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Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL EXPLOITATION IN TOURISM. ECPAT-Italia Onlus for the ALBALONGA TRAINING CENTER “Course on sexual exploitation of children in tourism and role of the tourism industry”. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism.

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  1. PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL EXPLOITATION IN TOURISM ECPAT-Italia Onlus for the ALBALONGA TRAINING CENTER “Course on sexual exploitation of children in tourism and role of the tourism industry” Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  2. Teaching methodology:Marketing Skills for the promotion of child protection • Marketing Mix • research & product development • packaging • product positioning • distribution • Communication Strategy • spots: AF/ LH / OS Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  3. ECPAT: Who we are • Established in 1991 in south east Asia as EndChildProstitution in AsianTourism • Today ECPAT stands for: End Child Prostitution, Pornography And Trafficking, and is present in over 70 countries • Estabilshed in Italy in 1994 as a campaign and in 1998 became an NGO. Promoted law 269/1998 “Norms against benefitting from prostitution, pornography and sex tourism involving children, consiidered to be new forms of reduction to slavery” and law 38/2006 “Provisions against sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, also through internet” Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  4. Why are we here today?What will we talk about? Commercial sexual exploitation of children in tourism Child prostitution Child trafficking aimed at sexual exploitation Child pornography Sexual tourism involving children Role of the tourism industry Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  5. 20$…in some countries, this is the price to buy/sell a child SEXUALLY EXPLOITED CHLDREN IN THE WORLD ARE MORE THAN 3 MILLIONS Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  6. Some adults force children to prostitute themselves Why? … many stereotypes Child/teenager prostitution is part of the local culture Paying to have sex with a teenager in a poor country helps the local economy Having sex with children is safe from an AIDS/ sexually transmitted diseases point of view People of poor countries are genetically prone to prostitution... Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  7. What is Commercial Sexual Exploitaton of Children (SSCM) ? Sex for in kind or money benefits with a child The child becomes an asset: Treated as a sexual and commercial object Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  8. What are the various forms of SSCM? Child and/or teenager prostitution (foreigners and nationals) Trafficking and sale of children/teenagers aimed at sexual exploitation Child pornography Sex tourism with children Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  9. Child and teenager prostitution (foreigners and nationals) Use of children in sexual activities in exchange of money Child prostitution Foreigners Nationals Males Females Females Males Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  10. Child and teenager trafficking aimed at sexual exploitation We talk about trafficking to describe payed illegal commerce and transportation of human beings, with the aim of gaining a profit from this, through deceit and use of force or payment of considerable sums of money on behalf of the victims themselves Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  11. Child pornography What are we talking about: • Pictures of children being sexually abused by adults • Pictures of teenagers in sexually arousing behaviours • “Child erotica” images, children which are not victims of abuses or violence in that precise moment, but are posing in an explicitly sexually arousing way, or where there is a specific highlight on genital organs • Digitally edited images: “virtual child pornography” Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  12. Sex tourism against children • We discern between “tourism industry” and “sex industry” • It is not a direct result of the tourism industry, it is a byproduct • Travels aimed at obtaining sex from underage (children) individuals in destination countries in exchange of payment (in kind or money) Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  13. Why does it happen? Demand Supply Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  14. Reasons for demand • Anonymity • Discrimination/racism • Belief that sex with children is safe from AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases • “helps” extremely poor families • Change in moral values (consumerism) • Wrong ideas on local destinations cultures Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  15. Reasons of supply • Extreme poverty • Economic differences • Lack of education • Move to cities • Sexual discrimination • Disgregated families • Corruption • Change in moral values (consumerism) Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  16. Who are the VICTIMS CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS The common characteristic are extreme economic, cultural, psicological and social vulnerability. In addition, low scholarship levels play a decisive role. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  17. Specifically … in the majority of cases they are children between 8 and 18 years of age Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  18. Consequences In addition to the immediate reaction, abuses cause devastating long term effects to children, both physical and psychological. This kind of violence has been defined as a “psychological time bomb”. Psychic damage is very deep and will last for a very long time. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  19. Street and soldier children Why? Because we arrive at the heart of the SSCM problem Because they are already victims of abuses and violences..and for this very reason they are subject to sexual exploitment Because certain forms of sex tourism exist also out of the tourism industry and for this very reason they may be not ignored and underestimated Because they are the MOST VULNERABLE AMONG THE VULNERABLE Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  20. Root causes of these beliefs The UN committe for the right of children and teenagers recognizes the growing vulnerability of chldren in many nothern countries.. