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CTE DAY Ticket-Out-The- Door

CTE DAY Ticket-Out-The- Door. My First Name: _________________________ My Last Name: _________________________. My Teacher Is: (CIRCLE NAME) Rosales Rogers Haddle Gabriel Miller Anderson Urbancic Jerome Armenta Buckley Attilio Crouse Beyer Minnick.

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CTE DAY Ticket-Out-The- Door

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CTE DAY Ticket-Out-The- Door My First Name: _________________________ My Last Name: _________________________ My Teacher Is: (CIRCLE NAME) Rosales Rogers Haddle Gabriel Miller Anderson Urbancic Jerome Armenta Buckley Attilio Crouse Beyer Minnick I would be interested in more information on the following Sunrise CTE Program (CRICLE ONE OR TWO ONLY): Accounting Automotive Technology Business Management Computer Technology Drafting & Design Technology Early Childhood Ed. (Coop) Financial Services Fire Science Future Teachers Hospitality Management Marketing Media (Movie Making) Nursing Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Web Page Development Academy of Finance (AOF) Academy of Hospitality & Tourism (AOHT) Culinary Arts (at Liberty) Pre Engineering Woodworking (at Liberty) Other District Programs: (Circle One Only) Agriculture Building Trades Computer Networking Computer Software Design & Merchandising Academy of information Technology (AOIT) You will need to provide your own transportation to these classes.

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