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How to Prepare Your House for Sale

Selling a home is a marketing game. It is no different from trying to sell a used car or sell that family antique you found in the attic on eBay. Image is everything. If you are preparing your home for sale, you have to make sure it stands out.<br>

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How to Prepare Your House for Sale

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  1. How to Prepare Your House for Sale Selling a home is a marketing game. It is no different from trying to sell a used car or sell that family antique you found in the attic on eBay. Image is everything. If you are preparing your home for sale, you have to make sure it stands out. In the below paragraphs, we are going to take a look at some of the things you have to consider when preparing your home for sale. Look at the Exterior The exterior is the first area any prospective buyer sees when nearing your home. Compare it to the homes around you. If there is rubbish in the garden, or the flowerbeds pale in comparison to those of your neighbours, you have work to do. On the other hand, you do not want your home to be the only one in the neighbourhood that has received heavy renovations. This will make it stand out in a way that is flashy, and not all buyers want something that is going to stand out so much. It should blend into the neighbourhood in a good way. Depersonalise Everything The chances are you have photos of your family and friends within your home. They may well make the home a warm and happy place for you, but this is actually a bad thing for potential buyers. These photos show the happy life you have made for yourself in the property. Prospective buyers want to see the happy life THEY can make for themselves here. Take them all down and file them away. Show them the template for what they can create. Do not show them your interpretation of the finished product. Why You Need to Clear Clutter

  2. People think that you have to clear up the clutter because it’s unsightly. Yes, it never looks good to have lots of children’s toys littering the floor, but there is another reason. It is about focal points. You want to draw the eyes of potential buyers to the right areas. If you have an enormous bay window, you want them to look at it when they enter the room. But clutter can draw their eyes elsewhere. It can be as minor as having huge racks of DVDs sitting in a corner. We are not saying that you have to empty the rooms of everything, but limit the number of items you have that are visibly on display. You want to give off the impression that there isa nearly unlimited amount of space. Full rooms take away from this illusion. Control Your Pets Pets have no place in a home that is up for sale. They shouldn’t be anywhere in sight when a buyer comes to visit. You don’t know if the potential buyer is allergic to animal hair, or whether they even like pets. Do not take this chance; remove the pets from the premises. The same goes for any pet paraphernalia. Clean up any pet hair long before buyers arrive and remove those squeaky toys. Some sellers prefer to leave their pets with a family member or friend during the selling process. Go Away Speaking of clutter, you are a type of clutter. Whenever someone comes to view your home, they will usually have an estate agent with them. The estate agent will be able to guide someone around the house without your input. In fact, your input is unwanted and only serves to get in the way. It sounds harsh, but the customer only cares about the house. They are not interested in you or your life. Let the estate agent use his or her professional touch to market your home in the best possible way. Make arrangements for the estate agent to contact you on an emergency number and give them a spare key. Try to be as flexible as possible. The Number One Reason Homes Do Not Sell Every house has an ideal buyer. The reality is so many homes do not sell because of the sellers. Whether it’s because they’re getting in the way or they are not preparing their home to go on the open market, it’s their fault. An estate agent can only do so much. If you prepare properly, though, there is no reason you cannot get the best possible price. Author bio: Kingfisher, in UK, is a professional manufacturer and Suppliers of Building Products like Block paving sealer, Wall sealant, Patio sealer and Roof coatings at very reasonable rates.

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