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Discover Arbonne: Health & Weight Loss Presentation

Join us for an informative session on Arbonne's products focusing on health, weight loss, and overall wellness. Learn about our botanically-based products, detox tea, fiber shakes, and more. Take the first step towards a healthier you!

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Discover Arbonne: Health & Weight Loss Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health & Weight LossPresentation These materials have been produced by an Arbonne Independent Consultant and are not official materials prepared or provided by Arbonne International, LLC. Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any consultant will be financially successful, as each consultant’s results are dependant upon his or her own skills and effort. Actual financial results of all Arbonne’s Independent consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s ICCS on Arbonne’s official website.

  2. What to bring to this party? • Fiber shake • Blender & frozen fruit or ingredients for smoothies • Dixie cups • Protein shakes in all flavors • Chews in all flavors • Detox tea • Herbal colon cleanse • Prolief & Phytoprolief • Vanish Duo & Water retention serum • GO3 Fizzing tablets • Going, going, gone supplement • Hybrid power pack • 3 ring binder with product ingredient sheets • Chocolates for game, deal or no deal gifts, gift for hostess • Client profile sheets, hostess info • RE9 samples or demo kits to use for those not already on Arbonne skincare • Invites to discover arbonne recorded call • Figure 8 brochures (new as of Jan.1st,2008) • Look great in ’08- 4 square close

  3. Why…yours & theirs • Thank guests for coming & hostess. Give hostess her gift for hosting party (sea salt scrub, bag of chews, etc) • Your why (should be 1-2 min), discuss with your upline what you will say here. • Their why: you are here today b/c you are looking to loose weight or to just become healthier…good for you for making the effort to become healthier.

  4. Icebreaker • Go around the room & you each let us know what specifically you’d like to change about your health in 2008. • For myself, with 2 children it’s all about being in shape & doing the right things to be as healthy as possible so I am here to watch my kids grow old. (give your reason) • Explain chocolate game (or use chews instead) • 1 chocolate for question about products • 2 chocolate for questions about hosting party or company • 3 chocolates for questions about the business. • Person with the most chocolates or wrappers at the end will get a FREE hand or foot cream (mini size)

  5. Discover Arbonne • Our Company- established in 1980 • Our products- botanically based, AIRD in Switzerland • Our industry- Direct sales • Our people- more than 1 million independent consultants in the US, Canada, Australia & the UK

  6. The Arbonne Difference • Once you use our products you will see & feel the difference. • Who here has never tried Arbonne? • Our health & wellness products are all: • • Botanically-based • • Never tested on animals • • Formulated without animal products or by-products • • Formulated without dyes or chemical fragrances • Researched on real people • Certified vegan • Certified Kosher • Come with a 45 day money back guarantee • Sweetened without sugar or artificial sweeteners, Arbonne uses Stevia & Lo Han

  7. Get Healthy in 4 steps • Step 1- Get rid of toxins • Step 2- Balance out your hormones or improve nutritional intake • Step 3- Getting rid of the pounds • Step 4- Exercise

  8. Part 1: Get rid of toxins • Our bodies build up toxins from normal everyday activity. When you are trying to lose weight & increase lean muscle mass your body produces excess toxins, metabolites & free radicals which accelerate the aging process. • Our liver, kidneys & skin remove free radicals & other harmful toxins that damage our cells. • Depending on what you eat, drink, your age & any underlying health conditions your body may not be able to remove all of the toxins as efficiently as it should.

  9. Detox Tea • ______(hostess) is passing around a sample of detox tea for you to try. I sweeten it with honey, but this is what it tastes like plain. • Great for everyone who wants to stay young & healthy to drink, including those wanting to lose weight. • This herbal caffeine free tea cleanses & detoxifies for optimum health. • A cleansed body helps to support weight loss as it is better able to process foods correctly by utilizing them as energy and not storing them as fat. • This has even helped to lower cholesterol & improve liver function based on multiple personal testimonies. • Skipping this step in good health & weight loss is like never cleaning your face & expecting your skin to look like a million bucks. • Each can contains 20 tea bags, 1-2 cups of tea/day requiring 2 cans/month…show can to audience. Can be used hot or cold.

