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Logic and Digital Circuits: from Practice to Theory. Gérard Berry http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Gerard.Berry/. INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Collège de France, 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 Logic to the Rescue , Nancy, July 22 nd , 2011. Digital Circuits. PC microprocessors
Logic and Digital Circuits: from Practice to Theory Gérard Berry http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Gerard.Berry/ INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Collège de France, 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 Logic to the Rescue, Nancy, July 22nd, 2011
Digital Circuits PC microprocessors telephones, DVD, TV, GPS,... SoC = Systems on Chip Sorrce Intel G. Berry, Nancy
Combinational Gates and Circuits c a a b b and or xor mux not(a and b) (not a)and b mux(c,a,b) =(c and a) or ((not c) and b) s sa xor b xor c a b r c s(a and b) or(b and c) or(c and a) full adder G. Berry, Nancy
GO Combinational propagation 1 REQ OK 0 PASS TRY GO 1 GET_TOKEN PASS_TOKEN Since the network is acyclic, outputs stabilize in bounded time if inputs are kept constant Stabilization time is determined by the critical path G. Berry, Nancy
The Ripple-Carry Adder c= 0 s + 0 a 0 0 + b 0 c 1 Fornbits timen s + a 1 + 1 b 1 c 2 s + a 2 2 + b 2 c 3 G. Berry, Nancy
n n+1 0..n-1 s[0..n-1] a[0..n-1] n n+1 0..n-1 b[0..n-1] s’[0..n-1] n n n+1 n 0 1 s[n..2n] a[n..2n-1] n+1 n b[n..2n-1] 0 1 s’[n..2n] The von Neumann Logarithmic Adder G. Berry, Nancy
The von Neumann Logarithmic Adder For n bits time log(n) G. Berry, Nancy
The Register a a r ck ck reg(a) r a r a a0, a1, a2, ... r 0, a0, a1, a2, ... a r a a0, a1, a2, ... r 1, a0, a1, a2, ... G. Berry, Nancy
GO clock Sequential sampling 1 REQ OK 0 PASS TRY GO 1 GET_TOKEN PASS_TOKEN tick ! tick ! G. Berry, Nancy
GO clock Sequential sampling 1 0 REQ OK 0 0 PASS TRY GO 1 0 GET_TOKEN PASS_TOKEN tick ! tick ! G. Berry, Nancy
The Serial Adder 6 19 a ...00110 s ...10011 b ...01101 r 13 Serial Adder See the marvelous use of 2-adic numbers in “On Circuits and Numbers” by Jean Vuillemin G. Berry, Nancy
GO Boolean Equation View 1 REQ OK 0 PASS TRY GO 1 GET_TOKEN PASS_TOKEN OKREQandGO PASSnotREQand GO GOTRYorGET_TOKEN PASS_TOKENreg(GET_TOKEN) Waiting for the critical time solving the equations G. Berry, Nancy
Architecture functionality OK? performance OK? marketing OK? know-how reviews Excel / C prototypes software modeling model-checking theorem proving breakdown OK? performance OK? Micro-Architecture functionality OK? speed / area OK? power OK? random-directed test formal verification RTL Logic Design equivalent to source? circuits formal verification ATPG SAT test coverage ~100% ? DFT (test) connections? electrically OK? timing OK? Place&Route Design Rules Checking (DRC) $ 1,000,000 Masks packaging, testing Chips really works? ESTEREL G. Berry, Nancy
GO Combinational Circuit Proof Network 1 REQ OK 0 PASS TRY GO 1 GET_TOKEN PASS_TOKEN Each operator is a proof component Circuit graph of all proofs of outputs from inputs G. Berry, Nancy
Constructive Boolean Propagation Logic • Input vector I inputs → {0,1} • Formulae: Ieb Ie0 Ie1 Ie0 Ie1 Ie’0 Ie’1 Ie1 Ie0 Ie’0 Ie’1 III(I) Ie and e’1 Ie or e’1 I not e 0 I not e 1 Ie and e’0 Ie or e’1 Ie or e’0 Ie and e’0 Ie or not e1 ssi I e0 or I e1 X eIeb IXb G. Berry, Nancy
The ABRO Synchronization Example Emit O as soon A and B have arrived Reset this behavior each R Memory Write R : request A : address B : data O : write R / R / A / B / R / A B /O R / B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
The ABRO Synchronization Example Emit O as soon A and B have arrived Reset this behavior each R R / R / A / B / R / A B /O R / B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
The ABRO Synchronization Example Emit O as soon A and B have arrived Reset this behavior each R R / R / A / B / R / A B /O R / B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
The ABRO Synchronization Example Emit O as soon A and B have arrived Reset this behavior each R R / R / A / B / R / A B /O R / B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
The ABRO Synchronization Example Emit O as soon A and B have arrived Reset this behavior each R Priority problems: what if A, B, R together? R / R / A / B / R / A B /O R / B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
Esterel Linear Specification loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; halt when R; end loop A / B / A B / B / A / G. Berry, Nancy
Esterel Linear Specification loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop A / B / A B /O B /O A /O G. Berry, Nancy
Esterel Linear Specification loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R end loop R / R / A / B / R / A B /O B /O A /O R / G. Berry, Nancy
Esterel Linear Specification loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R; end loop loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R end loop R / R / A / B / R / A B /O B /O A /O copies = residuals Esterel = sharing of residuals R / G. Berry, Nancy
Esterel SyncCharts Linear Specification loop abort { await A|| await B }; emit O; halt when R end loop R/ B/ A/ /O Hierarchical synchronous concurrent automata (Synchronous Statecharts) G. Berry, Nancy
