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MISSION IM POSSIBLE M:I:5c2. Mrs. Smith & Ms. Chamchuen 2011-2012. MISSION: Some inspirational words to help us through “the storm…”. Head Agent: Megan Smith. Wife and PROUD Mommy *Wanna see pictures? . 6th year in CNUSD THRILLED to be a returning Lincoln Lion!!!.
MISSION IMPOSSIBLEM:I:5c2 Mrs. Smith & Ms. Chamchuen 2011-2012
MISSION:Some inspirational words to help us through “the storm…”
Head Agent: Megan Smith Wife and PROUD Mommy *Wanna see pictures? 6th year in CNUSD THRILLED to be a returning Lincoln Lion!!! Avid reader, beach lover, dog (and baby) walker, laundry avoider…have I mentioned proud Mama? BA Psychology & Social Behavior; Education MA Teaching MS Teaching Credential
PLAN OF ATTACK • 8:00 – 8:15 Morning Debriefing (attendance, check in homework, ELD rotation…) • 8:15 – 8:30 Language Arts: Spelling & Sound Cards • 8:30 – 9:30 Language Arts: Reading Fluency & Comprehension • 9:30 – 10:05 Language Arts: Writing & Grammar (SUTW – Step Up to Writing) • 10:05 – 10:20 Recess • 10:20 – 12:05 Mathematics • 12:05 – 12:45 Chow Time at the Commons • 12:45 – 1:15 PLCs: Professional Learning Communities • 1:15 – 2:08 Science & Social Studies (rotating curriculum) • T & TH 1:55 – 2:20 Basic Training (Physical Education) • 2:08 – 2:28 Afternoon Debriefing & Dismissal • Library: TBD • Computers: TBD
TRAINING MANUALS • Textbooks: • Houghton Mifflin (Language Arts) • Scott Foresman (Math) • Macmillan/McGraw-Hill (Science) • Harcourt (Social Studies) • Software • Internet - Class Website • That Quiz! • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel…)
BEYOND BASIC TRAINING Brick and Mortar… Corona Public Library 650 S. Main Street Corona, CA 92882 (951) 736-2381 C.M. School Supply 4103 Tyler St. Riverside, CA (951)689-6400 The Teacher Stop 629 N. Main St., Suite C-4 Corona, CA (951) 270-0222 Technical Support… **OUR CLASS WEBSITE** www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/Domain/1134 LAS Website www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/LIES Corona-Norco Unified School District www.cnusd.k12.ca.us Language Arts Support www.eduplace.com/rdg/hmr/6/ (correlated to our Language Arts textbook) Math (enVision)Support www. (correlated to our Math textbook)
AGENT CODE OF CONDUCT Part of being a successful agent is taking responsibility for one’s own choices. We have designed our agency goals in order that each child will personalize these standards and make appropriate, responsible choices in and out of the classroom. Borrowed from some of America’s greatest leaders, our classrooms goals serve to inspire us to be people who make a difference!
AGENT CODE OF CONDUCT I WILL MAKE MY OWN GOOD CHOICES “It is better to be alone than in bad company.” ~George Washington I WILL ALWAYS GIVE MY BEST EFFORT “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.” ~Unknown I WILL TREAT OTHERS THE SAME AS I WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED...WITH RESPECT! “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” ~Abraham Lincoln I WILL KEEP OUR CLASSROOM & SCHOOL CLEAN & SAFE “I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.” ~Abraham Lincoln I WILL COMPLETE MY WORK ON TIME (AND NEATLY!) “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Abraham Lincoln
AGENT CODE OF CONDUCT Agent Smith believes that doing the right thing is a reward in itself! HOWEVER, the following are in place to reward those agents who demonstrate exceptional behavior: • Respect & Recognition A pat on the back, a note or call home, a celebratory visit to Principal Scott! • Trimester-ly Awards 34 kiddos competing for 2 citizenship awards per trimester…what motivation!!! • Responsibility! Class jobs, curriculum or homework choices… • “Fun” Activities Projects, alternative HW assignments, plays, math themed Kickball/Basketball…
AGENT CODE OF CONDUCT Agents begin each day at The Safehouse, with the following consequencesfor those who choose to go “A.W.O.L”… • Alpha Alert (aka “The Gentle Warning”) • Detainee Camp (aka “Recess Detention”) • Includes a written reflection to be signed by a parent/guardian • Classified Contact with Parental Agents (aka “The Call Home”) • May be accompanied by a Citation depending on the nature of the behavior • Counter Mission to Command Control (aka“Principal Scott”)
TAKE HOME MISSIONSHOMEWORK • Board Policy states that students in grades 4-6 may have 45 minutes of homework up to 4 days per week • This is for the “average” worker. Should you find that your child is struggling or soaring, please contact me to make arrangements for modifications • Homework includes 20 minutes (nightly!) of Silent Reading • Wednesday Night will include 30 minutes of reading, intended to help you child meet his Classical Reading goals • Unfinished class work becomes ADDITIONAL homework • Parent Responsibility: Check & INITIAL your child’s agenda each night, to ensure that all assignments are complete. PLEASE look over your child’s work to make sure adequate effort was made and to assist with their difficulties.
AGENT MARKS AND HONORSGRADES Where do all my blood, sweat and tears go?(per subject area) • Tests & Quizzes…………………………….50% of overall grade • For scores below 70%, I will accept a one time correction (must be corrected to 100% - open book, notes & family members!) to earn a passing grade; must be completed and returned within 1 week AND signed by a parent-guardian • Homework & Projects……….25% of overall grade • Classwork & Participation….25% of overall grade When can I expect to receive intelligence? • Intelligence Folders (aka Parent Communication Folders) sent home weekly • Progress Reports will be sent home trimesterly *or upon parental request
TASK FORCE…PARENTS! • Team Alpha: Room Parents • Duties: Little Bit o’Everything! Attend to & organize teams, help in class when available, lead parent phone tree/communication…bake Mrs. Smith nice treats • Team Bravo: Special Events • Duties: Holiday, end of the year…maybe something in between? • Team Charlie: Weekly Classroom Helpers *Starting October 2011* • Duties: Copy, cut, collate…repeat! EVEN BETTER! Work with small group or one-on-one with students! …and a force EVERY parent can join…Team Foxtrot • Duties: Ensure your child arrives everyday…on time!...prepared (Homework? Check! Books? Check! Communication/Forms signed? Check!), rested and ready to give it their all!
HEADQUARTERS… • Electronic Mail • Schamchuen@cnusd.k12.ca.us (until August) • Mksmith@cnusd.k12.ca.us (beginning September 6) • Land Line: • (951) 736-3336 • Tête-à-Tête • 7:45 – 8:00 am, EVERY DAY! • By appointment (I will try my best to accommodate your schedule)
WATCH LIST Looks like you need a refresher course in our Agent Code of Conduct. Copy the rule you feel was broken, summarize your poor choice & summarize the excellent choice you’ll make in the future. Sign, date and MOVE ON…we all make mistakes!