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ADHD begins in childhood

ADHD begins in childhood

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ADHD begins in childhood

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  1. ADHD begins in childhood and can continue into adulthoodNatural treatment for adhdAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder begins in childhood and may continue into adulthood.Although it is a well studied problem and gets treatment, this disorder is not always identified or diagnosed properly. Worse, there are still those who believe that it is just a myth.Distracted, busy, messy, messy ... There is a long list of adjectives used to define negative connotation children and adults who have, so intense and frequent, behaviors and attitudes different from those taken as standard. Parents think that children are "electric" or living on the moon. The school claims the student who disrupts the class and not paying attention in class. The child suffers because it is not going well on tests, take all or scolding is isolated by his colleagues, for leaving the play or interferes with his impulsiveness. These may be some evidence Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The problem affects 5% to 6% of children, regardless of country or cultural factors, and accompanies the individual into adulthood in more than half of cases. In childhood, is often associated with difficulties in school and in relationships with parents, teachers and other children. In adulthood, affect the activities in the professional, family, emotional and social. The lack of attention and impulsivity also make these people suffer more accidents, whether the child in the household or adult seeking adrenaline in speeding, for example. Classes monotonous paperwork and usually cause the disaffection of ADHD patients. Anything to distract, divert the focus of the goals and raising the possibility of failure. On the other hand, are bright and dedicated some activity when passion. Distributed by the World Health Organization (WHO), international medical consensus and the subject of numerous studies, ADHD is still a problem and little known subject of controversy. Even among professionals, there are those who consider it a myth, ignoring evidence such as changes in the brain of patients with the disorder - just in the regions responsible for the inhibition of behavior, the ability to pay attention, self-control, the organization and planning. Studies also show changes in the neurotransmitter system (particularly dopamine and nor adrenaline), which are substances that transmit information between neurons. A survey conducted by experts from the National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) revealed an average delay of approximately three years in the maturation of these brain areas in children with this disorder. The source of the problem has a strong genetic load. But do not believe in the existence of a "ADHD gene" but in a polygenic inheritance, i.e., several genes determine the development of the disorder.In childhood, attention deficit and hyperactivity are associated with difficulties in school and in relationships. In adulthood, affect the professional, family and social.Symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsiveness and / or inattention. To evaluate the patient, doctors take the references in the DSM IV, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, which lists nine signs / symptoms of attention deficit and nine hyperactivity-impulsivity. These include items such as not paying attention to details, difficulty concentrating, lose important things, fidgeting hands or feet when sitting, talking too much and not wait for the conclusion of the question to give the answer. We all do things in such moments. What defines the presence of disorder and attention deficit hipertatividade is the occurrence of several of these signs (at least six of the nine items in any of the groups) in at least two settings (home and school, for example) for a period exceeding six months and intensity that results in damage to the individual's point of view, family or school. That is what should trigger the alarm and lead parents to seek help from an experienced professional and updated in relation to ADHD. Since there are no specific tests to identify the problem, the diagnosis is not simple and is done based on patient history. Furthermore, 60% to 70% of these people have one or more associated problems, such as dyslexia, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression.Treatment includes therapy by speech therapist psychopedagogists, psychologist, occupational therapist or psicomotricista, depending on your needs. You also need support at home and at school. You can not require the child with ADHD, the same organization as the brother or install the student with this disorder alongside the "attractions" of the window of the classroom, for example. But the use of drugs is essential. The most part adopted a specific group of stimulants that help in proper functioning of the brain areas that show changes in these patients. Several studies attest to its positive effects. When used properly, these medicines do not cause addiction and its side effects are mild or nonexistent. However, like any treatment, requires medical supervision. In some cases, the disorder is minimized or stabilized over the years. But more than 50% of children with ADHD remain with the disorder in adulthood. So the best way is the information and knowledge. Watch for signs.http://naturaltreatmentforadhd.org

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