Linear vs. Exponential exponential explosion! flat automaton Hierarchical automaton linear G. Berry, Nancy
E’k p p’ k0 E E’k p; q p’; q E E’0 F’l p p’ q q’ E E E’UF’l p; q q’ E Logical (SoS) Semantics G. Berry, Nancy
E’k F’l p p’ q q’ E E sE E1 awaits awaits E E’ U F’max(k,l) p’ | q’ p | q E Logical (SoS) Semantics sE E0 awaits 0 E G. Berry, Nancy
suppressed by optimization The ABRO Circuit (Proof Network) loop abort { await A || await B }; emit O; halt whenR end loop G. Berry, Nancy
Optimizing Register Allocation b b e0 e2 • 1-hot encoding • state numberexplostion a a b b • log(n) bits for n states • canblow up the logic e1 e3 e0 10 e1 11 e2 01 e3 00 e0 01 e1 10 e2 11 e3 11 good bad n! possibilities, no heuristics ! G. Berry, Nancy
I O combinationallogic registers R The key: balancing logic and registers Esterel / SyncCharts structural encoding G. Berry, Nancy
The Secret: Linear Specification! loop abort { await A || await B }; emit O ; halt when R end loop One register per explicit wait good logic / register balance The better the program is written, the more efficient the circuit is! G. Berry, Nancy
Replacing Register by Logic Question: can we replace a given register by logic? Registers r1, r2,..., rn, reachability predicate (r1, r2,..., rn) 1. Question for r1 – looks difficult: f. b1, b2,..., bn.(b1, b2,..., bn) b1f(b2,..., bn) 2. Logical rephrasing– algorithmically much easier: (0, b2,..., bn) (1, b2,..., bn) 0 3. Iteration + heuristics Very efficient BDD-algorithms (Madre-Coudert-Touati) Yields results always better than manual designs G. Berry, Nancy
Cyclic Circuit from Resource Sharing O = if C then F(G(I)) else G(F(I)) C 1 0 F C 1 0 O I 1 0 G C Cyclic combinational circuits can be exponentially smaller than acyclic circuits for the same function G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol req ok A only one okin req order after the register set to1 B ok req G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol req ok A The 1 register changes every cycle B ok req G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol (4) req ok ok req req ok ok req G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol req ok Beware of the combinational cycle ! ok req G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol req ok 1 The cycle is sound if at least a register is 1, since it is cut at an or gate ok req G. Berry, Nancy
Symmetric Round-Robin Protocol req ok The cycle is unsound if all registers are 0 ok req G. Berry, Nancy
The Three Kinds of Cyclic Circuits • 1. Electrically and logically sound (possibly under • input conditions) • ex: combinational part of the cyclic round-robin • if at least one register output is 1 2. Electrically and logically unsound X X X notX • combinational part of the cyclic round-robin • if all register outputs are 0 G. Berry, Nancy
The Three Kinds of Cyclic Circuits ToBe • Logically computes 1 in classical logic, • but computes nothing in constructive logic 3. Strange circuits Hamlet : ToBe ToBe or not ToBe • Electrically stabilizes to 1 for some gate • and wire delays, but notfor all delays ! G. Berry, Nancy
Cyclic Circuits Analysis When does a circuit stabilize for all delays? Which logical view is correct? How to relate logic to electricity? Theorem:with the right electrical delay model, electrical stabilization for all delays logical constructivity definedness w.r.t. ternary simulation G. Berry, Nancy
Ternary simulation 1. Interpret equations over 0, 1, with 0 and 1 (Scott’s information ordering) 2. Monotonically extend basic Boolean functions 01 10 0 1 1 0 01 11 1 1 0 1 1 0 01 11 1 1 undefinable in C, Java, ML ! 3. Compute the least fixpoint of the equation system G. Berry, Nancy
Theorem:constructive propagation ternary simulation • Solves good cyclic examples • Correctly rejects Hamlet • no constructive propagation • least fixpoint is ToBe • Questions: • Do they characterize electrical behavior? • How to model continuous-time signals? • What is the electrical meaning of ? • uninitialized? unstable? metastable? • non-deterministic? etc. G. Berry, Nancy
Modeling Continuous Signals • Continous time in R+, discrete values in B {0,1} • Signal s: R+→B satisfying • right-continuity: s(t) b >0. s[t,t+]b • non-Zenoness: finite number of changes for any [t,t’] i DEL o DEL(i,o) (R+→B) (R+→B) non-deterministic relation G. Berry, Nancy
UI : Upbounded inertial delay model(Brzozowski-Seger 1995) i o Inertiality: o cannot change without being unstable if o changes from not b to b at time t, then there exists > 0 s.t. i[t, t] b Propagation: output cannot be unstable for time D without changing if i[t1,t2) b for t2> t1+, then t[t1,t2]s.t. o[t,t2] b G. Berry, Nancy
i o o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G. Berry, Nancy
Theorem (Shiple-Berry): if all wires and gates have UI-delays, then constructiveness is equivalent to UI-stabilization ... but UI is non-compositional: delay→delaydelay 1 2 i All wires UI-stabilize to 1, but constructive propagation and ternary simulation yield for them G. Berry, Nancy
UN : Upbounded delay model(Mendler 2008) i o Inertiality:outputs cannot change without unstable if o changes from not b to b at time t, then there exists > 0 s.t. i[t, t] b Propagation: output cannot be unstable for time D without changing if i[t1,t2) b for t2> t1+, then t[t1,t2]s.t. o[t,t2] b G. Berry, Nancy