  10. Fiber Shakes • Perfect for everyone, even those not needing to lose weight (we will sample later in the presentation) • Fiber comes as 2 forms: soluble & insoluble fiber • High fiber diets have been shown in studies to: • reduce heart disease (40% in some studies) • help to reduce obesity • type II diabetes • Fiber will help you live longer, make you feel better & help lose weight. • 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories consumed is minimum needed each day…how many of you are getting 28-30+ grams of fiber/day? • The myth that fiber supplements are only for old people, constipated people or will give you loose stools….NOT true. • Fiber will help anyone be more regular in a good way, it’s the right solution for everyone!

  11. Tips to inc. fiber intake • Eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. • Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products. • Choose whole-grain cereals for breakfast. • Snack on raw vegetables instead of chips, crackers, or chocolate bars. • You can meet ½ of your daily requirement with one serving of our fiber shake • 2 scoops of our fiber shake contains 12 grams of fiber (7 soluble & 5 insoluble) • 1 can of fiber shake contains 14 servings, requiring 2 cans/month

  12. Herbal Colon Cleanse • If any of you suffer or know of someone who suffers from constipation (intermittently or consistently) this is the product for you. (show product to group) • This gentle yet effective herbal blend will keep you regular yet not as harsh as typical laxatives. It is the perfect solution for many people who have struggled with this for years. • Really not needed unless you need it due to constipation. • I can personally attest to this product being the only thing that will work for me when I am traveling & on the road. Give any testimony you may have of this product. • Product can be used daily if needed, start with 1 tablet/day & increase up to 3/day if needed. • 90 tabs in bottle

  13. Part 2: Balancing out your hormones(use this page if comfortable with these products or use hybrid page instead) • This is one of our best selling products, however so many people are unsure of why, when or how to use them. So let’s make it simple: • Why would you need or want to use a hormone balancing cream? • PMS • Peri & post menopausal symptoms of hot flushes • Vaginal dryness • Decreased sex drive • Excessive or painful periods • Acne • Excess facial hair • Headaches • Hairloss • Bone loss or family history of osteoporosis • Heart disease • Difficulty losing weight • There are many more items to this list, but these are the most common symptoms that can be relieved with progesterone. • To simplify things, some of us don’t have quite the right balance of hormones in our bodies which can cause you to have some of the above symptoms.

  14. Which one do I use? • Prolief (blue bottle show it) is a natural soy based progesterone which is in a non-greasy cream formulation that quickly absorbs through the skin. • Phytoprolief (green bottle show it) is the same as Prolief except it also has natural phytoestrogens combined with progesterone. Phytoestrogen is a dietary estrogen that is found in many plants, such as flax seed & soy that has been shown to give substantial health benefits. (heart disease, cancer & osteoporosis) • So which one do I use? • Prolief (blue) is safe for everyone to use at any age…you can always go with this one • Phytoprolief (green) should not be used bywomen with female type cancer history or family history of cancers (breast, uterine, ovarian). Unless under physician supervision but is safe for all other women of all ages to use. • Unless you can’t use the Phytoprolief for the reasons listed above I would suggest it over the Prolief because of the health benefits of phytoestrogens. • Of course anyone with specific conditions or circumstances that concern them should always consult with their physician before starting one of these creams.

  15. How to use them? • How do I use these creams? • They come in a metered pump bottle, giving you the same amount each time, which is very important in products such as this. Start by applying 1 pump once daily to areas of your body where your skin is thinnest (inner arms, chest, etc), then if need by increase it to 2 pumps/day. 1 bottle is a 90 day supply. • For those of you with specific questions as to your circumstances I suggest going to Dr. John Lee’s website & reading one of his books on this topic or discussing it with your physician. • If you start on this product, you will have a tendency to over analyze your body. My suggestion is to commit to using it for 90 days & then determine how it has benefited you, knowing many of the long-term health benefits you will not be able to feel. • (If you start getting a lot of questions, let them know you’d be happy to discuss it with them after the presentation) Be careful not to give medical advice & redirect to Dr. Lee’s books or their physician.

