluids and waste products from the body. These things are excreted in the urine. The production of urine in kidneys is a highly complex process involving various steps of excretion and re-absorption.<br><br>https://www.kidneyandayurveda.com/kidney-problem/kidney-failure-treatment/

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Kidney failure treatment in ayurveda

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  1. The best Treatment for Kidney failure in India. www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

  2. What do kidneys do? Most of us know that the kidney’s main function is the removal of excess fluids and waste products from the body. These things are excreted in the urine. The production of urine in kidneys is a highly complex process involving various steps of excretion and re-absorption. To maintain a stable balance of the chemicals in the body, these processes are of utmost importance. We can summaries a few major functions of kidneys as: · B - control BLOOD PRESSURE. · E - maintain ELECTROLYTE balance · A - maintain ACID-base balance. · T - remove TOXINS and waste products. · D - activate vitamin D. · E - produce the hormone ERYTHROPOIETIN. · W - control WATER balance. www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

  3. What is kidney failure? Anything associated with the term “failure” always leaves a horrifying impression. Kidney failure is a state where 85-90% of your kidney function may have been lost. Since a major percentage of your kidneys are lost, the remaining percentage is not enough to keep you alive. There is no absolute cure for kidney failure in allopathy, but it is possible to prolong life with ayurvedic treatment. Having kidney failure does not mean the end of life. People with kidney failure, if provided with appropriate treatment, can have an active life and continue to do the things they love. kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment has always been helpful for renal patients. www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

  4. What causes kidney failure? • There are various reasons contributing to the state of kidney failure. Kidney failure would not happen overnight. When the diseases affecting kidney health are left untreated for a long time, it could lead to a state of kidney failure. • In cases where kidneys lose their function suddenly (within hours or days), the state is called Acute Kidney Failure. This type of kidney failure is found in fewer numbers. • A few common causes of acute kidney failure are: • Autoimmune kidney diseases • Certain medications or injury • Severe dehydration • A urinary tract obstruction • Uncontrolled systemic diseases like heart disease or liver disease www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

  5. What treatments are available for kidney failure in Ayurveda in India? Ayurveda always works by understanding the reasons behind the disease. In patients with Acute Kidney failure, it has been observed that people have disturbed Agni, due to which the food is not digested properly. The changing lifestyle, intake of incompatible foods, drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco, and stress contribute substantially to disturbed Agni. Ayurveda assesses the Dosha, Dushya, Adhishthana of the disease and the capabilities of the patient. After proper identification, Kidney failure treatment in ayurveda incorporates appropriate therapeutic interventions. There is no terminology for Kidney Failure in Ayurveda but on the basis of pathogenesis, a management plan is decided. In the case of acute kidney failure, the detection and management of the primary cause are essential. Kidney Failure can be confirmed by blood and urine tests and other tests like CT scans or MRIs. www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

  6. In Ayurveda, acute kidney failure or Mutravahastrotosdushti is primarily treated using Basti Karma (Enema therapy). A medicated enema is a detox therapy that is infused through the urinary tract to cleanse the accumulated toxins. It also eliminates the aggravated doshas that may have been the reason for kidney complications. Some herbal medicines used to repair kidney damage are PunarnavadiGuggulu, GokshuadiGuggulu, ChandraprabhaVati, PunarnavadiQadha and Haritaki. Specific diet (Ahaar) and lifestyle (Vihaar) changes are also recommended by Ayurvedic experts to combat kidney disease. The contemporary system of treatment costs high to patients. Hence, there is a need to establish affordable medical care with no side effects. Our ancient system of treatment is available with sustainable remedial measures. As per Ayurveda, for all types of urine disorders, Vatadosha is the causative factor collaborating with Pitta and Kapha. Hence, person specific treatment (Acute Kidney Disease treatment in Ayurveda) is applied considering Doshas. The proposed line of kidney failure treatment is virechana, swedana, mutrapravartaka, raktaprasadaka, agnideepan and sarvadhathuposhaka. There is also a concept of pathya-apathyas (compatibles-incompatibles) in ayurveda. Ayurveda medicines include regenerative herbs under the topic of RasayanaChikitsa, which helps regenerate nephrons. www.kidneyandayurveda.com Copyright ©2022 Kidney & Ayurveda.

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