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Combination Code Procedures Including Task Profile, Taskgroup, and Department Budget Table Updates.
Combination Code Procedures Including Task Profile, Taskgroup, and Department Budget Table Updates
Combo Code/Task Profile Report: Pages 8-17Adding New Combination Codes and/or Adding or Modifying Task Profiles: Pages 18-23Adding or Modifying Task Groups: Pages 24-28Updating Department Budget Table: Pages 29-35Inactivating Combination Codes: Pages 36-38Inactivating Task Profiles: Pages 39-41Adding a New Department to Department Budget Table: Pages 42-47Setting up New Position Pool ID’s: Pages 48-50Adding New Pool ID’s to the Department Budget Table: Pages 51-56
This document is intended to assist you with the combination code load process, task profile additions and modifications, task group maintenance, and department budget table changes. You will have a checklist for each task that you want to complete, procedures, and general rules for each. If your agency is not using task profiles, ignore the steps that surround task profiles and task groups.
General Rules • If you are establishing new task profiles (SHaRP), be sure to add those profiles to a taskgroup (SHaRP). • Update existing task profiles before you inactivate existing codes. • If you are wanting to inactivate combination codes, be sure to replace the codes on the task profile and department budget tables with valid funding strings before you submit the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile load to inactivate the combo code. • The effective date in the INF46 file should be the beginning of a pay period. However, you cannot enter any new funding to the current pay period once the pay sheets have been created. This happens to be 3 days after the pay period end date. So, if the pay period is 2/3/2013-2/16/2013, you can use 2/3/2013 as an effective date until 2/19/2013. Once 2/19/2013 has passed, you must use the pay period begin date of the next pay period. • All of these updates occur in the SHaRP system.
Misc. Information • Once the file is ready to be loaded, send by email to TLLOAD@da.ks.gov. Any files received before 11 a.m. will be loaded that day. Any files received after 11 a.m. will be loaded the following business day. No files are loaded after paysheets have been created. • When adding a new combination code, be sure to add this new funding string to the department budget table if applicable. Keep in mind that the department budget table is the source table that IBARS pulls the budget information from. It is extremely important to keep this table updated with current funding. • If you have any questions, please contact Heather DeBusk at 785.296.2434 or heather.debusk@da.ks.gov.
Check List- Adding New Combination Codes and Task Profiles Setting up a New Combination Code/Updating or Adding Task Profiles These steps need to happen prior to inactivating any combination codes. *If your agency does not use task profiles, ignore the steps on task profiles and groups. Adding New Combination Codes and Adding or Modifying Task Profiles (Pages 18-23) _____ Open up the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile Load. (excel file) _____ Enter the new funding string that you want to add. *_____ If you are updating the funding on the task profile (or adding a new profile), in the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile Load file, add the profiles to the appropriate funding string. Be sure that the profile totals 1. (this means that you may be inserting funding lines that are not changing) Also remember that if you are entering splits, no split can be less than 3%. _____ Do all of your duplicate combo codes have identical descriptions and short descriptions? *_____ Do all of your duplicate task profile entries have identical descriptions and short descriptions? _____ Submit the file to TLLOAD@da.ks.gov *_____ Did you add new task profiles? If yes, then you need to add the profiles to a task group, in SHaRP. If the profiles are not added to a task group, the employee will not be able to use the new profiles. (Pages 24-28) _____ Attach the new funding to the department budget table, in SHaRP, if necessary. (Pages 29-35)
Check List Inactivating Combination Codes (Pages 36-38) _____ Identify which codes need to be inactivated. _____ **Are there any task profiles that have the combination code that you want to inactivate attached? If so, update the funding on the profile or inactivate the profile (See below, Inactivating a Task Profile) before submitting the file to INACTIVATE the combination codes. (this needs to happen on the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile Load) _____ Are there any departments, pools, etc. on the department budget table using the combination code that you want to inactivate? If so, update the funding before submitting the file to INACTIVATE the combination codes. (Pages 29-34) _____ Have the task profile and department budget tables been updated? _____ Open up the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile Load Spreadsheet _____ Enter the funding string that you want inactivated, leaving the task profile portion of the file blank, indicating in column C that you want to inactivate, “I”. _____ Submit the file to TLLOAD@da.ks.gov Inactivating a Task Profile (Pages 39-41) _____ Run the Combo Code/Task Profile Load Report within SHaRP. (Pages 8-17)Look for the combination code that you want to inactivate. _____ Open up the INF46 Combo Code Task Profile Load Spreadsheet. Enter the combination code and the task profile information, and change the task profile status to inactive. Keep the combination code as active _____ Submit the file to TLLOAD@da.ks.gov _____ Go to the Taskgroup page and inactivate the task profile. (Pages 24-28)
Combo Code/Task Profile Report (Use this report to see what combination codes are active for your agency and if they are being used with a task profile or on the department budget table)
Combo Code/Task Profile Report Time and Labor > Reports > Combo Code/Task Profile
Adding New Combination Codes and/or Adding or Modifying Task Profiles
Adding a New Combination Code and/or Adding or Modifying Task Profiles • Fill out the INF46 Spreadsheet (sample layout below). When filling out fields for the combination code, the following columns are required: A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J. If you are using project costing, columns K, L, and M are also required. **Make sure the date is formatted correctly. YYYYMMDD: 20110626 When adding a task profile, the following columns are required: S, T, U, V, X, and Y.