  16. Smart Nutritional Hybrids (for time sake skip this page if discussing hormone balancing creams) • For those of you who might not eat as well as you should. Our smart nutritional hybrids are the perfect combination of superfood antioxidants & targeted botanicals- combined with essential vitamins & minerals to meet the dietary needs of men, women, kids & teens. • Conveniently packaged in power packs, so you can easily take them on the go. • Comes in chews for teens & power punch for kids • Show sample power pack.

  17. Part 3- Getting rid of the pounds • Figure 8 System is our weight loss system • Not a magic pill or get thin quick system, as that doesn’t work. This weight loss system works like magic for those who do it consistently & stay with it at least 8 weeks or longer depending on your weight loss goal. • Who in the room is looking to shed a few or maybe a lot of extra pounds? • Do you think you can stick to something for a minimum of 8 weeks? • All about taking in less calories than you use each day. • Some people’s bodies use less calories as their base metabolism than others, some people can eat lots & stay skinny, while others eat very little but still don’t lose much weight.

  18. Why will this system work when others have failed? • You consume less calories, like other diets • You don’t get as hungry as you might with other diets do to our herbal ingredients in all of the products • You won’t feel tired as you might have with other diets do to our energy drink & supplement • Our system is based on a low carbohydrate, high vegetable protein diet. • works to keep your blood sugars & insulin at an even level throughout the day without lots of peaks & valleys. • Why are steady blood sugars & insulin levels important in loosing weight even if you’re not diabetic? • Because when your blood sugar rises very quickly as it does from some types of carbohydrates (bread, pasta) so do insulin levels. • Too much insulin too quick means more fat storage & less fat burning.

  19. GO3 Fizzing Tablet • First thing in the morning & sometime mid-day drink GO3 Fizzing Beverage (serve sample to guests over ice in Dixie cups), show everyone the convenience of how it is packaged. • This is a tablet that you dissolve in room temperature water & can then pour over ice. (will break to fit in water bottle) • Use twice daily: 20 tabs included (10 per container) • Key component in our system that serves 3 purposes in one easy to use drink • Increases energy with use of herbs, green tea & caffeine • Helps to control hunger & appetite • Clinically proven ingredients help to boost metabolism

  20. Going, going, gone • Take 30 min before each meal (show bottle, which contains 90 pills) in addition to fizzing tablet • This supplement works through herbs to curb your appetite, contains NO ephedra or substances similar to ephedra. • Helps support fat loss while maintaining muscle • Contains Get Going! Herbal Blend which boosts metabolic rate & works to keep blood sugars & insulin level, important in proper utilization of energy.

  21. Protein Shakes • Protein shake or combined fiber/protein shake: all protein is from yellow pea • Contains 20 vitamins & minerals plus Arbonne’s exclusive Inner G-plex blend & 8 different dietary elements to encourage weight loss: • Low carbohydrate/ high vegetable protein; • low sugar • low calorie • low fat/ no saturated fat • no cholesterol • no lactose • no artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors • contains no animal products/ by-products (vegetarian). • Sweetened with Stevia & Lo Han • 1 scoop contains 110 calories, 18 grams of protein, & 1.5 gram fat: 14 servings/container: comes in 3 flavors vanilla, chocolate & chai latte • This can be made by shaking in the Arbonne shaker cup with cold water, or you can use a blender with few frozen fruits to make smoothie. Remember the more you add to it the more calories you are taking in, so less is better. • Pass out samples of different flavors made using different recipes (get recipes off Figure 8 website)

  22. Fiber shakes • We discussed importance of this to any healthy diet earlier. • Will help you feel full (hand out samples to guests) • Can be used at anytime during the day. • If you have a difficult time fitting in meals, then can be combined with protein shake as a meal replacement during the day.

  23. Snacks • What to do in between meals? • Weight loss chews…great alternative to candy or junk food. • Taste fabulous • 3-4 chews as a snack • each chew contains 30 calories & is packed with energizing herbs for a light, refreshing & convenient pick me up. • Keep them with you at work, in the car & at home. Never leave home without them. • Come in 4 flavors: chocolate, berry, caramel & peanut butter • One bag contains 30 chews: need 3-4 bags/month

  24. Daily Detox Tea • Discussed as step #1 (getting rid of toxins) in getting healthy. • Drink 2-3 times/day • Great as a mid day & evening snack.