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  21. … and in the south of the world • Social degradation • Economic difficulties • Very low scholarship levels • Weakness of central State and lack of social policies • Decline of family structure Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  22. The context Sex tourism and prostitution are phenomenons linked with poverty deriving from conflicts and the presence of military bases and foreign militray presence, which create a favorable situation for prostitution; in this contect the offer of sexual performances to foreigners has become a habit. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  23. Why do we see children in the streets: • Because he has suffered abuses and violences within his family • Due to extreme poverty • Due to the transfer of families in cities • Because he is orphan or abandoned • Because he is forced to sell his body to survive Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  24. Street children They are shoeshine boys, sell cigarettes, beg, gather recycling material Work in households There are street children in developing countries and rich countries Rape determines the passage to prostituion In prison they suffer violences from adults Sex tourism is closely linked because it determines the passage from begging to prostitution Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  25. Sex for survival • Work means survival (bag-snatching, theft and prostitution are often the only means of survival) • Good profit • Kids payed to convince other kids Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  26. Tracing a profile of street children and soldier children allows to understand the ethical-cultural reason of the SSCM issue Put an end to sexual exploitment may not be separated from other important development issues Certain forms of “sex tourism” exist also outside of the tourism industry The struggle against SSCM must necessarily happen through awareness raising: it is necessary to keep alive responsibilty of each individual in their relation with other societies and cultures Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  27. The CUSTOMER • Instigator: invisible actor, gaining advantage without personal involvement Pedophile: person that is mainly aroused by fantasies or relations with children in the pre-puberty phase • “Customary” offender: prefers teenagers to people of his age • “Occasional” offender: the majority...it is the “why not” category • Women “offenders”: “ladies” looking for so called “beach boys” or “sanky panky” Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  28. ESTEEMS • Brazil 500,000 • Cambodia 20,000 • China 600,000 • Dominican Republic 35,000 • India 500,000 • Vietnam 50,000 • Philippines 100,000 • Sri Lanka 30,000 • Thailand 100,000 • Indonesia 60,000 Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  29. The most important phases of the struggle against SSCM -1- INTERNATIONAL: • 1996 (Stockolm): WORLD CONGRESS AGAINST SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN FOR COMMERCIAL AIMS 2001 (Yokohama): WORLD CONGRESS AGAINST SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN FOR COMMERCIAL AIMS Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  30. THE STOCKHOLM DECLARATION • States commit to elaborating national laws to determine penal responsibilites for customers and mediations involved in SSCM • In the case of sex tourism States commit to creating and applying laws that punish acts committed by foreign citizens in destination countries Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  31. PLAN OF ACTION The Agenda for Action deals with the practical programme against sexual exploitation in an alarming way, underlining the necessity of a coordination between the various States for prevention, protection, and integration of abused children. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  32. Other juridical tools of international origin • 1948 Declaration on human rights • 1966 International convention on civil and political rights onvenzione • 1989 Convention on the rights of children • 1999 ILO Convention 182 on the worst forms of child labor • 2000 Convention against organized crime and trafficking protocol 2001 CRC Optional Protocol on sale, prostitution and child pornography Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  33. … after Stockholm • Origin countries, regardless of • Increased attention to child protection • Increase in punishment for those found guilty • Increased development of responsible tourism it is increasing every day Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  34. … after Stockholm • In destination countries the phenomenon is recognized, but there is: • A weak implementation of current laws • Corruption is widespread among police • Lack of training of police forces and resources • Weak repression of the guilty • Penalties usually too low Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  35. The most important phases of the struggle against SSCM -2- NATIONAL: • 1998 (L. 269): Norms against exploitation of prostitution, pornography, sex tourism against children, considered as new forms of reduction to slavery • 2006 (L. 38): Provisions against sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, also through INTERNET Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  36. L. 269/1998 • Art. 5 Tourism initiatives against the exploitation of child pornography • Art. 10 Crime commited abroad Fatto commesso all’estero (extraterritoriality) • Art. 16 Communicaton to users Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  37. PROS and CONS Pros • Recognising of some phenomenons as new forms of reduction to slavery • Introduction of the extra-territorialiy principle • Encourages the cooperation among police forces Cons • Plea bargain of penalty • Lack of a definition for “child pornography” • Time limit (3 years) to the obligation for