Adding a New Combination Code and/or Adding or Modifying Task Profiles • Rules: • When adding a combination code and attaching it to multiple profiles, you must keep the combo code description and short description the same for every line that the combination code is used on. Rows 2-4 show an invalid entry. Each line must be the same. Lines 6-7 shows a valid entry. • When adding a new code, keep in mind that anytime any of the ChartFields change, you have to set up a new, unique combo code. You cannot modify a combo code that already exists. Use your Combo Code/Task Profile report to see what already exists. *Need to know what codes are currently active? Time and Labor > Reports > Combo Code/Task Profile (See Pages:8-17) • When you have a task profile split among several combination codes, you must keep the task profile description and short description the same for every line that the task profile is used.
Adding a New Combination Code and/or Adding or Modifying Task Profiles Fill out the Combination Code Task Profile INF46 as you would for adding a combination code To modify or add a task profile to the funding strings above, also fill out columns S-Y. For task profile TEST123, all charges will be charged to the one combination code. For task profile 123TEST, the charges will be 80% to 11100000015678567856789 and 20% to 11100000021234222212222.
Task Profile Addition/Modification Example Please note, each individual split cannot be less than 3%. If you have a task profile that is split among multiple combination codes and you are only updating one of the combination codes, you still have to include the lines that are not changing in your load. The profile will not load until it totals to 1.
Adding a New Task Profile • TIPS • Using the INF 46 Combination Code Task Profile load, enter the appropriate task profile information in columns S-Y, making sure to include the appropriate combo code chartfield information in columns A-R. • If you attach the same funding string to multiple profiles, make sure that the Description and Short Description fields (columns D and E) are identical for every line. • If you are splitting a task profile among several different combination codes, be sure that the Description and Short Description fields (columns V and W) of the task profile are identical for every line. • Make sure that the percent on your task profile totals to 1. (Each split must be 3% or greater.)
Modifying Task Groups Modify the task profiles that are used in the taskgroup. Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Time and Labor > Task Configurations > Taskgroup
Modifying Task Groups **Any updates that you make during pay calc week could cause payroll errors. If you have any questions about dates, please contact the Payroll Processing Team.
Adding a New Taskgroup To Add a New Taskgroup: Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Time and Labor > Task Configurations > Taskgroup
Adding a New Taskgroup • Fill in the required fields. Make sure to add the appropriate profiles and select one profile as a default. The group will not save without a default profile. PAY ATTENTION to the Elapsed Reporting Template. Make sure you are using the correct template for your agency. Templates include: SOKBASIC (TRC and Hours) SOKTASK (Taskgroup and Task Profile not required) SOKTASKREQ (Taskgroup and Task Profile are required.)
Update Department Budget Table Funding If you are inactivating a combo code that is being used on the department budget table, you need to update the combination code that is being used for the department budget table before submitting the INF46 to inactivate the combination code.
Update Department Budget Table Funding Make the appropriate changes on the Dept Budget Earnings tab. Be sure to save after the changes have been made. • Insert a effective dated row • Make appropriate changes- Are you going to • Change the status to Inactive? If so, change the status to inactive and save • Update the Earnings Distribution? If you are updating the funding, proceed to page 33
Update Department Budget Table FundingUpdating the Funding 2. Click on ChartField Details link 1. Sequence Number 1
Inactivating Combination Codes Before submitting an INF46 file to inactivate a combination code: Are there any task profiles that have the inactive combination code attached? If so, update the funding on the profile or inactivate the profile before submitting the file. b. Are there any departments, pools, etc. on the department budget table using the inactive combination code? If so, update the funding before submitting the file. *If the above two steps are not completed, and the combo code that you are trying to inactivate is still active on the task profile or department budget tables, the INF46 file will not load.
Inactivating Combination Codes • Has the funding been updated on the task profile and department budget table? You cannot do the next step if the funding has not been updated. • After all of the funding has been updated, you can now submit a load file with the combo codes that you want to inactivate, indicating in column C to inactivate, “I”. (Make sure all of the required fields are populated.) • Leave the task profile portion of the load file blank for a file that is inactivating combo codes.
Inactivating a Task Profile • Fill out the INF46 with the funding details. (The screenshot below is the result of the Combo Code/Task Profile Report from pages 8-17) • The first screen shot shows the combination code details that are attached to the profile 111A000IND. Column C has to stay as a status of “A”. Before submitting, delete Column Z. • Make sure to send the entire task profile- all lines that total to 1. • The second screen shot shows the task profile being inactivated. (see column U)
Updating a Taskgroup once a task profile has been inactivated Once the profile has been marked as inactive, you need to go to the taskgroup and inactivate the profile on the taskgroup. (See page 25 to see how to pull up the taskgroup)
Adding a New Department to Department Budget Table Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Department Budget Table USA To determine if the department needs to be added, do “Find an Existing Value”. If the search brings values back, and the department level funding is there, you do not need to add the department to the table. The screen shot below shows what the system would show if the department was already in existence.
Adding a New Department to Department Budget Table Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Department Budget Table USA
Adding a New Pool ID to Position Pool Table Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Position Pool Table