  25. Typical Day on Figure 8 • Hand out Figure 8 brochure & ask to turn to page 6. • Run through a typical day’s menu plan • You make this work you MUST go to www.gofigure8.com where you can calculate your caloric needs & create a menu plan for FREE. • If you pick & choose items to use in this system you will not see the full benefit. My suggestion is to do it all consistently for 8 weeks, not picking & choosing for 6 months instead of 8 weeks. Once you have hit your weight loss goal then you can pick & choose a few items to use on a daily basis to help you maintain your ideal body weight

  26. Improve Cellulite (can skip if need to for sake of time) • Some people no matter how thin still always have cellulite as it is hereditary how you store fat. Cellulite is essentially fat that is stuck between the skin & the dermis. Causes a tugging on the skin thus the dimpling or “hail damage” effect. • The Vanishing duo works together to visibly tone & tighten your skin making cellulite “vanish”. Show product! • If you have any doubts as to how well a product like this works, here’s your chance to try it & return it if you don’t see the results you hope for. Remember, all of Arbonne’s products come with a 45 day money back guarantee. Show before & after picture of thigh. • How you use this product is VERY important in order for the duo to work properly. • Step 1 is used on dry skin prior to showering, you need to massage into cellulite areas for 1-2 minutes, then shower & rinse it off • Step 2 is applied after drying off from your shower. Rub the cream into your cellulite areas for 1-2 min. Be prepared to feel warmth & tingling, kind of like applying icy hot.

  27. Water retention serum • Can be used as step 3 of the vanishing duo or all alone. • Do your legs, stomach, arms or thighs ever feel tight, tense, or tender? You may be retaining water there & not even realize it. • This works to relieve your superficial tissue of excess water than many people retain. • Water retention makes you appear heavier in those areas than you really are. • The 3 Vanishing products need to be used daily to continue to see the results you are wanting. Firm & toned body. You also can not expect to see the ultimate result before 14 days.

  28. Part 4: Exercise • At least 30 min 3 times/week • This will help you live longer & lose weight. • You can still lose weight without this component, but this will make you lose weight faster/easier.

  29. Skincare • Ask who in the room has not sampled Arbonne’s amazing anti-aging skincare? • Offer those who have not a sample or the ability to demo a kit in the privacy of their own home. • Making sure to set up an appt to pick up your demo or talk to them about their experience.

  30. Chocolates/Deal or no deal • If you played to Chocolate game, now is the time to give a gift to who has the most chocolates • If you are playing deal or no deal, go through that now. Reminding people what to expect if they choose to take the deal & book a party & all of the benefits they get as a hostess.

  31. 3 ways to win with Arbonne • 1) Client- pay retail & get exceptional customer service from me • 2) Consultant- sign-up for $29 & have your own 35% discount on all of Arbonne’s products • 3) Business Builder- • Would additional income make a difference in your life? • Are you looking for a change in your life? • Needing extra cash to pay off debit, save for retirement or pay for college? • Do you hate that feeling you get when Sunday evening rolls around? • Would you like more flexibility in your life? • Is your job creating too much stress in your life? • Want to be your own boss & create your own income potential?

  32. Client Profile sheet • Please take out your client profile sheet & mark a 1, 2 or a 3 at the top. • 1 if you are interested in products • 2 if you are interested in buying products at cost & curious about the business • 3 if you get it & are ready to start a business with Arbonne

  33. Who do you know? • Who do you know that might be interested in Arbonne’s products or business opportunity? • All I ask is if you want to get your products at cost you help me to grow my business by either hosting a presentation or giving me referral names. • You can mark your referral names on your client profile sheet. I ask that you call these friends to give them a heads up that I will be calling them.

  34. Close with 4 square close • Hand out laminated “Look great in ’08”- 4 square close to guests • Go over each option, letting them know these can be changed as needed but are some of the most popular packages • Then tell them while they are sampling products & grabbing a bite to eat you would now like to meet with each person individually at the kitchen table to go over what works best to meet their goals & budget.

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