travel organisers to insert in their marketing ads the provisions of the law Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  38. L. 38/2006 • Art. 1 “… those having sex with children aged between fourteen and eighteen years...is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and with a fine of no less than euro 5.164...” • Art. 4 (virtual pornography) • Art. 12 “… offer, sale or possession of pornographic material...”o • Art. 17 “1. Tour operators...have the obligation, once the date in article 2 has expired, to insert in a clear manner and in travel documents given to customers, and in general catalogues, the following advertisement: “Compulsory communication based on article...of law n.... - Italian law punishes with imprisonment all crimes related to prostitution and child pornography, even if committed abroad...” • Art.19 (National centre for the struggle against child pornography on the INTERNET) Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  39. PROS and CONS Pros: • Embitterment of punishment: elimination of possibility to plea for bargain of punishment: • The term “exploitment” disappears • Age limit of victim is raised • The detention of pornographic material is recognised as a crime • Definition of “virtual child pornography” • Creation of the National Centre for the struggle against child pornography on INTERNET • Establishes the responsibility principle for Service Providers (ISP) • Permanent obligation for all those organising travels to insert the law in their marketing material, in programs and travel documents that are given to customers • Important changes from the trial process point of view • Administrative and financial measures Cons: • Lack of definition for child pornography • Lack of clearness on quantity of possession of child pornography Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  40. Role of tourism A means CONS: Tourism industry , and often also TRAVEL AGENCIES, more respectable, may unwittingly be used by exploiters. PROS: The tourism industry may raise awareness among customers to prevent sex tourism Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  41. The ECPAT code of conduct against sex tourism with children The commitment for the promotion of responsible tourism which is respectful of children's rights has caused the adoption, in the year 2000, of the Italian tourism industry code of conduct, developed by ECPAT-Italy together with associations and sector trade unions (ASSOTRAVEL, ASSOVIAGGI, ASTOI, FIAVET, FISASCAT-CISL e UILTuCS). Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  42. Code subscription The subscribers commit to fighting any form of sexual exploitment of children in the tourism industry, through: • Information policies and staff updates on SSCM. • Informatio to customers on measures adopted against SSCM in tourism. • Ad hoc clauses in contracts bargainsed at all levels. • Copy of the Code of Conduct enclosed to all contracts bargained by sector companies with any subject. • Prohibition of ads against ECPAT campaigns. • Presence of slogans and sentences relative to the Code in commercial communications of tourism companies. Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  43. INVOLVED COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS • IATA • IFTO (International Fed. of T.O.) • UFTAA (United Fed. Of T.A. Assoc.) • IH&RA (International Hotels & Restaurants Association) • IFJ (International Federation of Journalists) • Airlines and online booking systems Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  44. WHAT MAY A TOUR OEPRATOR DO • Include the “child protection issue” in company operations • Monitor destination presentation in catalogues • Include their commitment in favour of children in information packages for customers • Inform (and monitor) service suppliers (supply chain) on their commitment Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  45. WHAT MAY A TRAVEL AGENT DO • Inform customers about the problem, and the industry commitment (also unions) and on law 269/1998 • Highlight TO/hotels which have subscribed the CC • Raise awareness of customers on responsible and sustainable tourism – putting children's rights at the first place Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  46. WHAT MAY AN ORDINARY CITIZEN DO • Inform himself on current laws • Denounce crimes/grounded suspects • Talk about the issue with others • Give supporto to awareness raising initiatives • Monitor the implementation of the Code, or promote it • Choose hotels and serivce suppliers (supply chain) which have a socially responsible policy in place (code of Conduct...) Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  47. Marketing Skills for the promotion of child protection • Marketing Mix • research & product development • packaging • product positioning • distribution • Communications Strategy • spots: AF/ LH / OS Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  48. CASE STUDY: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  49. CASE STUDY: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The Ventaclub Gran Dominicus of the ASTOI group implements the CC in the Dominican Republic ASONAHORES (Asociacion Nacional de Hoteles y Restaurantes) launches its own Code of Conduct – inspired to Italy Ventaclub Hotel Gran Dominicus has developed: • An advertisement to be put at the entrance • A card in the Welcome Kit for customers • A leaflet to be handed to employees Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

  50. … LET'S CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK AND ACT • Remember that children and teenagers have the right to be protected by sexual exploitation • Never think that prostitution is a free choice for chldren...there is always an adult forcing them • Put an end to the “negation culture” • Convince oneselfu that quality tourism, in the long term, will be a winning solution • Instead of asking oneself “How is it possible that they sell their children” it would be best to ask ourselves : “Why do our men feel the need to buy sex with a child prostituting himself??!! Business and managerial Master on Socially responsible tourism

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